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Guangzhou Consulate agrees to meeting

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Richard Adams has agreed to a meeting at the Guangzhou Consulate on February 10th at 2:00 PM


Please cease faxing and emailing them about this.  Mission accomplished.  Thanks for your efforts.


Mick and I will work out the details and will keep everyone informed.

After he completely dropped off the radar screen yesterday around lunch time, I sent Mr. Adams another post around five in the afternoon. He responded first thing this morning, agreeing to the meeting. I posted him a second time for confirmation as his first message was a bit brief. He responded immediately and gave us written confirmation.


Thanks to all who wrote in support of our attempts to obtain this meeting and a special thanks to Ana who provided useful info and support. Now, let's just all pray this yields positive results of some measure.

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Richard Adams has agreed to a meeting at the Guangzhou Consulate on February 10th at 2:00 PM


Please cease faxing and emailing them about this.  Mission accomplished.  Thanks for your efforts.


Mick and I will work out the details and will keep everyone informed.

After he completely dropped off the radar screen yesterday around lunch time, I sent Mr. Adams another post around five in the afternoon. He responded first thing this morning, agreeing to the meeting. I posted him a second time for confirmation as his first message was a bit brief. He responded immediately and gave us written confirmation.


Thanks to all who wrote in support of our attempts to obtain this meeting and a special thanks to Ana who provided useful info and support. Now, let's just all pray this yields positive results of some measure.


Get no result.... I already have some friend at State lined up to revoke your citizenship :ph34r:

Thanks guys !


Yes Mick.. I was kidding indeed...

But you need to get Donahue in the meeting too.. Otherwise you guys might get the " I'll bring that up to the boss" line IMHO

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Richard Adams has agreed to a meeting at the Guangzhou Consulate on February 10th at 2:00 PM


Please cease faxing and emailing them about this.  Mission accomplished.  Thanks for your efforts.


Mick and I will work out the details and will keep everyone informed.

After he completely dropped off the radar screen yesterday around lunch time, I sent Mr. Adams another post around five in the afternoon. He responded first thing this morning, agreeing to the meeting. I posted him a second time for confirmation as his first message was a bit brief. He responded immediately and gave us written confirmation.


Thanks to all who wrote in support of our attempts to obtain this meeting and a special thanks to Ana who provided useful info and support. Now, let's just all pray this yields positive results of some measure.


Get no result.... I already have some friend at State lined up to revoke your citizenship :lol:

Thanks guys !


Yes Mick.. I was kidding indeed...

But you need to get Donahue in the meeting too.. Otherwise you guys might get the " I'll bring that up to the boss" line IMHO

If that happens Eric, I'm moving to France. :ph34r: :lol:

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But I think it was JoninDenver who posted the story about having a meeting with Adams and getting stood up...(in Our Stories)...so don't be surprised...although it seems a good sign that he contacted you guys again.


But Mick is right, show up or not, it is a victory.


And I DO think such a visit is useful, even if ultimately it is not in GZ's hands. At least we can accumulate more information. If GZ feels pressured, they will complain to their higher-ups. We need to apply pressure everywhere!

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