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OT: Has anyone been computer shopping lately

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I've reallocated the "send a certain person to college/help buy a car fund" into the "P.J. needs a new computer fund". ;)


Geez, the prices are ridiculously low compared to when I built my last box.


Since I am planning on expanding Candle, I figured I would buy a new development machine, so I could have dev box, test box, staging server, and finally production environment.


This is scary, pretty soon my bedroom is going to resemble a full IT development environment. Oh, well.


Incidentally, last time I built a machine, I smoked the CPU. It was pretty cool, almost started a fire. :lol: Wish me luck! ;)

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I've reallocated the "send a certain person to college/help buy a car fund" into the "P.J. needs a new computer fund".   ;)


Geez, the prices are ridiculously low compared to when I built my last box.  


Since I am planning on expanding Candle, I figured I would buy a new development machine, so I could have dev box, test box, staging server, and finally production environment.  


This is scary, pretty soon my bedroom is going to resemble a full IT development environment.  Oh, well.    


Incidentally, last time I built a machine, I smoked the CPU.  It was pretty cool, almost started a fire.   ;)  Wish me luck!  ;)


You are scaring me.

What did THAT mean in plain English ??? :lol:

I wouldn't be a good buy info source.. I'm gullible about computers, providing it LOOKS good :-) Or the sales gal does... :P



Of course, I was juuust kidding about the latter



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I've reallocated the "send a certain person to college/help buy a car fund" into the "P.J. needs a new computer fund".   ;)


Geez, the prices are ridiculously low compared to when I built my last box.  


Since I am planning on expanding Candle, I figured I would buy a new development machine, so I could have dev box, test box, staging server, and finally production environment.  


This is scary, pretty soon my bedroom is going to resemble a full IT development environment.  Oh, well.    


Incidentally, last time I built a machine, I smoked the CPU.  It was pretty cool, almost started a fire.   :lol:  Wish me luck!  ;)


PJ. good to see you are in a good spirit, here is a website I recommend:



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I happen to have a spare large fire extinguisher in my bedroom. If you're interested... ;)


P.J. instructions:

1. Pull pin on extinguisher.

2. Plug in Personnal Computing device

3. Apply power to Personnal Computing device

4. Lift extinguisher by handle, pointing horn towards PC

5. Prepare to extinguish flames.



I'm glad you are finding creative and constructive things to do now, but don't forget personal happiness along with your hobbies. Both are important.


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I happen to have a spare large fire extinguisher in my bedroom.  If you're interested...  ;)


P.J. instructions: 

1. Pull pin on extinguisher.

2. Plug in Personnal Computing device

3. Apply power to Personnal Computing device

4. Lift extinguisher by handle, pointing horn towards PC

5. Prepare to extinguish flames. 



I'm glad you are finding creative and constructive things to do now, but don't forget personal happiness along with your hobbies.  Both are important.


That extinguisher wouldn't happen to run Win98 would it? ;)

If so, may I suggest just a bucket of water for PJ to have nearby?


I agree with Bill on his last statement.

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I've reallocated the "send a certain person to college/help buy a car fund" into the "P.J. needs a new computer fund". :P


Geez, the prices are ridiculously low compared to when I built my last box. 


Since I am planning on expanding Candle, I figured I would buy a new development machine, so I could have dev box, test box, staging server, and finally production environment. 


This is scary, pretty soon my bedroom is going to resemble a full IT development environment.  Oh, well.   


Incidentally, last time I built a machine, I smoked the CPU.  It was pretty cool, almost started a fire. :o  Wish me luck!  :)

PJ!!! I know where you can get a great hands on computer.......Match.com, china section. Some are programmed in Cantonese!!!!! :D :D :D :lol: :lol:

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DELL , please to help my stock go up.


How did you ruin the microprocessor?  Hope you did not try to change it with the power on.

Hey ! if my HP stock is going south, your Dell stock is going south too !

That's fair dammit !



" Also, it is very important to use the static ground eventhough a large percent of the real estate on the chip may be devoted to static protection."


<---- don't you kids love when those tekkie guys are talking dirty like this??? WTF??? Translation? :lol:

Neeeever mind.. I'll stick to my goood looking computer :-)

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Hehe ... okay pull back the curtains, here is Candle's inner workings.


At present:


Development environment =

CPU: 1 GHz Athlon (constructed myself)

OS: W2K Pro

Web server: iPlanet

Software: PHP, mySQL, Java, JSP


Staging server =

CPU: PII 233

OS: Red Hat Linux 8.0

Web server: Apache 2.x

Software: PHP, mySQL, Java, JSP


Production =

CPU: Who knows?

OS: Linux (not sure what flavor)

Web server: Apache 2.x

Software: PHP, mySQL, Java, JSP


The CRAZIEST and stupidest thing I did while creating Candle was coding in a Windows environment, and then migrating to a Linux production environment. The migration process from Windows to Linux sucked. Period.


Anyone who is familiar with IT would tell you that is a no-no. I would never recommend something like that in industry, nor would I allow my developers to code in a different environment than production.


Welll ... I guess nobody can fire me for poor tech decisions on Candle. :P :) :lol:

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Your experience made me laugh as it brought back memories. My father is a retired electronics engineer and I do have one of my degrees in digital electronics. Although it is so old that Z-80s where the latest greatest thing at that time and since then I got off into the manufacturing engineering field. His hobby now is playing with the latest thing for his multiple computers. We even built him a room in the basement after he overflowed the bedroom.


The last time we were working together building up a system we had a similar happenstance. In our case the power supply. His degree is in communication electronics and he has worked on some systems carrying real power, so one of his standard tests is the "smoke test". The first thing you do is plug it in, with your left hand behind your back so if you get bit it won't go through your heart, and look for smoke.


Us working together is a show anyway. My youngest brother says the problem is that we both have to be in charge.


We were building a simple home computer for my brother in law up from scratch and when we got done we were ready to try it out.


Me: OK, plug it in.


(He plugs it in)


Me: Smoke


Him: What? (He is just about deaf from years in a noisy industrial environment)


Me: Smoke!


Him: Huh?


Me: Smoke! Smoke! Unplug the damn thing!


Him: Smoke! Unplug it!


I grab the plug and yank it out.


Him: You were supposed to be watching for smoke. Why didn't you say anything?


Me: I did!!


Him: The hell you did!


Me: You sure that power supply was big enough for this system?


Him: Me? What were you doing? I thought you checked it? It was just one I had laying around from an old system.


The conversation went downhill from there. Finally my mother yelled down the steps for "You boys stop fighting down there!"


Actually turned out that it was one that had gone bad earlier and that he had been meaning to try and fix.

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In regards to this thread, all I gotta say is:


Huh??????? :lol:


Actually, I just bought a new lap top after shopping for one for almost two years over here in China. All I know so far is the following:


It a Toshiba Satellitee


It works


This keyboard is really sensitive


That, my friends, is the extent of my knowledgeee. Therefore I repeat,



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