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Docs Returned To USA

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Yang and I recieved the dreaded news - our file was returned to the INS, Stateside. We dont know why, yet. It does not look good, however.

This is the end to a two year ordeal. It seems I will soon be an Expat - I am going to China to marry Yang this Fall, and start over with a spouse visa.

The next time I talk to you all will most likely be from Shenzhen.

Take Care All, and Best Wishes to All Those Waiting

You All Rock!

p.s. Visit our photo gallery on CFL :blink:

Jamie & Yang

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Jamie, Really sorry to hear that news... did they give an explanation? Best wishes for you and your SO, be sure you take all the documents you will need to get married there. I got married in Shanghai back in February, it is a fairly easy process if you have everything. I am planning of going back in mid November until 1st of December.

Good Luck!!!


Edited by hankhoude (see edit history)
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Yang and I recieved the dreaded news - our file was returned to the INS, Stateside. We dont know why, yet. It does not look good, however.

This is the end to a two year ordeal. It seems I will soon be an Expat - I am going to China to marry Yang this Fall, and start over with a spouse visa.

The next time I talk to you all will most likely be from Shenzhen.

Take Care All, and Best Wishes to All Those Waiting

You All Rock!

p.s. Visit our photo gallery on CFL :P

Jamie & Yang


Sorry to hear all that.

But good to hear at least you can be with her.

It really doesn't matter where, right?

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I have such nightmares and I haven't even started yet (wife #1 stalling on divorce).


To go down the road and then start all over again must be incredibly difficult. My lao po and I have discussed what we will do if eventually we are turned down ... we will go to a third country (currently evaluating) and settle there together.


All the best to you and, if it's appropriate, please let us know what the problem was.

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It is sad to hear this kind of denial since it often adds six months and sometimes a congressman to help to simply prove you have a real relationship.


I like what rosyanne said.. if your together, then 'where' maybe takes a back seat. So, glad to see you can go over.


Whatever path you choose, wishing the two of you the best...


Keep us updated!!

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Guest ShaQuaNew
......It seems I will soon be an Expat - I am going to China to marry Yang this Fall, and start over with a spouse visa. The next time I talk to you all will most likely be from Shenzhen......


Jamie & Yang


Best of luck to you..... :D

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