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Finally Got Thru...

Guest ShaQuaNew

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Guest ShaQuaNew

After emailing my congressperson and senators three times I began yesterday taking a more assertive approach by calling their offices. I must add here that for anyone considering contacting elected officials for help that using the telephone appears to be the best option.


One of my US senators suggested that I write a letter addressing the issues he outlined for me, and faxing the information accompanied by my signature to their office. They now have it in hand where I'm told it was given to the appropriate person for processing.


Right now my beloved partner and I are held in security check hell. It's virtually impossible to get information once a petition finds it's way there. I took this course after waiting five months for an NOA2, for which we still await. The process is already long enough without being forced to undergo this horrific mental abuse. I will let you know what my senator and congressperson do.

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Good luck. I hope that you have a better shot than I got - 9 months of NVC HELL.


I think some elected officials in some states are more sympathetic to immigration than others. Arizona and California borders are being overrun right now; its hard to get their attention. I called NVC every Friday evening so I almost always got through to an operator who I made sure logged my call ie. my continued interest. I did write a letter to Maura Harty, but I think my K-1 broke loose before they actually could have done any investigation.


I sympathize with you. Doing anything while you wait is better than just sitting there dumb and dazed waiting on our government to perform.



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Good luck with the NOA2.

Our P1 to P2 took 4.5 months without name check problems.

My understanding (I could be wrong, it's only what I have seen after a year and a half watching this board and seeing what has happened to others) is that YOUR name is checked at the service center level before the NOA2 is approved. Then it is sent to NVC where BOTH names are checked against national databases.

When it gets to GZ, Both names are again checked against Chinese databases before the P3 is sent. After the P3 packet is returned, BOTH names (and possibly other info) are checked again. After the interview and when they have her passport in hand, they apparently do another check on her passport because some members have gone this far only to find out that there was still another problem with their clearance.


Why can't they do all of these checks at the same time?

Good question, and no good answer other then the fact that it would put a lot of govt officials out of work!!!! :lol:


Good luck!!!

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Guest ShaQuaNew

Thanks for the support guys. I've learned way more about immigration and security checks than I ever forgot about anything else..... :lol:


The problem is, that though I have many links and documents, there is a great deal of mystery that surrounds the security checking process. This is one of the better links I've seen....




For the one that reads it, you can see that they are patting themselves on the back for there only being a small percentage of those that get hung up in the process. Those of you that are involved with a successful business or company know that treating any dissatisifed customer as if they didn't matter is a recipe for business failure.


It's unfortunate that because there are so few affected by security check delays, that there is also little support to help overcome it.

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Thanks for the support guys. I've learned way more about immigration and security checks than I ever forgot about anything else..... :helpsmilie:


The problem is, that though I have many links and documents, there is a great deal of mystery that surrounds the security checking process. This is one of the better links I've seen....




For the one that reads it, you can see that they are patting themselves on the back for there only being a small percentage of those that get hung up in the process. Those of you that are involved with a successful business or company know that treating any dissatisifed customer as if they didn't matter is a recipe for business failure.


It's unfortunate that because there are so few affected by security check delays, that there is also little support to help overcome it.


You are certainly correct about this tragedy centering on those who are caught in the web of the FBI trying to determine which Won Ming is applying for a visa. Of course, they need to focus on those and give them their undivided and determined attention. These are actual people's lives they are manipulating.


But as far as having to conform to any business model, they have no fear. Not until visa granting is outsourced to Halliburtin, and they get paid for each visa they approve.


The people at NVS/DOS/FBI have a lot of job security.

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Guest ShaQuaNew

Well, now both US Senators of the wonderful State of Florida have their hands on my case. I have personally spoken to both case workers who have assured me that they will be working on my case and will let me know the results as soon as they know them.

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