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Who should I send a fax to?

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I thought for this week, I would try to send a fax to the US consulate in Guangzhou. My question is, who from the following list and fax numbers should I address it to?


Contact Information

Address: No. 1 Shamian Street South, Guangzhou 510133

Phone: 020-8121-8000

Fax: 020-8121-9001



Consul General:

Edward Dong

CG OMS: Martha Petitt

ECO/POL: Harvey Somers

COM: Robert Murphy Tel 8667-4011, Fax 8666-6409

CON: William Martin Fax 8121-8428

ADM: Jeffrey Rock

RSO: Michael Brenn

PAO: Wendy Lyle Tel 8335-4269, Fax 8335-4764

FAS: Keith Schneller Tel 8667-7553, Fax 8666-0703

DHS/USCIS: Thomas Wong Tel: 020-8121-8000 Ext 5951

Fax: 020-8121-7735



My guess is Thmoas Wong, but I just wanted to see if anyone else knew what the rest of the abbreviations were?



- WuLongTea

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Mr Wong runs the visa unit in GZ, not sure what you intend to send but I would suggest caution in communicating directly with a consulate official.


Even when they had a data entry error and claimed to put us on processing hold I stayed in their email system and allowed my congressman to get up front and personal with them after seeing the responses I was given.

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I thought for this week, I would try to send a fax to the US consulate in Guangzhou. My question is, who from the following list and fax numbers should I address it to?


Contact Information

Address: No. 1 Shamian Street South, Guangzhou 510133

Phone: 020-8121-8000

Fax: 020-8121-9001



Consul General:

Edward Dong 

CG OMS:    Martha Petitt

ECO/POL:    Harvey Somers

COM:    Robert Murphy Tel 8667-4011, Fax 8666-6409

CON:    William Martin Fax 8121-8428

ADM:    Jeffrey Rock

RSO:    Michael Brenn

PAO:    Wendy Lyle Tel 8335-4269, Fax 8335-4764

FAS:    Keith Schneller Tel 8667-7553, Fax 8666-0703

DHS/USCIS:    Thomas Wong Tel: 020-8121-8000 Ext 5951

Fax: 020-8121-7735



My guess is Thmoas Wong, but I just wanted to see if anyone else knew what the rest of the abbreviations were?



- WuLongTea




ACM Assistant Chief of Mission

ADM Administrative Section

ADV Adviser

AGR Agricultural Section (USDA/FAS)

AID Agency for International Development

ALT Alternate

AMB Ambassador

AMB SEC Ambassador's Secretary

APHIS Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Officer

APO Army Post Office

ARSO Assistant Regional Security Officer

ATO Agricultural Trade Office (USDA/FAS)

BCAO Branch Cultural Affairs Officer (USIS)

Bg Brigadier General

BIB Board for International Broadcasting

BO Branch Office (of Embassy)

BOB/EUR Board of Broadcasting, European Office

BPAO Branch Public Affairs Officer (USIS)

B.P. Boite Postale

BUD Budget

C Consulate

CA Consular Agency/Agent

CAO Cultural Affairs Officer (USIS)

Capt Captain (USN)

CDC Centers for Disease Control

Cdr Commander

CEO Cultural Exchange Officer (USIS)

CG Consul General, Consulate General

CG SEC Consul General's Secretary

CHG Charge d'Affaires

CINCAFSOUTH Commander-in-Chief Allied Forces Southern Europe

CINCEUR Commander-in-Chief U.S. European Command

CINCUSAFE Commander-in-Chief U.S. Air Forces Europe

CINCUSAREUR Commander-in-Chief U.S. Army Europe

Col Colonel

CM Chief of Mission

COM Commercial Section (FCS)

CON Consul, Consular Section

COUNS Counselor

C.P. Caixa Postal

CPO Communications Program Officer

CUS Customs Service (Treasury)

DAC Development Assistance Committee

DCM Deputy Chief of Mission

DEA Drug Enforcement Agency

DEP Deputy

DEP DIR Deputy Director

DIR Director

DOE Department of Energy

DPAO Deputy Public Affairs Officer (USIS)

DPO Deputy Principal Officer

DSA Defense Supply Adviser

E Embassy

ECO Economic Section

ECO/COM Economic/Commercial Section

EDO Export Development Officer

ERDA Energy Research and Development Administration

EST Environment, Science, and Technology

EX-IM Export-Import

FAA Federal Aviation Administration

FAA/CASLO Federal Aviation Administration Civil Aviation Security

Liaison Officer

FAA/FSIDO Federal Aviation Administration Flight Standards

International District Office

FIC/JSC Finance Committee and Joint Support Committee

FIN Financial Attache (Treasury)

FODAG Food and Agriculture Organizations

FPO Fleet Post Office

IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency

IAGS Inter-American Geodetic Survey

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization

IMO Information Management Officer

IO Information Officer (USIS)

IPO Information Program Officer

IRM International Resources Management

IRS Internal Revenue Service

ISM Information Systems Manager

JUS/CIV Department of Justice, Civil Division

JUSMAG Joint US Military Advisory Group

LAB Labor Officer

LO Liaison Officer

Ltc Lieutenant Colonel

LEGAT Legal Attache

M Mission

Mg Major General

MAAG Military Assistance Advisory Group

MILGP Military Group

MSG Marine Security Guard

MSC Military Staff Committee

MIN Minister

MLO Military Liaison Office

MNL Minerals Officer

NARC Narcotics

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NAS Narcotics Affairs Section

NCIS Naval Criminal U.S.

OAS Organization of American States

ODA Office of the Defense Attache

ODC Office of Defense Cooperation

OIC Officer in Charge

OMC Office of Military Cooperation

PAO Public Affairs Officer (USIS)

PO Principal Officer

PO SEC Principal Officer's Secretary

POL Political Section

POL/LAB Political and Labor Section

POLAD Political Adviser

POL/ECO Political/Economic Section

Radm Rear Admiral

RCON Regional Consular Affairs Officer

REDSO Regional Economic Development Services Office

REF Refugee Coordinator

REP Representative

RES Resources

RHUDO Regional Housing and Urban Development Office

ROCAP Regional Officer for Central American Programs

RPSO Regional Procurement and Support Office

RSO Regional Security Officer

SAO Security Assistance Office

SCI Scientific Attache

SEC DEL Secretary of Delgation

SHAPE Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe

SLG State and Local Government

SR Senior

STC Security Trade Control

UNEP United Nations Environment Program

UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural


UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization

USA United States Army

USAF United States Air Force

USDA/APHIS Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

USEU US Mission to the European Union

USGS US Geological Survey

USINT United States Interests Section

USIS United States Information Service

USLO United States Liaison Office

USMC United States Marine Corps

USMTM US Military Training Mission

USN United States Navy

USNATO US Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

USOAS US Mission to the Organization of American States

USOECD US Mission to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and


USTTA US Travel and Tourism Agent

USUN US Mission to the United Nations

VC Vice Consul

VOA Voice of America




***Here's one abbreviation that isn't there any longer...L.L.D......... :P

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