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Hi All,


Now that my wife has her visa and will be on her way home very soon - it occured to me that perhaps our worries are not quite over....


Is it possible - can it happen - that a third party involvement can still cause her trouble? Not only at the US border (if something comes up between now and when she enters), But also when we go to apply for the AOS (green card)???


Is there any way a third party involvement can cause her to either not be allowed in the US; or later when we apply for AOS, can she be denied a green card?


There is a person who has threatened to keep her in China. It is a member of her family. They do not know (she has the visa) and will not know she has left China until she has arrived in the US. But people do leak news and there is always a chance this person will find out before she leaves. But I worry more about her AOS..... Can this person do anything to cause this to be denied?


I have never heard this discussed here and thought this would be important for her and I to know in advance. Has anybody had an experience like this?




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I can't say from experience...but I have been involved in the immigration process a long time. I think that once she gets her visa, comes to the US, third party correspondence is a mute point.


It is kind of like objecting to a wedding after the ceremony. AOS is mainly concerned with what she wants to do while she is here..work, school, etc... and monetary support.


As far as "crossing" the boarder...once she has the stamp in her passport there shouldn't even be a consideration for her to enter the US. They are only concerned with customs and her visa.

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Hi All,


Now that my wife has her visa and will be on her way home very soon - it occured to me that perhaps our worries are not quite over....


Is it possible - can it happen - that a third party involvement can still cause her trouble? Not only at the US border (if something comes up between now and when she enters), But also when we go to apply for the AOS (green card)???


Is there any way a third party involvement can cause her to either not be allowed in the US; or later when we apply for AOS, can she be denied a green card?


There is a person who has threatened to keep her in China. It is a member of her family. They do not know (she has the visa) and will not know she has left China until she has arrived in the US. But people do leak news and there is always a chance this person will find out before she leaves. But I worry more about her AOS..... Can this person do anything to cause this to be denied?


I have never heard this discussed here and thought this would be important for her and I to know in advance. Has anybody had an experience like this?





I would worry more about that person attempting to physically prevent her from leaving that from bureaucratically preventing her from leaving.


Hopefully both equally as slim a chance.

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keep things quiet until she is here, there are some wierd ideas that people have for their rationale in trying to keep loved ones apart.......

good luck

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Guest ShaQuaNew



while this person is attempting to be disruptive your lives do your best to stay focused on the goal. What would be most harmful is to enter into a bickering contest with this person, or any other method that shows that you even acknowledge their existance.


If this person is calling you or her on the telephone, do NOT answer. Get an answering maching hooked up and record it. Get a log book and record any and all attempts of this person to bring you and your partner harm. The US does not look lightly upon those that harrass. Again, your best defense is to NOT respond, but to document all their efforts.

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