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Security clearances, and miscommunications

Patrick & Li

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When my wife went for her initial interview, She was told that her son needed a release from his father before they could proceed with her visa. She in fact was told that she had passed and that when she brought the release back, she and her son would be granted the Visa. So, My wife got the release from her Ex-husband, and requested the 2nd interview. They gave her the new interview, and she rode the train 16 hours from Nanning to Guangzhou to only be told by the VO there that she was now going through an additional Security Clearance, and that wouldnt be granted the Visa till that was complete. They did take the additional release and then sent her home with a yellow slip. About 1 month later she received a new invitation to come to GZ for her interview. Once again she rode the 16 hour train ride, waited in the long line to only be told she couldnt get her Visa that day but that she could pick it up on that Friday. So my wife went back to the motel, and waited till the next day. She went back on Friday to only be told by a VO there that they needed additional time to complete the paperwork. So, once again she was forced to go back home and wait, in tears I might add. Once again, they sent her another letter telling her to come back to GZ, and once again she got on that %$#@ train and rode to GZ, stood in that %$#@ line and was told that she would have to come back that Friday. She called me in tears that day, and she was actually ready to QUIT the process. I asked her to just wait till the next day. Well Lo and Behold, they finally issued her the K3 and K4 Visa.


I am sure the answer will be that this was an unusual case, or incidence, but in my humble opinion. someone should have stepped in after tha 2nd trip and fixed the problem. Not only did it cost my wife and son loads of mental anquish, but it also cost me about $3000.00 in additional funds!


Just wanted to get that off my chest.


We are both happy in the USA, and life together is great, Patrick & Li

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