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Homeland Insecurity and Racism and Bigotry

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In all fairness, it's our ability and right to be (over)critical of the government that makes it function as well as it does.  Not just a right really, more of a responsibility.  If we just keep our heads in the sand and go along with everything, we will slowly become a facist state (or even socialist, perhaps).  Point is, this is first and formost a government "by the people" if we leave only 2% of those people to make all the decisions, and just go quietly along, that will no longer be true, and we will only have ourselves to blame.  That's why even when I see a zealous nut job (in my eyes) ratteling on and on about something, I don't lose much sleep over it, because somewhere else there is another zealous nut job arguing the extreme opposite.  They cancel each other out, and keep things as moderate as possible, as long as we all let our voices be heard (that's the idea anyway).


The key is not to bury our heads in the sand. It seems nowadays, so many Americans do exactly that and seem to blindly follow any spin that is handed to them. I find today's actions by the US so very similar and disturbing to what took place in a war many years ago, where I lost many friends....

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