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fax, telephone , email, information

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Guest Snowbeast
We are having trouble getting anyone on the "information team" to answer. It did however occur to me that mabey someone woke up and put them on the "visa issuance team". :lol:  :ph34r:  :angry:  :angry:

If they are not going to anwer e-mail, they could at least send a form letter...something letting us know they received the message. As it is now it seems like they have just been ignoring us.

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We are having trouble getting anyone on the "information team" to answer. It did however occur to me that mabey someone woke up and put them on the "visa issuance team". :lol:  :)  :D  :P


I think the "information team" is receiving their continuing educational training so they won't give out the wrong information or mess up the computer system in the future :D :D

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We are having trouble getting anyone on the "information team" to answer. It did however occur to me that mabey someone woke up and put them on the "visa issuance team". :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :unsure:  :unsure:


I think the "information team" is receiving their continuing educational training so they won't give out the wrong information or mess up the computer system in the future :D :D

I found out that I got better / quicker response if your phrase your email title/ subject in a more "catchy " manner.. rather than "GUZ12345678.. case status ?" or " Is case GUZ1234567 cleared? " ;)

Remember, thousands of email every week asking basically for the same stuff.. they're weeding out.. So ya got to be inventive..

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We are having trouble getting anyone on the "information team" to answer. It did however occur to me that mabey someone woke up and put them on the "visa issuance team". :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :unsure:  :unsure:


I think the "information team" is receiving their continuing educational training so they won't give out the wrong information or mess up the computer system in the future :D :D

I found out that I got better / quicker response if your phrase your email title/ subject in a more "catchy " manner.. rather than "GUZ12345678.. case status ?" or " Is case GUZ1234567 cleared? " ;)

Remember, thousands of email every week asking basically for the same stuff.. they're weeding out.. So ya got to be inventive..

here is what my next email will be: ;) :D


Subject: IRAQ!!!!!


Is case GUZXXXXXX cleared?

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We are having trouble getting anyone on the "information team" to answer. It did however occur to me that mabey someone woke up and put them on the "visa issuance team". :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :unsure:  :unsure:


I think the "information team" is receiving their continuing educational training so they won't give out the wrong information or mess up the computer system in the future :D ;)

I found out that I got better / quicker response if your phrase your email title/ subject in a more "catchy " manner.. rather than "GUZ12345678.. case status ?" or " Is case GUZ1234567 cleared? " ;)

Remember, thousands of email every week asking basically for the same stuff.. they're weeding out.. So ya got to be inventive..

here is what my next email will be: :D ;)


Subject: IRAQ!!!!!


Is case GUZXXXXXX cleared?

that's what I mean !! LOL

OK, you are pushing it a bit here, because Iraq doesn't fall into GZ IV unit jurisdiction.. Try again... ;)


THen again, it might all be academic, if they decided to only answer every, say, 10th email.. :D

Like that radio game... Be the 100th caller.. Get a free bumper sticker !

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When I first ran across this situation, I used my fustration as energy to write letters to everyone under the sun. I don't know if it helped, but it did make me feel better. Sort of like duct taping your doors during a chemical/biological attack...... :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:


I agree Dave.. It does help ( knowing we're trying at least ) And you know what ? , we'll probably never know which letters / calls DID help out of the dozen we sent out each of us and as a group . ... But I am sure a few did. :unsure:

And I franly don't care which ones... Bottom line is the goal: Visa... Anything short of that is mere torture :-)


btw, I've a good deal on duct tape.. I think I overstocked..LOL . I'm moving temporarily to Europe when the proverbial s*** hit the no less proverbial fan :unsure:

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