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What moment stands out to you in China?

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I have many great memories of China from the arrival where Ying practically knocked me over in her haste to greet me, our wedding day, traveling by train from Beijing to Changchung and Yanji, meeting her family and the great food.


But the one thing that sticks out was our next to last night in China. We was invited to dinner by some of her GF's, one a beautiful woman named Liying. We had a great meal and was later joined by Liying's husband. I liked him from the start. After we ate we went to get a foot massage then to a karoke room where we sang songs. Finally we went to a night club where we met her other GF's husband and other friends. There in the cooler behind the bar I saw the familiar colors of Budwiser. I offered to buy it, but was told I was the guest so don't bother. But this is the one thing that sticks out.....All during this night Liying watched me as I was either hugging :hug: Ying, had my arm around her, kissing her on the cheek and otherwise acting like a fool in love :wub: .


Liying suddenly looks at Ying and says in English very loudly "I jealous of you!!!!" Then she turn to her husband, smacks him on the thigh, saying "Why you no act like him!!!" Her husband looked at me with that WTF :huh: look. Embarassed :lol: I look at him and all I can say is "Sorry." Then we all suddenly started laughing.


Of all the things that happened, every time I think of that incident I get a real chuckle.

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Guest ShaQuaNew
Come on guys, we all have experienced many things in that big beautiful country. what was your most memorable?


....So I guess it was about 8am we are going up the hill to get to the 20 stories of steps to climb the Wall.. and a older chinese man saw me and yelled "hey brother"  and  held his fist up as the  Black Olympic runners did in Mexico City at the 1968 Games. I responded laughing  and raised my fist the same and yelled "Black Power".


....I didn't see many black people in China, mostly just Chinese people :huh:


That is a hilarious story.


I was rather amazed simply by the Chinese people in general, sure, there is pushing, crazy driving, etc., but by in large the people are extremely sensitive to others and strive to please.


There is an overwhelming sense of culture and pride, unlike what we are often led to believe in the western press. My SO took me to Windows of the World in Shenzhen, a fabulous place if you've not been go. While there, I was approached several times by young children that enjoyed trying out their last English lesson on me.....


"Hello, how are you?" "Have a nice day" ......


I am looking forward to going back not only to see my sweetheart, but to experience that wonder again.....

Edited by fitnlivly (see edit history)
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