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129F Gone, but not with a check!!!

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Ok - so I take my time and put the package together, check off the list, load it into the envelope and mail it. Come home, and there is the check.


So what happens now? I understand it will delay things, but will they simply mail me a request for payment, return the whole thing, or worse case, keep the whole thing and I have to reapply, and re-obtain all the documents, like the translated marriage certificate!?


I can't believe I made such a stupid mistake...





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Ok - so I take my time and put the package together, check off the list, load it into the envelope and mail it.  Come home, and there is the check.


So what happens now?  I understand it will delay things, but will they simply mail me a request for payment, return the whole thing, or worse case, keep the whole thing and I have to reapply, and re-obtain all the documents, like the translated marriage certificate!? 


I can't believe I made such a stupid mistake...






Merc, I think you'll receive a notice (RFE) asking for the check.


[this is exactly something I would have done, so don't feel bad, let's hope this is the only hitch in the process bro]

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Most likely, the whole thing will be returned. Give it a couple of weeks.


If you just happen to have a second set with original signatures, put the check on it and mail it. When the first set comes back, sit on them.


Yep, that's most likely what will happen.

Take Don's advice and just mail it again if you have a copy of everything. If not, it might be a couple of weeks before you'll get it back.

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I am going to camp out at my local post office early in the morning and hope it hadn't left yet. I'll check the tracking number to verify first, but so far it's just 'accepted.' My post office is small, so maybe I can intercept it. I'd gladly pay the $18 express mail fee again to retrieve that sucker...


Wish me luck... :lol: :lol: :D

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Yeah its gone. I'll head to the PO to see if they can recall the package, but I am not holding my breath. At least the 130 process is still going. If I had messed up on the first application it would be more heartbreaking. This is a setback for sure, but hopefully they will turn it around soon and I can include this check!



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Guest ShaQuaNew
Yeah its gone.  I'll head to the PO to see if they can recall the package, but I am not holding my breath.  At least the 130 process is still going.  If I had messed up on the first application it would be more heartbreaking.  This is a setback for sure, but hopefully they will turn it around soon and I can include this check!




I went through my package countless times making sure everything was there. I did the checklist, made copies, typed a comprehensive cover sheet and put everything in order. Then, I put in on the floor and went through it page by page. I was ready to mail. I took the whole package down to the Federal Express office that was open on a Saturday and stood in line for 20 minutes. When I got to the clerk she said "I'm sorry sir, we cannot deliver to a PO box, we need a physical address." Dumbfounded, I returned home knowing I'd have to wait till Monday to get to the US Post Office.


I opened the FedEx box and went through the package again, and guess what. Yep, I forgot to sign it. Duh..... :greenblob:

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I managed to get a 'Recall request' in to the Post Office in Chicago. They called and asked what address to return it to, so hopefully they will intercept it and send it back. I've no problem paying for the express mail package again, even at $18, because its worth it to only be delayed a few days rather than a few weeks or a month, sitting in the 'correspondence' pile at the USCIS/Chicago (maybe that is NVC?).


Wish me luck on getting the recall accomplished!


Oh - if you ever find yourself in the same situation, remember PS form 1509!



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I managed to get a 'Recall request' in to the Post Office in Chicago.  They called and asked what address to return it to, so hopefully they will intercept it and send it back.  I've no problem paying for the express mail package again, even at $18, because its worth it to only be delayed a few days rather than a few weeks or a month, sitting in the 'correspondence' pile at the USCIS/Chicago  (maybe that is NVC?).


Wish me luck on getting the recall accomplished!


Oh - if you ever find yourself in the same situation, remember PS form 1509!




I am happy you got your package back.


You can't recall something from a bottomless pit so it was "not" NVC.


trust me!


haha, Larry

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I managed to get a 'Recall request' in to the Post Office in Chicago.  They called and asked what address to return it to, so hopefully they will intercept it and send it back.  I've no problem paying for the express mail package again, even at $18, because its worth it to only be delayed a few days rather than a few weeks or a month, sitting in the 'correspondence' pile at the USCIS/Chicago  (maybe that is NVC?).


Wish me luck on getting the recall accomplished!


Oh - if you ever find yourself in the same situation, remember PS form 1509!




I am happy you got your package back.


You can't recall something from a bottomless pit so it was "not" NVC.


trust me!


haha, Larry


The post office delivered it anyway, even after calling this morning and telling me they were sending it back. If USCIS Chicago is NVC then yes, I have a package in NVC hell now :\


Bloody Hell!

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