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Living in China II

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One of the factors that make it appealing to retire in China is that no one can afford health care in the US. Currently my employer pays $1300/month for us. Since my SO is 19 years younger than I am, even though I would be eligible for Medicare after 3 years of retirement, she would not be for another 19 years and health insurance would be too expensive. Catastrophic policies are an option as long as you have NEVER had ANY health problem. If you have then, sorry you don't qualify.


I had a badly sprained knee in Beijing on my first trip to China and we went to the Bejing University Hospital where I was treated for very little and got Rx for western and Chinese 'medicine'. But I know nothing about health insurance in China. How much is it? Can a foreigner qualify? Or is healthcare so cheap that we would not need to worry about insurance. Any experience/knowledge out there in CFL land?

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At this time most things can be afforded out of pocket. If you have friends that are Doctor's it is even better. Here if you don't have a life threatening emergency you get an appointment a month from now. In China you walk in and wait to be seen. Again if your friend is a Doctor that would be immediately. Everyone waiting will probably think it is because of preferential treatment as a foreigner, but it is only the usual Chinese custom of taking care of friends B)


As time goes on we can expect costs to rise, by that time you can get Chinese insurance. The Insurance field is growing rapidly.


This might be of interest. http://www.spaef.com/IJED_PUB/v1n4_liu.html

just recently in China Daily http://www2.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/...tent_464795.htm The fact that the government recognises a problem and there is pressure for change means that things will be changing.


This is an issue to follow closely.

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