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Adoption of wife's son in Florida

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Does anyone possibly know what is involved for me to adopt my new (Chinese) wife's son from her previous marriage in China here in Florida?

I brought him here with his mother on K1/K2 visas. Now that we are married, I'd like to adopt him to give him my family name and make him feel more a part of our family. The big problem is that I'm not sure if it is possible to get her ex-husband's consent for me to adopt (his) son. Is there a way around this?

Has anyone done this themselves, with or without a lawyer? At the legal library today, the librarian told me that it certainly wasn't something she would attempt to do herself. Having been through the K1/K2 and then the AOS process already, I'm not afraid of paperwork. smile.gif I just need help.

Thanks in advance.


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Guest ShaQuaNew
Does anyone possibly know what is involved for me to adopt my new (Chinese) wife's son from her previous marriage in China here in Florida? 


The big problem is that I'm not sure if it is possible to get her ex-husband's consent for me to adopt (his) son.  Is there a way around this?


Has anyone does this themselves, with or without a lawyer?  ... I'm not afraid of paperwork. :ph34r:  I just need help.


Thanks in advance.






first and foremost congratulations on successfully bringing your loved ones to Florida. My home also. There are so many legal loopholes in the adoption process especially if the father is living and disputing. Were there no dispute, though easier, the hurdles are still considerable. I'm sure you have your own personal reasons for seeking adoption whatever they are. Personally, I think finding a good attorney to assist you is your best route, but finding a good one, with experience in Chinese adoption, and with your scenario is best. No books on this one. Legal matters of this sort can take unexpected turns each day, so having somone on your side that knows how to quickly and properly respond can make the difference between success or not...


J & L

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Here's a good place to start: http://www.floridabar.org/tfb/TFBConsum.ns...F0?OpenDocument



You can also go the the home page and search out other documents.


I presume your step child is a minor. You probably need to consult with an attorney to determine whether and to what extent the father's consent will be required and to what extent the child's consent will be required.

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Thanks for everyone's comments and replies. I do intend to discuss it with an attorney, if for no other reason than to get some better insights.


Thanks for the FL Bar link. I will check it out too.


I'm considering to offer money to (him), along with dissolving his requirement to pay child support. But this is a last resort because he could really play this hand out all the way if he wanted to.





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Good luck in this matter, have you talked to the boy to see if he wishes the same? If so, go for it, and be patient.

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Good luck in this matter, have you talked to the boy to see if he wishes the same?  If so, go for it, and be patient.


Thanks Hank,


Yes. My stepson wants very much to be adopted and to take on my family name. This is my biggest motivation: to please him and show him my love and make him feel closer to me since he loves me so much.


Now, the patience... <_< From what I gather, this is not a fast process.


thanks, :P ;)



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Hey Jim,


That's a wonderful thing to do.

I'll bet it makes mom feel good too.



Be prepared for an invitation near the end of summer (it's too hot to have a party now). One more hole in the wall to close and the house will be completely rejuvenated and presentable.

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Does anyone possibly know what is involved for me to adopt my new (Chinese) wife's son from her previous marriage in China here in Florida? 


I brought him here with his mother on K1/K2 visas.  Now that we are married, I'd like to adopt him to give him my family name and make him feel more a part of our family.  The big problem is that I'm not sure if it is possible to get her ex-husband's consent for me to adopt (his) son.  Is there a way around this?


Has anyone done this themselves, with or without a lawyer?  At the legal library today, the librarian told me that it certainly wasn't something she would attempt to do herself.  Having been through the K1/K2 and then the AOS process already, I'm not afraid of paperwork. :ph34r:  I just need help.


Thanks in advance.




You may want to check in www.001.com website. That's China's equivalent of CFLgallery. The members are mostly women, compared to mostly men here. My laopo told me that there is much more information in 001 than available here, including adoption. The members include the ones still waiting for their visas in China, as well as those who already moved to US. Your wife can post questions there.


By the way, I thought to get your stepson to come to the US, your wife had to get permission from the bio father. That usually means your wife has full custody of her son. If so, I don't think you need approval from bio father for adopting him.


I plan to adopt my stepson also. I told my laopo that I want to adopt him in China. She checked the 001 website, but I think she gets conflicting information. First, she said that all that's needed is for the three of us to go to a notary office, and declare the adoption and my stepson needs to concur. However, later she said to adopt him once we are in US. She did not explain to me why I should not (or maybe cannot) adopt him in China. My laopo has full custody of her son. She got full custody in lieu of taking her dead-beat ex to Court for back child support which amounts to lots of yuans.


I will get more definitive information from her and pass it to you.

Edited by bubbafred10 (see edit history)
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This is very interesting topic, and thanks for bringing it up, I have not discussed this with my wife, but I think it is a great thing to do, then all my kids will have the same last name...........

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By the way, I thought to get your stepson to come to the US, your wife had to get permission from the bio father.  That usually means your wife has full custody of her son.  If so, I don't think you need approval from bio father for adopting him.


Giving permission for the child to come to the US and adoption are two very different issues. The biological father will have to sign the adoption papers. My brother for instance has a son who lives in Ireland with his mother. My brother gave permission for the boy to move to Ireland with his mother but refused to let the step father adopt him. Instead he gets to pay 300 dollars a month child support for a son he never gets to see.

Edited by warpedbored (see edit history)
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