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Wait for AOS interview

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Frank, you're always great in your contributions to this forum. QiSheng has his biometrics appointment on August 19th and I am wondering how much longer will we have to wait for the AOS interview. As I understand it, it will depend not on the Chicago office which received our application, but on the timelines of my particular state? Another question: we got a MSC # as reference, and I have been trying to get a status on our case on the USCIS website, but it does show up an error. What can be the problem???

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Frank, you're always great in your contributions to this forum.  QiSheng has his biometrics appointment on August 19th and I am wondering how much longer will we have to wait for the AOS interview.  As I understand it, it will depend not on the Chicago office which received our application, but on the timelines of my particular state?  Another question: we got a MSC # as reference, and I have been trying to get a status on our case on the USCIS website, but it does show up an error.  What can be the problem???


I got the same error message that you are talking about from July 21, 2004 until April, 2005 when it finally worked.

We filed the I-485 at our local CIS office in December 2003. We received a letter from the office accepting the form and showing a receipt date of 12-17-2003.

The local office mailed the case to NBC where we received the I-797 now stating a receipt date of 07-21-2004!....Ah, it was a mess but it is all over now. the CIS helpline was never much help thru the whole thing but keep calling them when you have that urge!.....

from 12-17-2003 to 07-12-2005. that is our spread...... :angel:


I hope your time is much less but expect the worst! Remember the visa process!

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First of all I assume that you guys are in the VSC area since that is where you filed the 129F. The next step is to try to remember what State or Province you are in: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virgin Islands, Virginia, West Virginia.... Step 2 find the District Office in your State: Connecticut; Boston District Office, Delaware; Philadelphia District Office, District of Columbia; Washington, DC District Office, Maine;Portland District Office, Maryland;Baltimore District Office, Massachusetts;Boston District Office, New Hampshire;Boston District Office, New Jersey;Newark District Office, New York; Buffalo District Office or New York City District Office, Pennsylvania; Philadelphia District Office, Puerto Rico; San Juan District Office, Rhode Island;Boston District Office, Vermont;Portland District Office, Virgin Islands;San Juan District Office, Virginia;Washington District Office, West Virginia;Philadelphia District Office... Ok after that just go to one of the many Visa sites that have people post their timelines and look up the timelines for the District that you filed in. Good Luck

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First of all I assume that you guys are in the VSC area since that is where you filed the 129F. The next step is to try to remember what State or Province you are in: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virgin Islands, Virginia, West Virginia.... Step 2 find the District Office in your State: Connecticut; Boston District Office, Delaware; Philadelphia District Office, District of Columbia; Washington, DC District Office, Maine;Portland District Office, Maryland;Baltimore District Office, Massachusetts;Boston District Office, New Hampshire;Boston District Office, New Jersey;Newark District Office, New York; Buffalo District Office or New York City District Office, Pennsylvania; Philadelphia District Office, Puerto Rico; San Juan District Office, Rhode Island;Boston District Office, Vermont;Portland District Office, Virgin Islands;San Juan District Office, Virginia;Washington District Office, West Virginia;Philadelphia District Office... Ok after that just go to one of the many Visa sites that have people post their timelines and look up the timelines for the District that you filed in. Good Luck


First of all I think that once the SO is legally here, that's the biggest hurdle already jumped.


Having said that, we've been particularly lucky. We filed the I-485 at the end of April, 2005. Fingerprint date was early July. AOS interview just happened a few days ago 8/05! Less than 4 months total! Our interview was at the Buffalo, NY office and I think they are much less busy than some of the other cities. There were only a few other people waiting there. The interview was very smooth, she only asked how we met and looked at some photos.


Now that we have the temporary stamp in her passport we're off to DMV for her learner's permit!

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We filed AOS locally in Atlanta back in April, 2004. All three (Jingwen and her two kids) AOSs showed an MSC number. We had the biometrics completed within a month, and the USCIS online status showed this. Jingwen's and KK's AOS was processed without an interview, and they received their green cards about one year later. This is a record for Atlanta which, at the time, was taking about 2 1/2 years to process AOS.


Minghao, my step son, did not receive a green card. Rather, USCIS scheduled him for an interview, then cancelled it, then scheduled him for a second set of biometrics. His online status did not reflect any of this with the last update back in June, 2004. Go figure.


I suspect that the changes in centralizing the processing have created problems within the system. Some of those problems are good like getting the green card without an interview while some of the problems are bad, like cancelling interviews, rescheduling biometrics, and bad online status checks. Ty can probably attest to these. I guess eventually things will sort themselves out. I still check Minghao's status each week - still no update since June 2004. At least the family is here - sure makes thing more tolerable.

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Frank, you might want to take the boy to the scheduled interview anyways. What can it hurt? you got the letter that will get you in the door. It's worth a try!...


It seems that the system is a "anything goes" type of thing right now. It maybe due to all the changes and trying to get in sync with the new oline way of doing business,,,who knows.

USCIS had set up a fingerprint appointment over the phone for my stepdaughter 10 day after my wife's appointment. When we went for my wife's appointment I asked if they could do the girl too and they said yes. So see?, it's kind of like a "feel as you go" thing. I mean, don't take the online version of things as the truth if it doesn't settle with you. Especially if you have an I-797C stating differently. That goes for everybody!


So, the moral of this story is: "A letter in hand is worth more than the net!"....<_<

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My filing state is Puerto Rico, yesterday I called a contact person from Immigration in San Juan, she's in charge of corroborating the visa holders status for offices such as SS and other governmental. She said that she has heard that the process is taking around one year now, so I keep my fingers crossed that everything will go well and we get the conditional residency stamp within that timeframe. As you all know the second name check was a big pain for us and I just worry that we face some more hurdles in the near future. I agree that the most important matter is that we are finally together, but somehow I have this terrible feeling of not having a conclusion to our story with the government yet. :lol:

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Mari, Did you file all of the AOS, EAD and stuff through the Chicago Lock box like everyone else?


I think you have paid your Dues, I hope they don't trouble you more :D

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