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i borrowed this from an earlier thread. keep contacting your delegates, keep sending those e-mails and faxes. don't let them think for a minute they have gained yet another grace period.


QUOTE (JonInDenver @ Feb 18 2003, 12:21 AM)

though i AM becoming optimistic... i am continuing the battle as if i had no good news at all. i want to keep the pressure on. i don't want anyone to feel like "well, we got it THIS far, we can take a break now." i want GZ and DOS to continue to get inquiries on our cases. if there are further breakdowns, errors, bungles, screw-ups, and "two-week delays" everybody will still remember "that guy from denver."


friday i delivered my sweeties valentines flowers to my senator's aid. i just met with my congressman AGAIN this afternoon. i will be meeting with one of my senator's later this week. i will be in the face of anyone who will make time for me, and i will talk to anyone who will listen.


i said - "i will not rest" - and optimistic or not - i meant it.


Good for you Jon! Keep the pressure on. We have seen all too often in the past what can happen when we let up. I e-mailed Richard Adams last night and asked several questions. He should have seen the e-mail today if he was in the office. As of a few minutes ago, still no response. Will wait and see but I, for one, do not intend to let up for a minute.



All the Best: Mick

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i borrowed this from an earlier thread.  keep contacting your delegates, keep sending those e-mails and faxes.  don't let them think for a minute they have gained yet another grace period.


QUOTE (JonInDenver @ Feb 18 2003, 12:21 AM)

though i AM becoming optimistic... i am continuing the battle as if i had no good news at all. i want to keep the pressure on. i don't want anyone to feel like "well, we got it THIS far, we can take a break now." i want GZ and DOS to continue to get inquiries on our cases. if there are further breakdowns, errors, bungles, screw-ups, and "two-week delays" everybody will still remember "that guy from denver."


friday i delivered my sweeties valentines flowers to my senator's aid. i just met with my congressman AGAIN this afternoon. i will be meeting with one of my senator's later this week. i will be in the face of anyone who will make time for me, and i will talk to anyone who will listen.


i said - "i will not rest" - and optimistic or not - i meant it.


Good for you Jon! Keep the pressure on. We have seen all too often in the past what can happen when we let up. I e-mailed Richard Adams last night and asked several questions. He should have seen the e-mail today if he was in the office. As of a few minutes ago, still no response. Will wait and see but I, for one, do not intend to let up for a minute.



All the Best: Mick

The more I reflect on matters, the more I am in agreement about keeping the pressure on. Today I am more than a bit frustrated. Richard Adams did respond to the e-mail I sent, requesting information about several issues. He did confirm that more cases had been received since Owen and I were there on the 10th and that these cases were "being processed". The bad news, at least for us, was that he had no new info on our case. The computer still shows the January 13 resubmit and that's it. :lol:


Don't know if that means it hasn't been received or if it just hasn't been entered. I didn't ask him about the mail issue as all that broke loose after I had e-mailed him. I agree with the statement you made in another thread. They only seem to respond to boot leather, so we need to keep applying it. :lol:

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actaully the boots i wear everyday have a steel shank, steel toes, and a big metatarsle-protector plate on top!


not much fun in airports, but they can help to get a point across.

ouch !

There are certain persons who need that one applied to the derriere.

well said mon ami :-)

I like your style..... Not very diplomatic, but hey.... the sound of it makes it so ;)

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you can buy BIG suitcases in china CHEAP!

lol.. trouble is..... the scanner at POE.... SHE would show....

btw, I bought a LOT of stuff in China..Great stuff ! Including GSM phones.. But no luck with suitcases.. Pretty poor quality...I bought 3 already.. Had to dump them in another country hotel room during a trip.. Just failed..Last one, I had to buy, cost me a fortune in Denmark.. 85 bucks, but still kicking ! As a matter of fact it is in Shanghai right now..ahem.....

Maybe that should tell me I need to cut down on travel ;)

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Not only am I NOT slacking off, but I am about to go into overdrive.  I am planning a trip to Shenzhen in early or mid-March, and I am NOT coming home alone.

Good for you Texan! I wish you success!


If you come, and want to get together, we live only four hours from Shenzhen and would love to have you visit. Just be careful on those busses, ok? ;)

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Not only am I NOT slacking off, but I am about to go into overdrive.  I am planning a trip to Shenzhen in early or mid-March, and I am NOT coming home alone.

Good for you Texan! I wish you success!


If you come, and want to get together, we live only four hours from Shenzhen and would love to have you visit. Just be careful on those busses, ok? ;)

Mick, are you fully recuperated now? Have you seen a Doc for it?

If I were you, I'd sue the bus company for say, 1.5 billion Turkisk liras ;)

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Not only am I NOT slacking off, but I am about to go into overdrive.  I am planning a trip to Shenzhen in early or mid-March, and I am NOT coming home alone.

Good for you Texan! I wish you success!


If you come, and want to get together, we live only four hours from Shenzhen and would love to have you visit. Just be careful on those busses, ok? :P

Mick, are you fully recuperated now? Have you seen a Doc for it?

If I were you, I'd sue the bus company for say, 1.5 billion Turkisk liras :P

That and about a buck fifty ought to get me a cup of Starbucks. :lol:


Shoulder has recovered from the bus accident but the ribs are still sore. Wake me up at night when I roll over on them. All in all though, I came out of it pretty lucky. It could have been one hell of a lot worse. :D


Did see a Doc. All he did was press around on me, cause more pain, take a batch of x-rays, take my money, and pronounce that I had severely bruised ribs......Duh..... :P

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