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I just finished the Interview FAQ last night and sent to Don for putting into the Links and Resource with the rest of them...


As a 'cross-post' to Hank's question about interview questions, I already put together an Interview questions FAQ... right now it is under the pinned FAQ area called Interview FAQ. This name will probably change soon now that I have an interview FAQ ready. It was also updated a little, so will look a little different after updating.


Another item you'll see in the FAQ section soon (also passed along), is a document listing all the questions in all the FAQs, grouped by the FAQ... you will have to go to that FAQ to get the answer. This is more a master question document.




I had hoped to get to a FAQ for children.. you will find lots of info across all the FAQs on them, but consolidation seemed a nice idea.. I think I'll give that up since it does exist in each area.


Also, I have resisted doing a "Petition, NOA1, and NOA2" stage FAQ only because Visa Journey's detailed "How to" is really the best... and the fact is, one needs to just wait. But if somone would like to take up the task to attempt this, I could outline what I think minimally is needed...




In the beginning, I set my focus on doing an Interview FAQ and a post-interview FAQ (AOS, SSN, EAD, AP, etc). The first one led to five documents.. we'll see where the next one ends up!


The hope was always that information makes up better prepared. And these are like a search engine collection of info.


Also , part of the hope was to reduce the same, basic questions getting asked on the board and get us to realize that most of the answers are really in the searchable database... and that the common user starts to search before posting a question.




These FAQs cannot exist without the feedback we get from everyone at CFL posting their experiences; the good, bad, and ugly.


As well, some are truly 'expert' in some areas, whether by trial or fire, and we reap the benefit of their continuing help.. I wish I could name them all, but the admins and mods are clearly at the top of the list... but many more have contributed enormous amounts of time and help.


I'd like to thank nooneufo who started this effort of collecting the FAQ material.. I am sure there are others who helped and I have seen the old posts asking for help and many links were collected and passed along. His organized approach to doing the FAQ was a light unto my path. I just needed a good shovel and bucket to finish collecting all the stuff.

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Thanks to David for putting these together, and to Don for getting them in Links and Resources....

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