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My wife has flat out told me that is she was older than me I could just forget it, she would not even look twice at me. We have some friends, who were dating and even engaged, but the girl was older, in one case just about 3 months. This led to too much pressure from the family on both sides and they had to break up. One girl I know took this very hard and has turned down all guys for the last year because she was ready to get married, but his family would not let him because she was the one who was a piddling 3 months older. So yes age does matter, at least here in Changsha. But if you are at least one day older then no worries, you beat the deadline. And yes there are many girls here who prefer their man to be older maybe at least 10 years, maybe it is, the older you are the less playing around you will do. :lol: :D

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And yes there are many girls here who prefer their man to be older maybe at least 10 years, maybe it is, the older you are the less playing around you will do. :lol:  :D

The older you are, the wiser you are. :D :D

I'm ONLY 43.... a Youngster I know by you guys standards.. :D

She is 27... I think she likes my French cut...


Yes Robert and James.. I meant to ask you...How was trench life in 1917???

Juuuuust kiddings buds.... :D

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Just a few nights ago, several of my Chinese friends got into a rather heated discussion over this very topic. The conversation kept switching back and forth from English to Chinese so I had trouble following most of it. But the general consensus of opinion was that the girl should not be involved with a younger man, but vice versa was fine. Then they offered up the following formula regarding age. They swear to me that this is the "accepted norm" in China, although I had never heard it before. Here is the formula:


Guys age divided by two, plus seven years should equal the girls minimum age. For example:


A 50 year old man, by the above formula, would be able to marry a woman 32 or older. (50 divided by 2=25+7=32). In our case, we make it in by a whisker or two. :lol:


I would be most interested if any of our Chinese members, or those quite familiar with Chinese culture, would care to comment on this formula. All three of these Chinese friends concurred that this was the accepted standard. Two were from Guangdong and one was from Hubei. Any ideas. :D

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And yes there are many girls here who prefer their man to be older maybe at least 10 years, maybe it is, the older you are the less playing around you will do. :rolleyes:  :lol:

The older you are, the wiser you are. :rolleyes: :D

I'm ONLY 43.... a Youngster I know by you guys standards.. :lol:

She is 27... I think she likes my French cut...


Yes Robert and James.. I meant to ask you...How was trench life in 1917???

Juuuuust kiddings buds.... :D

Wise Hummm. Handsome Hummm. Wealthy Hmmmm


Three Strikes Im Out. :lol: Im just Lucky. My Girl Knows What She Likes.

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She is 27... I think she likes my French cut...


She likes your French Toast and your American Pie.

as a matter of fact, I do pack a toaster.. LOL... Yuhui has been giving me hell for months for just having breakfast with coffee :-) So I shaped up recently... and started real breakfast...

See what those Chinese gals do to you??? They actually put sense in our thick brains,,, and make you see the light.. You can suffer now or hear about it until 2087. I'd rather get it over with in 2003 :-)

I love you baby !

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She is 27... I think she likes my French cut...


She likes your French Toast and your American Pie.

as a matter of fact, I do pack a toaster.. LOL... Yuhui has been giving me hell for months to have only breakfast with cofee :-) So I shaped up recently... and started real breakfast...

See what those Chinese gals do to you??? They actually put sense in our thick brains,,, ansd make you see the light.. You can suffer now or hear about it until 2087

I love you baby !

Skip the American breakfast because it will kill you (bacon, pancake, toast, sauages - too much fat). Eat congee like the Chinese.

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i think the younger generation is starting to think differently. most of the chinese college-educated young people i know are dating people very close to them in age. my husband is only one year older than me, and many people have said that it 'perfect.'

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She is 27... I think she likes my French cut...


She likes your French Toast and your American Pie.

as a matter of fact, I do pack a toaster.. LOL... Yuhui has been giving me hell for months to have only breakfast with cofee :-) So I shaped up recently... and started real breakfast...

See what those Chinese gals do to you??? They actually put sense in our thick brains,,, ansd make you see the light.. You can suffer now or hear about it until 2087

I love you baby !

Skip the American breakfast because it will kill you (bacon, pancake, toast, sauages - too much fat). Eat congee like the Chinese.

may I swap congee for say ESCARGOTS???

Damn ! This is breakfast man !! COFFEE !!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

I only have that nasty stuff you mention in hotels... not at home...

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I like Abalone and Conch better than Escargots.  They are all from the snail family.  Escargots don't have enough meat. But if you put them in Congee, it would be great. :rolleyes:

you are just a disguting savage.... LOL

Thank God, some of us are still civilized :rolleyes:

Even some Brits I know,,,,

Yes, I know it's a bit far-fetched.... LOL

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