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I had Hep A and B shots.




Recommended Vaccinations and Preventive Medications


The following vaccines may be recommended for your travel to East Asia. Discuss your travel plans and personal health with a health-care provider to determine which vaccines you will need.


* Hepatitis A or immune globulin (IG). Transmission of hepatitis A virus can occur through direct person-to-person contact; through exposure to contaminated water, ice, or shellfish harvested in contaminated water; or from fruits, vegetables, or other foods that are eaten uncooked and that were contaminated during harvesting or subsequent handling.

* Hepatitis B, especially if you might be exposed to blood or body fluids (for example, health-care workers), have sexual contact with the local population, or be exposed through medical treatment. Hepatitis B vaccine is now recommended for all infants and for children ages 11–12 years who did not receive the series as infants.

* Japanese encephalitis, if you plan to visit rural farming areas and under special circumstances, such as a known outbreak of Japanese encephalitis.

* Malaria: if you are traveling to a malaria-risk area in this region, see your health care provider for a prescription antimalarial drug. For details concerning risk and preventive medications, see Malaria Information for Travelers to East Asia.

* Rabies, if you might have extensive unprotected outdoor exposure in rural areas, such as might occur during camping, hiking, or bicycling, or engaging in certain occupational activities.

* Typhoid, particularly if you are visiting developing countries in this region. Typhoid fever can be contracted through contaminated drinking water or food, or by eating food or drinking beverages that have been handled by a person who is infected. Large outbreaks are most often related to fecal contamination of water supplies or foods sold by street vendors

* As needed, booster doses for tetanus-diphtheria and measles.


Required Vaccinations


* None.

Edited by tonado (see edit history)
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Guest pushbrk
I am planning my first trip to China.  Are there any vaccinations I need to have before I travel.  I would hate to get there and get stuck because I didn't have what was necessary.


There may well be some shots that are advisable but nobody has ever asked me about shots on any border crossing and I've been to some pretty sick places. ;)

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I did the typhoid, Hep A (I was told Hep B was contracted by intimate contact - not even foodborne - by my doc, so he said I didnt need it), and I think they boosted my ancient kid shot regimen (diptheria mumps, etc.)


Three shots at the county clinic place and maybe $150... I have to go back after February for the second A.


I also took a small shot of pepto each night before bed. I was fine the whole trip, except for a few too many toasts at the wedding meal, which made me have nausea for 12 hours or so. GZ was too hot in the Summer to be dehydrating myself with booze. My wife gave me some kind of tree bark pills and they took the edge off the nausea.

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I am planning my first trip to China.  Are there any vaccinations I need to have before I travel.  I would hate to get there and get stuck because I didn't have what was necessary.


I did the same thing as Tony "Tonado." It is probably too late for you start the Hreptitus B series. Once they are started, they must have the follow-up shots on time. Otherwise, you have to start over from what I have been told.


In regard to Japanese encephalitis, Typhoid and Malaria shots, I personally wouldn't take them unless you might be walking around the rice paddies in Southern China. Then you have a need for them.


During travels I have made in Africa, I have had both Yellow fever and Maliaria shots. My body badly reacted to them. This is just myself. You may or may not have the same reaction. Therefore, my reasoning why take them if you don't need them!


I would strongly suggest the Heptitius A! IMHO this is a must for travel into other countries when you are not sure of sanitary conditions! This is not meant in a bad way, it just means that you are visiting Rome from the US. Many times indigious people of a particular region have body immunities and will not react the same way your body will to the same disease. Ananglous to the European's arriving in the US with their own maladies. Well documented that approximately 40 to 50% Native Americans were wiped out due to no resistance.


There are no required immunizations for China. Just precautions to travelers is the bottom line.

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It is probably too late for you start the Heptitus B series.  Once they are started, they must have the follow-up shots on time.  Otherwise, you have to start over from what I have been told.


According to my doc there's several weeks flex on the Hep B follow ups.





Thanks for the information Jim, I won't attempt to sidetrack this topic.

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Guest pushbrk
I am planning my first trip to China.  Are there any vaccinations I need to have before I travel.  I would hate to get there and get stuck because I didn't have what was necessary.


It seems elementary, but I'd get a flu shot.

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It is probably too late for you start the Heptitus B series.  Once they are started, they must have the follow-up shots on time.  Otherwise, you have to start over from what I have been told.


According to my doc there's several weeks flex on the Hep B follow ups.


My doctor said one shot still better than no shot.



Edited by tonado (see edit history)
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flu shot seems wise at this point. Get a tamiflu 'scrip if you can from your doc, if you are worried about bird flu.


if you are in the south, bring your own DEET mosquito repellent. I found some stuff in GZ but it wasn't anything like what I was used to, and its successfulness was questionable (I was bit ALOT).

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