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Letter I sent to my Congresswoman and Senator


Three months ago I married a Chinese women. I had been in China teaching English and fell in love with her. Getting married while I was there was the last thing on my mind: consequently, I had no idea what to expect about getting my wife back here to the United States to be with me. But, being familiar in general with the snail paced bureaucracy I thought worst case scenario would be two to three months to get my wife a visa and have her join me here in West Virginia. It has been 3 months already. I have sent the forms back the day I receive them USPS next day delivery. I foresee getting approval of my Case within the next month. However, now I am being told that I could expect a 5-6 month wait time for her to get an embassy interview. I find this totally unacceptable.

Since, we have applied for the CR-1 Visa for my wife, we have been told that she cannot get a tourist visa to stay those months with me in the United States while we wait for the interview. I just cannot believe that I am being barred from being with my wife.

I understand the newly heightened security after 9/11. But the security/background checks have not even began yet. All the forms I have filled out and sent to the various Visa offices have contained the same information. ONE UNIVERSAL FORM photocopied 8 times and sent with a ONE TIME (albeit large) FEE, could have saved me two and one half months.

A processing time on the top of the DS-3032 of 30 minutes is shameful. In corporate America it would have a 2 minute processing time. It has two names and an address to be processed and that's all. And it doesn't even say processing time - it says - "estimated burden". As if this is a burden on the government. The government is supposed to be set up to serve the people, in which case this would not be a burden but a governmental duty.

My wife is an English teacher. A Chinese/English bi-lingual is a much needed skill here in your district of West Virginia. I have spoken to many teachers in the community that have Chinese children in their schools with no way to communicate with them. Usually they have an ESL trained tutor (which does not know Chinese) to come in and try to help. One local child in the first grade got held back this year and the teacher doesn't know what to do. So much for "no child left behind". I know my wife will be able to help, if not by working for the school board, she will be able to volunteer her time.

I am very frustrated and torn from missing my wife. Is there anything that you and/or your office can do to help? Not only with me individually, but with the process in general?




Jamison Shaffer

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Nice letter, but the US govt. has it's head so far up it's ass, you'll be lucky to get her here in a year.


Consider this: If her name comes up with a hit in the name check process, it often takes many months for them to do the research to see if she is really is one of the "evil" persons they are looking for or just another person with the same name.

If the person with that name really was a terrorist, do you think they would use their real name?

Do you think they would use their real name and wait the 6 months for the name check process?

Do you think the majority of people working in the DHS have any real background in security or are they more likely like the FEMA director who used to take care of horses and just got appointed to be the boss of FEMA because he helped the president get re-elected?


Again, nice letter and I didn't write this just to piss you off. If you want to live with your wife your only option is to stay with her in China until her interview and visa!

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Good luck in trying. We all understand your frustration but read the timelines here. You still have along way to go and all I can suggest is try not to let the system drive you nuts. :lol:


I tend to agree with this thinking. Look at the other timelines. As long as your case is staying close to the averages, that is the best you can reasonably hope for. One's elected representatives are great potential resources if something has gone wrong in your case, or it has been held up for something like the namecheck. I totally understand your frustation with the process, but this is 'how it is' and with the current climate in the world, it is not likely to change soon. The best thing to do is to look around at other recent cases/timelines like yours and make a realistic estimate of when your wife will get an interview, and prepare both you and her for that wait.

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Guest ShaQuaNew

Though your timeline has several entries, I see nothing there before 6/2005. We all hate waiting but it seems that you are still well within current processing times. Involving government officials at this time may well bring you the opposite affect of what you're seeking. Had you been waiting in excess of 18 months your letter would be better received by all.


I suspect that you will get the standard form letter in reply. I also suspect that your letter will be sitting atop your file during security check.....not always the best place for it...

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ONE UNIVERSAL FORM photocopied 8 times and sent with a ONE TIME (albeit large) FEE, could have saved me two and one half months.


A great suggestion, but don't hold your breath, it would change the whole process for an agency that is adverse to such!!


we all feel your pain and hope for the best for you....


good luck!

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Guest jimmac2222

*A processing time on the top of the DS-3032 of 30 minutes is shameful. In corporate America it would have a 2 minute processing time. It has two names and an address to be processed and that's all. And it doesn't even say processing time - it says - "estimated burden". As if this is a burden on the government. The government is supposed to be set up to serve the people, in which case this would not be a burden but a governmental duty.*



I'm not a lawer or anything like that, but I believe that the "estimated burden" time is simply the time that it is estimated for YOU to fill out the form. Nothing to do with the governments time to process the form.

I can feel you're frustration with the system but hang in there. Jim

Edited by jimmac2222 (see edit history)
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Guest ShaQuaNew
*A processing time on the top of the DS-3032 of 30 minutes is shameful.  In corporate America it would have a 2 minute processing time.




we all feel your pain, but unfortunately this is NOT corporate America were dealing with here. I find the more I try to reason with the "why" it's like it is the less information there is available......

Edited by ShaQuaNew (see edit history)
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However, now I am being told that I could expect a 5-6 month wait time for her to get an embassy interview. I find this totally unacceptable.


That wait time would be from the time the petition arrives in Guangzhou not the entire process. You can expect about a year.


I agree with you the delay is unreasonable and almost everyone becomes a firebrand for change when they first start this process. I too sent off unanswered letters to all of the senators and congressmen in my state. It falls on deaf ears. The sad fact of the matter is most Americans don't have a clue or give a rats ass about the facts of immigration. They only know they don't want them coming here. Politicians know this and don't want to be seen as too sympathetic to immigrants. By all means keep plugging away at it. Like you said it can't hurt. In the 3 1/2 years I have been watching this process though I have seen no significant change because of it.

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Letter I sent to my Congresswoman and Senator


Three months ago I married a Chinese women.  I had been in China teaching English and fell in love with her.  Getting married while I was there was the last thing on my mind: consequently, I had no idea what to expect about getting my wife back here to the United States to be with me.  But, being familiar in general with the snail paced bureaucracy I thought worst case scenario would be two to three months to get my wife a visa and have her join me here in West Virginia.  It has been 3 months already.  I have sent the forms back the day I receive them USPS next day delivery.  I foresee getting approval of my Case within the next month.  However, now I am being told that I could expect a 5-6 month wait time for her to get an embassy interview.  I find this totally unacceptable. 

Since, we have applied for the CR-1 Visa for my wife, we have been told that she cannot get a tourist visa to stay those months with me in the United States while we wait for the interview.  I just cannot believe that I am being barred from being with my wife.

I understand the newly heightened security after 9/11.  But the security/background checks have not even began yet.  All the forms I have filled out and sent to the various Visa offices have contained the same information.  ONE UNIVERSAL FORM photocopied 8 times and sent with a ONE TIME (albeit large) FEE, could have saved me two and one half months. 

A processing time on the top of the DS-3032 of 30 minutes is shameful.  In corporate America it would have a 2 minute processing time.  It has two names and an address to be processed and that's all.  And it doesn't even say processing time - it says - "estimated burden".  As if this is a burden on the government.  The government is supposed to be set up to serve the people, in which case this would not be a burden but a governmental duty.

My wife is an English teacher.  A Chinese/English bi-lingual is a much needed skill here in your district of West Virginia.  I have spoken to many teachers in the community that have Chinese children in their schools with no way to communicate with them.  Usually they have an ESL trained tutor (which does not know Chinese) to come in and try to help.  One local child in the first grade got held back this year and the teacher doesn't know what to do.  So much for "no child left behind".  I know my wife will be able to help, if not by working for the school board, she will be able to volunteer her time.

I am very frustrated and torn from missing my wife.  Is there anything that you and/or your office can do to help?  Not only with me individually, but with the process in general?




Jamison Shaffer


Jamison, I also know how you feel. I was the same as you,married my wife and living with her for 8 months and teaching English myself only to fine that I get back here it will take 8 to 12 months to get her here. My wife has been a Chinese English teacher in Shunde,China for 18 years.I feel the same about the goverment working for us the (taxpayers ) it should not take this long.As serving my country in the Army I really feel a let down by it sometimes.I paid my dues like so many others.But like my great Chinese wife has said to me many times.( you have to learn patience ) :smartass: so I try and just wait. Good luck and keep the faith,OK? :P


Thanks and talk later,

Dan M


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I'm not a lawer or anything like that, but I believe that the "estimated burden" time is simply the time that it is estimated for YOU to fill out the form. Nothing to do with the governments time to process the form.


Jim... you might be correct with your interpretation.


If so, their estimate is still wrong... it only took 2 minutes for us to complete that form.

But 'burden' is the correct term... because this whole process is a burden.

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Though your timeline has several entries, I see nothing there before 6/2005. We all hate waiting but it seems that you are still well within current processing times. Involving government officials at this time may well bring you the opposite affect of what you're seeking. Had you been waiting in excess of 18 months your letter would be better received by all.


I suspect that you will get the standard form letter in reply. I also suspect that your letter will be sitting atop your file during security check.....not always the best place for it...


I suspect that you will get the standard form letter in reply. I also suspect that your letter will be sitting atop your file during security check.....not always the best place for it... 




I also suspect a standard letter in reply. I surely hope that my letters do not negatively effect me and my wife.

But I refuse to accept that "this is the way it is and it's not going to change". I must at least try...

I make people more aware every day. I bet I have told my story 100 times in the last 2 months. Most people were ignorant or indifferent when I started talking to them... but they were all educated and sympathetic once I finished.

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