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New USCIS Newsletter...

Guest ShaQuaNew

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Great! Now if I could figure out how to print it on some toilet paper, I could get some real use out of it!


It was nice to see that they only have a backlog of a million cases or so.


It's just too bad that they decided to use some of their resourses to toot their own horn instead of doing something useful like print instructions on their forms that make sense.

Just another example of our govt putting some perfume on a pile of $hit so they can be happy about themselves!

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Okay I will admit upfront I am being an arse...but according to their own newsletter they have 15,000 USCIS employees doing the work...and using their data that means each employee:


Processes 2 Immigration applications (30,000/15,000)

Answers 1.3 in-person inquiries (19,000/15,000)

Captures .5 sets of fingerprints (8,000/15,000)


So my estimation is maximium of 1 hour per application......2 hours total

10 minutes per inquiry..................................................13 minutes

Guess a maximiume of 30 mins per set of fingerprints..........15 minutes

TOTAL WORKING TIME.................................................2hrs. 28 mins.


No wonder it is taking so long!!!!


:P :D :P :D :mellow: :lol: :lol:

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Guest ShaQuaNew
TOTAL WORKING TIME.................................................2hrs. 28 mins.


No wonder it is taking so long!!!!


:P  :D  :P  :D  :mellow:  :lol:  :lol:


That's the sum total of the hours per day that you get out of a civil service employee.


Perhaps we could all consider a career with the following:



*good pay

*retirement plan

*school subsidation




*profit sharing (bribes)





*discount plans for whips and chains


You can develop

*a give a $h*t attitude toward your fellow citizens

*become callous to the feelings of others

*new ways of enjoying control

*hang up and hold methods for stringing along

*direct and re-direct alternatives to direct questioning

*threatening strengths

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is no news good news, or is the good news the bad news.....

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