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If interview is Friday when can we pick up visa?

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We will have our interview on a Friday but wonder when we can pick up the visa to go?





The interview FAQ has :



After Interview, it takes one day for the visa stamp and the next day it can be picked up (other than holidays).


Interview was Thursday about 11:40. She paid before 12:30 We will pick up the visa Saturday morning.


If you go to the interview on Friday you cannot pick up the visa until Tuesday.

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wawafish posted his friday interview results...




Our interview was on a Friday. We paid the visa pick-up fee immediately after the interview and were told the visa would be available on Tuesday (= two working days after the interview).


Since the visa can be picked up any time within 15 days, we flew back to my fiance's home town that same afternoon and did not return to Guangzhou until Thursday--the day before our flight to the US (and two days after the visa was actually available for pick up).


We had no problem except for a little difficulty finding the right post office--our taxi driver was convinced the road the post office is on did not exist, so we had to get out of the taxi and find it ourselves.


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Well, that may be the par for the course now but in this dynamic process, nothing is truly 'ETCHED' in stone. What 'is' today will be 'was' tomorrow.

I only know that it used to be that Friday interviews were rare and that some have picked up the visa on Monday after an interview on Friday.

Now I read that they mail them!...yes,,,a very dynamic process!

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We will have our interview on a Friday but wonder when we can pick up the visa to go?





Wow, I have been out of the loop. :blink: Congratulations on the interview date Bill! :greenblob: :redblob: :greenblob: :redblob: :greenblob: :greenblob: :redblob:

To be specific, China Post is closed on Sunday, at least the one you make the payment, but you pick up the visa at a China Postal Savings which is open 7 days a week.

Well, gotta go, Jen beam me back up! :abduct:

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