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I-134 Form for Interview

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My fiancee is checking on the 001 website and it seems people are handing in the I-134 form when they go in for the interview.


Since I had completed one of these with the initial K1 application, I had checked with my lawyer, and according to him the I-134 should be good for 1 year.


But I was wondering what other people are doing or have found. Assuming we get our interview before Jan 2006, will they ask for a copy of the I-134 for the Interview? and is a copy of the original one we submitted in Jan 2005 be ok?


Or should I complete and get notarized a more recent one just before the interview?




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I would get a new, original I-134 for the interview.  In all honesty, I don't recall having to file one with my I-129F - maybe things have changed.

You do not need to include the I-134 when you file the I-129F, but I strongly recommend it. I included everything they could possibly want during the interview and my fiancee slam dunked it without a problem speaking Chinese. Other couples who had not included as much have been asked to prove the Amercian SO speaks Chinese or that they communicate well.


Why give them just the bare minimum and make them guess about the validity of the relationship? They make their decision before the interview based on the evidence they have in front of them. Yes, no or maybe. Why force them into asking for more evidence? Give them evrything they could possibly want and your SO will have no problems.


I had everything updated for her interview. They did look over my tax records whcih is part of the I-134, so yes I would make sure it is updated within a month of the interview.

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I sent the completed I-134 with the I-129 along with proof of relation and other documents. It was requested in the P-4 but when she went to interview they only asked for the updated tax filing. Since we sent everything needed for the interview with the I-129 including the I-134 and her notarized police,marriage, single and etc. records. They only asked for the 2004 taxes and photos. The VO took a cd with a screensaver of pictures of us and her over the time of our relationship and viewed it. That was it, no problem over a previous visa overstay which we decided to answer yes to in the P-4. I think if they have enough for making a decision in the application then by interview it is a done deal and just a formality. By doing all our papers first for the I-129 it only took three days to get everything completed the second time. I did have to wait a week for the letter from my Bank in the mail (I wanted the original not just the fax). At least this time the Operations Manager knew exactly what I needed. The interview was exactly 12 months from preparing the docs for application so time sensitive docs needed to be updated.

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