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Hey all,


Finally after the third attempt, they did not lose the paperwork this time. Called DOS and interview date is for Nov 7 (Monday). Needless to say , this ol boy is amped!!


I know there is quite the list of items to have ready, but really want to know what the timelines for exam to interview date and then interview to visa pickup.


This is our busy season and I will leaving right in the middle of projects, so i cannot aford to spend too much extra time.


If the interview is 7:15 on Monday, November 7, will ther be enough time if I fly into GZ Nov 2, and depart Nov 11on Friday?


How has the interview to visa pickup process been since after the move? Is it safe to have tickets for Friday departure?


Looking forward to any input.

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I think you can make it as you have it scheduled right now, although there will be little room for the unexpected! With your interview on a Monday you are leaving the whole work week to pick up the visa. Most times it has been only 1 or 2 or a few times 3 days for them to get the visa to the post office so you can pay the fee and pick it up.

I'm not an expert on this as when we got our visa, it was picked up in person the next day. I'm sure some others will offer their opinions on this also.

Good luck and congrats for getting this far! B)

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thanks all for the initial input, i am looking into ticketing now.  I will use My mileage to get a freenie, and buy her one way, still dont know if its better to get it there or here.


Always glad to  recieve the real word from the trenches.


From my experience, she can get her ticket there for a lot less than you can get it here. I know this is true for China based airlines but it might be different if you are cashing frequent flier miles on a US based airline. Tell her what the airline and tenative flight number is and she what she can do!

Good luck

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Your schedule seems a little tight and if anything happens I agree with cosmiclobster that you might not have enough time. Once you receive the P4 forms fill them out completely. Your SO can go for the exam ahead of time from the interview. As long as your SO has the interview letter in hand. Exams can be taken in Beijing, Fukien, and Guangzhou. Depending on where your SO resides will determine if it will cost you more for travel and hotel. Of course this means that your SO goes to the exam alone or with her friends. Doing it this way will give you a few days more after the interview if you need it. If you don't need it then you might not even have to stay as long as you originally posted.

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Might be on the tight side, but seems thats the way I like it. Have to stop that one of these days.


Here is the tentative plan as of now:


Nov 2, arrive in GZ, we both meet there

Nov 3, exam in GZ

Nov 4, work

Nov 5 and 6, weekend/prepare

Nov 7 interview

if successfull, we call her parents and let them know and have them fly down to see her off if they wish

Nov 8, 9, 10, 11, work, and wait for visa in hand

Saturfay Nov 12, fly to Seattle

Nov 12, 13 crash!


With more specifics, does this sound better or worse, doable or not (exclude almost-mother-in-law arrangements) for schedule and timetable.


I also did not know she can get the exam done anywhere but GZ. Do they have a office that is acceptable in Chengdu? Otherwise we would get it done while in GZ.


If anyone will be over there during this time, please let me know! I would love to meet up with any of the gang members. Keep Me posted.

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Thanks all!! I appreciate your input so much. I must say that when after losing our first P3 docs, and refusing to accept the paper trail, it was really difficult to be here. I just buckled down and worked harder.


I see a lot of the guys are now on the other side, and it is very encouraging to see progress, and also here from you.


Yes, I would rather pay the extra coin for the expedited, and I will have her look into ticketing purchaesed on her side.


She is in Chengdu, which has no authorized medical facility, so i think we will stick with GZ unless she has any work in Beijing coming up. I think I still will lokk at the Saturday Nov 12 departure rather than the 11th.


One axtra day is alot chepaer than the scramble for another date!


I will keep you guys posted.

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