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nortwest airlines oversize luggage

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OOOPs I went and bought 2 big suitcases yesterday BEFORE I checked the NorthWest airlines oversize luggage fees

maxium dimensions are 158 cm but these peices are 170 cm

so if they measure then that's $160 in fees

ouch ouch ouch :P

so looks like I will have to go back and buy some smaller pieces .

since it is lots cheaper to buy the luggage(3 bags-polo brand at 490 rmb) thanto have to be penalized by the oversize .

I noticed on the flight over that there were several people with these bags on the carsel - I should of asked if they had to pay additional fees.

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OOOPs I went and bought 2 big suitcases yesterday BEFORE I checked the NorthWest airlines oversize luggage fees

maxium dimensions are 158 cm but these peices are 170 cm

so if they measure then that's $160 in fees

ouch ouch ouch :rolleyes:

so looks like I will have to go back and buy some smaller pieces .

since it is lots cheaper to buy the luggage(3 bags-polo brand at 490 rmb) thanto have to be penalized by the oversize .

I noticed on the flight over that there were several people with these bags on the carsel - I should of asked if they had to pay additional fees.


My experience with NWA is that it varies from airport to airport and checker to checker.


In china, Beijing is the best bet. Just say its fragile and it goes in a special handling system. At least it was still that way in February.




No lie, I was in GZ through NWA, and i was 10.3 kg over, and they guy let it slide withiout a word. I even asked if there was going to be an overage fee, and he did not say a word, but slid it on through.


Meanwhile, this poor guy right next to me was getting nent over for a lousy 0.5 lg. This little gal was not going to give him ANY slack!


So I really think its a crap shoot. Just plan that you will get nailed, or prepare to cut loose with some extra cash.

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1. Always smile

2. Give the airline people a friendly greeting

3. Don't grunt when you heave that sucker onto the belt.




Good Advice!!!


Act happy and innocent.


But it would not hurt to sit back and watch others being checked and get in the line that "appears" to have the most lenient employee doing the check-ins..... ha ha


I've never tried the "fragile" idea somebody suggested - but this could work as well.



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No lie, I was in GZ through NWA, and i was 10.3 kg over, and they guy let it slide withiout a word.  I even asked if there was going to be an overage fee, and he did not say a word, but slid it on through. 


Meanwhile, this poor guy right next to me was getting nent over for a lousy 0.5 lg.  This little gal was not going to give him ANY slack! 170185[/snapback]

We had a similar experience with NWA in GZ when Quan came with all here stuff. We were okay for weight, but had one excess bag. The guy at the check-in kept telling me that we were one over. I told him I had called ahead and the airline said I could pay the excess charge when I checked in. He wanted to see our carry-on luggage, and we showed him what was left on the cart. Then he checked the five bags without ever charging us.

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lots of different experiences.... almost like the interview process...

seems the extra bag is the best way to go.......

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According to What the NorthWest Airline Webb Site says we can have 2 pieces of checked luggage each - 50lbs per piece.

1 carry on bag and one other article such as a computer or a brief case

since I bought my ticket before September I should be able to carry 70 lbs each in my 2 pieces of luggage .

If The SO's daughter comes with us -she wanted to stay in College and go to Hong Honk next month( THE SO and her EX are now thinking that she is going to leave with us ) we will look like a wagon train when we go through the airport

also just getting the bags there is going to take 3 taxi's have you ever looked at the size of the taxi's trunk

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Guest pushbrk
we will look like a wagon train when we go through the airport

also just getting the bags there is going to take 3 taxi's have you ever looked at the size of the taxi's trunk


I can't resist posting about the picture that came to my mind when reading about the three taxis. When leaving the Bangladesh Navy's base in Chittagong, it took three of those little three wheeled golf cart taxis to get me and my luggage to the airport. I had a local agent with me who carried his own small bag. I had two bags with me, two with him and another with my Navy escort, in a caravan of three taxis.


It was a 28 day trip with winter weather in the UK on both ends of the two weeks in Chittagong, which is about the same latitude as Nanning.


We looked quite comical but the best picture was the look on the baggage guy's face when he saw that all the bags were mine. :-) I'd actually left a 40 pound bag in the UK. I don't recommend rail travel with so much luggage. I nearly pulled both arms off trying to go up and down stairs to change tracks when the train broke down.


Anyway, good luck. I was flying British Airways on that trip but I've had no trouble I can recall on them or Singapore air for carrying excess pieces or weight.



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