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My wife and I are waiting for the dreaded security clearance for both our k-3 and cr1 (k-3 clearance stated 2/5 and cr-1 started 7/5). I've been calling dos and nvc weekly and faxed guz (cr-1 transferred to guz). I've also contacted congress and the F.B.I. to no avail. So if anyone has any ideals as to how to get the name check to move forward please give me some much needed advice.

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Guest ShaQuaNew

This is clearly a tough one. Since 9/11, most elected officials are afraid to touch anything relating to secuity check for fear of being labeled as being soft on National Security. Fact is, there are also a lot of US citizens ready to piss away their rights and the rights of others because they think allowing the US government to do whatever they want to in this area makes them safer.


Everyone's for making the US safer, but not everyone is paying attention to what's being done to do it. While some of those that would do us harm are stopped at the immigration gate, there are many whose personal rights have been infringed upon though extended delays. I am also a victim..........

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Thomas, seems you are in name check hell....

hang in there....


best wishes.....

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My wife and I are waiting for the dreaded security clearance for both our k-3 and cr1 (k-3 clearance stated 2/5 and cr-1 started 7/5). I've been calling dos and nvc weekly and faxed guz (cr-1 transferred to guz). I've also contacted congress and the F.B.I. to no avail. So if anyone has any ideals as to how to get the name check to move forward please give me some much needed advice.


This is brutal and I have been complaining about 14 months in the process. This Name Check situation is not for the faint of heart. I sincerly hope something breaks loose for all of stuck in Name Check Hell. I have contacted my congressman but who knows if it will help. I think you must try everything despite low chance of success.

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Ya, looks like I got a royal screwing. I really don’t think at this point my wife will get pass the clearance. There is no reason that I can see for such a lengthy delay except for total inept and incompetence. I can’t believe how NVC is treating me, after talking to them today they refused to let me speak to a supervisor or offer any assistance to complete an inquiry, they gave me the same run-a-around that they have been giving me for almost a year now. I was told again that it’s due to 9/11 but if that was the case how is it that others have gotten through much sooner? What makes them think I or my wife could be terrorist or pose a terrorist threat as opposed to others? I know a person that married a girl from Nicaragua about 6 months ago and she is already living here. She comes from a hostile country, very poor and if I remember correctly they have a habit of burning our flag in the streets, so sure, give her the green light. I can’t believe I’ve paid for, and pay taxes for this. This has left a real bitter taste in my mouth for sure. If it was based upon equal treatment I would not be so upset but it is clearly not. I have done nothing wrong to get such poor treatment yet I feel like I’m being accused, tried and convicted without being able to face the accusers and when no crime has even been committed. Terrorism is not as bad of the threat to the Amrican way of life as is paranoia………………………………good night and good luck.

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My wife and I are waiting for the dreaded security clearance for both our k-3 and cr1 (k-3 clearance stated 2/5 and cr-1 started 7/5). I've been calling dos and nvc weekly and faxed guz (cr-1 transferred to guz). I've also contacted congress and the F.B.I. to no avail. So if anyone has any ideals as to how to get the name check to move forward please give me some much needed advice.


This is brutal and I have been complaining about 14 months in the process. This Name Check situation is not for the faint of heart. I sincerly hope something breaks loose for all of stuck in Name Check Hell. I have contacted my congressman but who knows if it will help. I think you must try everything despite low chance of success.


Fred (?), each time you call NVC ask to speak to a supervisor after they say it isn't done yet. Tell the operator how long it has been and maybe they will get a supervisor "active" in your case.


Larry :(

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Hang in there Thomas.


I've been 'hanging in there' so long that I think I've stretched to a few inches longer :blink:


I really hope the security clearance will be done soon, it does seem a little over due.


I suppose each one of us feels some sort of "visa envy" when we see someone's visa approved in ten or eleven months and ours languishes in some bureaucratic (there's that word again!) black hole. I know I did.


But it eventually does work out.


The trick is, I suppose, to use your time productively and, hopefully, your relationship will actually strengthen because of the shared hardship. The way-too-long time gives you more time to learn more about each other and to have a jump start on things when you are finally united.

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I spoke to someone at NVC today and they tried to transfer my to a supervisor, no one was available but the rep did say she would escalate the case and notify a supervisor, she agreed that the security clearance is taking a long time. I did not get to speak to a supervisor to request an inquiry so hopefully the rep will do what they said and ask a sup to make the necessary follow up. its not great results but at least its a start. Too bad it took 10 months of security delay to even get a little help.


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