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Post P4 or Pre-Interview Syndrome (PPS or PIS)

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Post P4 or Pre-Interview Syndrome (PPS or PIS)


I thought I would start a post for anyone who may be suffering from what I have. I have seen it characterized by other's writing here, but I never saw a complete description of it.


May other learn from what is written here, and hopefully we will all have our relief soon.


Technically it can be known by two acronyms PPS or PIS. Here is a short definition of what it is, how it arises.


Known Causes:


- Extraordinary long wait from P3 to P4.

- Daily calls to DOS asking for any updates on case. Towards the end, the caller is usually begging for any news.

- Long duration away from loved one in a distant land (such as China, but could be other countries or worlds beyond ours)


(add your own cause to this thread)





- Excessive cleaning

- Wondering what day it is?

- Lack of concentration on work, life, etc.

- Complete loss of memory of the long P3-P4 wait which caused the syndrome.

- Forgiveness to Guangzhou for causing the illness, in fact regard them as best of friends now that the interview has been scheduled and the end is in sight.

- Looking forward to end of webcam chats, long phone calls, emails, etc.

- Just wishing to be together again, forever!


(any other known symptoms, please add to this thread for the benefit of other suffers)


Known cure:


There is only one known cure to PPS, and that is a successful interview.


May God help us all recover quickly from this state of life. Fortunately there is a known cure, and effects are reversible. The success rate is also very high, especially among CFLers, so hang in there, we are all in this together!


(Disclaimer: I am not a doctor in the medical or psychiatric fields, I am a fellow suffer like you)


- wulongtea (aka chamomile tea now that I am deeply in the PPS stage)

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I am definitely in the final stages of that disease :lol:


I would add increased anxiety (will she and daughter be able to adapt?), panic (is the house going to meet her standards?), and dementia (now what am I supposed to do next? where's my list? damn, I lost the list!) <_<  :P  :P


Good points, dementia is certainly the major symptom while in the final stages.


I've lost track of the lists of things i should not forget!


In the past week

- I've left the house 2 times without my wallet

- Mailed a letter while forgetting to put postage on it

- forgotten what day of the week it was


so I'm not alone! That's a relief!

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I am definitely in the final stages of that disease :ph34r:


I would add increased anxiety (will she and daughter be able to adapt?), panic (is the house going to meet her standards?), and dementia (now what am I supposed to do next? where's my list? damn, I lost the list!) :rolleyes:  :huh:  :blink:


Good points, dementia is certainly the major symptom while in the final stages.


I've lost track of the lists of things i should not forget!


In the past week

- I've left the house 2 times without my wallet

- Mailed a letter while forgetting to put postage on it

- forgotten what day of the week it was


so I'm not alone! That's a relief!


I remembered to put the stamp on it.. but I mailed it addressed to myself and got back three days later ... :ph34r:

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I've lost track of the lists of things i should not forget!


In the past week

- I've left the house 2 times without my wallet

- Mailed a letter while forgetting to put postage on it

- forgotten what day of the week it was


so I'm not alone! That's a relief!


Don't know if I should admit this but;


locked keys in car twice.

Second time, waiting two hours, AAA guy came and said "you should keep a spare"

I said "oh, I forgot, I have a spare right here in my wallet"


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I've lost track of the lists of things i should not forget!


In the past week

- I've left the house 2 times without my wallet

- Mailed a letter while forgetting to put postage on it

- forgotten what day of the week it was


so I'm not alone! That's a relief!


Don't know if I should admit this but;


locked keys in car twice.

Second time, waiting two hours, AAA guy came and said "you should keep a spare"

I said "oh, I forgot, I have a spare right here in my wallet"



Admit away! :blink: The AAA guy must have really wondered. But we can understand fully. :ph34r:


Someday we'll all look back on these days and laugh :ph34r:

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there was another one........ started with a P ends with an S, I have seen it so Many tiMes... what was it? mMmMmM

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Ya, I'm suffering the same only I'm neglecting just about everything. The house is a mess, the yard is a wreck, haven't washed the truck (inside or out) in at least 6 months. Don't call my family or friends, stopped posting on cfl. Thankfully I will be going back to China soon but will be coming home alone again.

We are still waiting for the namecheck to be completed for both k3 and cr1.

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One week until I leave!


The highlights of my week-end will be:

- cleaning (for the second time)

- packing (mostly papers, only a few clothes :cheering: )

- trying to sleep (the last time i slept a full night was the night before we knew of the interview date :helpsmilie: )


Any other spare time is spent reviewing past posts from other CFLer to see if I have missed or forgotten anything.


The cure is near ... hopefully the cure is quick, sweet and complete! visa in hand!


now for some more Chamomile tea!

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get the Mr. Clean out!!

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