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Ready to send in I-129F form?

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Hello everyone,


I am ready to send in my I-129F form and wanted to see if this is right.


I have my passport photos, but on the new form application they say they want 3/4 front shots. Previously head on shots were fine, am I still OK?


I also did not put down an engagement date. On Q. 18, met in person, I put down how we met, that we met in person, and we love each other and want to get married. Is that good enough?


I also completed all steps for my divorce before we met, but NY is extremely slow - took almost 9 months, and did not get the decree until 10/20/05. We met in person in July-August 05. I also included my new airline receipt for January 06. Do you think I will run into problems about that?


Thanks so much,


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Photos. Some older forms are still in use, so it's possible they still reference the 3/4 style photos, but full frontal (passport style) photos are the current requirement: http://uscis.gov/graphics/publicaffairs/ne...Photo_flyer.pdf


Engagement Date. I didn't put one down either. I don't think it makes a difference.


Divorce. As long as your divorce is final before you file the I-129F, the fact that you met before the divorce was final should not be relevant. I think a number of people here have been in similar situations.

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I had a similar divorce situation. I included a paragraph with my petition that basically said:


Made and announced divorce decision such and such a date

Felt it was OK to be interested in other potential partners after that date

Met lao po on such and such a date (couple months later)

Divorce final

Filed petition


I don't know if this helps but I felt that it couldn't hurt.

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I forgot. I pulled the 3/4 passport photo off the brand new I-129F form (Rev. 10/26/05), that's why I was confused.






6. What Other Documents Do You Need?

Give USCIS a passport-style color photograph of yourself and a passport-style color photograph of your fiancé(e), with both photos taken within 30 daysof the date of filing this petition. The photos must have a white background, be glossy, un-retouched and not mounted. The dimension of the full frontal facial image of you and your fiancé(e) in separate photos should be about one inch from your chin to the top of your hair in 3/4 frontal view. Using a pencil or felt pen, lightly print the name (and Alien Registration Number, if known) on the back of each photograph.


I will look at those other links, thanks.

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:D First it's 3/4, then they change it to full frontal. Now on their newest form it's back to 3/4. :lol:


Does anyone really think they have any idea of what they are doing?

Do they deliberately change it every few months to see if we are paying attention?

Did they do this to purposely create some RFE's so they can justify hiring more USCIS employees to handle the additional workload necessitated by the petitioners not following instructions???



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