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I started my 130 process on 9/22/04 and 129 11/04/04 and cleared NVC on May 10th. Guangzhou entered in computer on 7/8/05. I think name check was cleared about two weeks ago. My Bi monthly e-mails were replied with Name Check in progress. Last e-mail reply stated pre interview process in progress. Everyone has seemed to have passed me by and petitioners in early 05 are having interviews. I have noted one or two people on the board also near my time frame. Any guesses why we have been treading water while others blow through.

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If you could provide a timeline in your signature our resident expert could get you in the timeline chart based on his large number of calculations and give you his best guess as to when to expect the interview.


From what you posted my gut says early December, but then I just finished dinner with my SO's family and they spend more time filling my plate than theirs. Thank God for Zantac. :P

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Last months results show that it took between 90 and 130 days from the date on the P3 to the date on the P4.


It also took between 125 to 175 days for most, from the P3 date to the Interview.


Recent trends had the P4s coming out every 4 weeks with around 60 days notice. This changed recently back to the previous years methond of both 60 day and 30 day notices, or P4 notices every two weeks. There is no indication of a speed up in interview times from the previous 12 months.


By the information you have provided, it is assumed you mean you got your P3 entered into the computer at Guz on 7/8/05. (the more inportant date is the one on the actual P3 letter itself). Using this date, based on previous data, (and nothing changes) one would expect that you could see a P4 around the next set of notices in November. An Interview as early as December.


If this recent change to every two weeks there is a set of P4 notices, it is possible you could see a P4 in mid-October, with a late November interview. (I would not make plans based on that).


The most important thing to know, is because you are now getting the standard email answer about being in the que for an interview, and you have information that you have passed a name check, based on the previous pattern concerning the standard answers like this, there is nothing to worry about, and you are not behind others within your P3 group. What is not often understood, based on the data, is that it does not matter how long you have waited before your P3 papers are sent out from Guangzhou, your application does not exist until that date. At that P3 letter date, you now exist, and so far the data shows your place in the interview wait line is based on that date alone for an interview. As is often stated here, one must be very patient, and use the wait time to prepare for the Interview.

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