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Chinese people are very disorderly

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Now returning from my 12th trip to china and 5 weeks just completed there, I was actually thinking about this theme a little bit but from the perspective of how the west likes to label such behaviors it associates in a negative light. There is an article going around about India's boom cities and how they are fraught with a lack of proper power, sewage, and traffic structures but the author misses the real question to ask (instead of just stating his western perspective of the dynamic defilement): Why does it goes against everything we think is the proper way AND work; why does it not stop in it's own tracks (ie: why don't people turn away from it; instead, they come in mass and create an even bigger boom). Why are India and China willing to work in the worse possible conditions or act the what appears to be such annoying or disorderly ways?


I see this as simply part of a pattern of these two countries who have to deal with large populations; nice guys finish last, or it's a dog eat dog world. Take your choice. It also made me think that there is something coming full circle. Neolithic life had very few people and is sometimes characterized as acting more animalistic. I see a similar pattern when the populations are way too big too. Survival of the fittest tends to kick in.


Lulu mentioned how chinese are very quick to adapt and jump on the bandwagon of anything which seems profitable for the moment. The problem with watermelons is a good current case in point; Many farmers over used the growth chemical and saw their crops destroyed but that had the effect of making watermelons in demand and therefore prices went up and a new wave of farmers jumped in (ie: to cash in). This kind of "quick" jump into a market (ie: imitate first, innovate later is another theme) is similar to a quick jump on the train or bus. Whatever it takes to get ahead, 'he who snoozes, loses'.

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