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Name Check Delay - No Help From Senator

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I wrote to both of my Senators.  The first, told me the same thing that the email link to GZ said.  "undergoing necessary internal admistrative processing."  I sent another email to him, pointing out flaws in the copy of the email the "Chief Consular" sent him.  Then nothing.  The other Senator then sent a letter asking for more information.  As far as I know, the response I sent him, has netted nothing.  I have not heard from him since then.  Now I think we are in the final stage, with the consulate inviting my wife back to the consulate. I think the visa issuance is imminent.  I have not proof that the Senate contacts have done anything.  Even Maura Harty's office has been of no help.

I sometimes think senators' and congressmen's offices are ill equipped to do any actual business in Washington. The home state offices are too far removed and the Washington offices are too busy taking pot shots at the other party.


I'm sorr your senator didn't help - but it looks like you're on the home stretch! Good luck in July!

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I wrote to both of my Senators.  The first, told me the same thing that the email link to GZ said.  "undergoing necessary internal admistrative processing."  I sent another email to him, pointing out flaws in the copy of the email the "Chief Consular" sent him.  Then nothing.  The other Senator then sent a letter asking for more information.  As far as I know, the response I sent him, has netted nothing.  I have not heard from him since then.  Now I think we are in the final stage, with the consulate inviting my wife back to the consulate.   I think the visa issuance is imminent.  I have not proof that the Senate contacts have done anything.  Even Maura Harty's office has been of no help.

I sometimes think senators' and congressmen's offices are ill equipped to do any actual business in Washington. The home state offices are too far removed and the Washington offices are too busy taking pot shots at the other party.


I'm sorr your senator didn't help - but it looks like you're on the home stretch! Good luck in July!

Careful... we don't want this useful thread to be closed due to political discussions !! :unsure: :o

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The senators from Massachusetts didn't even wrote back to me.

And your suprised? How much did you contribute to thier relection?


Hate to say it, but most senators and congressmen are too busy chasing skirts and drinking 3 martini lunches then to bother calling GUZ... that would take time and effort.


Regardless of which party they are in.. its always the same. ... unless its election year, and you have some cash.





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My experience with the FBI visit was early on a Saturday morning as I was sleeping in, 08:00am.


They just wanted to verify who I was.


That next week I received an email from NVC saying that they have completed processing and my case has been sent to GZ.


For my SO, the Mandarin spelling of her name translates into a very common name of both genders. So I guess she got many "hits".


Thats all I can add.


Good luck and hang in there.

I had read about your rather weird visit from the FBI. Curious - at what point did they identify themselves or show credentials? I'm glad it turned out well, and that your name check passed through NVC.


I Googled my SO's name in both Pinyin and in Hanzi and got quite a few hits on both - none of them her. So I do understand there can be duplicate names. But honestly, does it take nine months to determine which person is the female with her date of birth?


We're hanging in ... I'm writing to my congressman tonight and sending another email to the senator.

They never did identify themselves or show credentials.


I suppose they wanted to verify who I was and I lived at the address given.


I just know they were "cops."


They did not look like Jehovahs.

(checked them out from my pepe hole)


One thing I did was to email NVC every week to let them know I was alive.

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Richard, the DOS is definitely the agency in charge of coordinating the second name check. In our particular case, my Congressman's aide found a contact person who was really helpful, I will PM her name to you. I would recommend you to try your other representatives. On thing is clear to me: your senator's office did not had any intention to help you, and the person who got your case doesn't have the appropriate contacts at DOS.

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In our particular case, my Congressman's aide found a contact person who was really helpful, I will PM her name to you.

may you tell me her name and phone number? I am so frustrated now, we have waited for 10 months, i am going crazy.

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I wrote a second letter to Feinstein's office, politely expressing my dismay to hear the same words parroted back to me and asking for some real help in expediting the name check.



If the QUOTA system is being implemented, there is nothing one can do.


That's my guess, and it definitely seems that way. CSC has slooooowed to a screeching halt, under the disguise "more detailed investigation" phrase.


US economic system cannot handle the additional influx of hard working, freedom loving, and wealth creating people from China.

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Richard, the DOS is definitely the agency in charge of coordinating the second name check.  In our particular case, my Congressman's aide found a contact person who was really helpful, I will PM her name to you.  I would recommend you to try your other representatives.  On thing is clear to me: your senator's office did not had any intention to help you, and the person who got your case doesn't have the appropriate contacts at DOS.

I agree, the DOS is in charge of coordinating the second name check. Of course, the DOS repeatedly says they can do nothing to influence or control the process once it begins.


I also agree that the assistant at Sen. Feinstein's office had absolutely no ability to do anything that I had not already done for myself. To hear this woman talk, Sen. Feinstein has no more influence in Washington than somebody selling pencils on a sidewalk outside the senate office building.




Thank you for the PM ... I've replied separately.

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If the QUOTA system is being implemented, there is nothing one can do.


That's my guess, and it definitely seems that way. CSC has slooooowed to a screeching halt, under the disguise "more detailed investigation" phrase.


US economic system cannot handle the additional influx of hard working, freedom loving, and wealth creating people from China.

I've wondered a bit about the "quota" system, and if that's influencing anything. I didn't know CSC had slowed down so much - glad I sent my I-129f through 15 months ago, before the political pendulum swung the other way! (I went through CSC.)


Our paperwork actually went through fairly quickly - roughly 6 months from submitting the I-129f to receipt of P3. Clear sailing - or so I thought. Guess it pays not to count one's chickens too soon!

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If the QUOTA system is being implemented, there is nothing one can do.


That's my guess, and it definitely seems that way. CSC has slooooowed to a screeching halt, under the disguise "more detailed investigation" phrase.


US economic system cannot handle the additional influx of hard working, freedom loving, and wealth creating people from China.

I've wondered a bit about the "quota" system, and if that's influencing anything. I didn't know CSC had slowed down so much - glad I sent my I-129f through 15 months ago, before the political pendulum swung the other way! (I went through CSC.)

Let time and data decide this.. not opinion...

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may you tell me her name and phone number? I am so frustrated now, we have waited for 10 months, i am going crazy.

Take a few deep breaths ... and please try to relax. We do know how you feel, and we share your feelings. You WILL reach the end of the road - together.

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may you tell me her name and phone number? I am so frustrated now, we have waited for 10 months, i am going crazy.

Take a few deep breaths ... and please try to relax. We do know how you feel, and we share your feelings. You WILL reach the end of the road - together.

Tjtx: you can send a personal message (PM) to mari if needed... otherwise, Mari, please send a PM to tjtx...

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may you tell me her name and phone number? I am so frustrated now, we have waited for 10 months, i am going crazy.

Take a few deep breaths ... and please try to relax. We do know how you feel, and we share your feelings. You WILL reach the end of the road - together.

Tjtx: you can send a personal message (PM) to mari if needed... otherwise, Mari, please send a PM to tjtx...

thanks for your guys help. does anyone think of mail president?

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may you tell me her name and phone number? I am so frustrated now, we have waited for 10 months, i am going crazy.

Take a few deep breaths ... and please try to relax. We do know how you feel, and we share your feelings. You WILL reach the end of the road - together.

Tjtx: you can send a personal message (PM) to mari if needed... otherwise, Mari, please send a PM to tjtx...

thanks for your guys help. does anyone think of mail president?

I understand your concern and feel for your situation.. but let's not go there...

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Since this has evolved into the definitive discussion on name checks, it prompted me to update the P3 FAQ ... so I'll share those sections here, for comment.


I think the main questions I have, which have been brought up in the past and so want to see the current thought:


1) Does everyone go through a name check at the GUZ stage?

2) Do K3/CR1/IR1/DCF have any derivations worth mentioning in a FAQ?

3) I do NOT have a section on how to handle 'name check' hell, but suspect that I'll just point to this thread for "all things namecheck" (?)




-- Excerpt from P3 FAQ ------------------------------------------------


(Edited 27 June 2005)


Q.1.20 What's next after the P3?



Name check on beneficiary (usually done by 1 or 2 months after consulate receives P3)

Waiting for the P4 (usually about 4+ months from P3)

Then the Interview. (Usually 4-6 weeks after receiving the P4).




When I was waiting for GZ to send out the P3, DOS indicated to me that GZ received the electronic copy of my 129 about a month before receiving the hard copy. They ordered the name check before they sent out the P3



The 4 month waiting period is GZ estimate on when the interview will take place. So you are correct in that 6 months is a minimum once GZ gets the application from NVC. This assumes you return your P3 back to GZ promptly and GZ does all their screening and the second name check comes back within that 2 months. Of course if you are like me and I think a few others the second name check drags out, then the wait will be longer.




(Edited 27 June 2005)


Q.1.21 Name Check?



How many name checks are there and does that happen after we send P3 back? If you get "stuck" in the name check, how do you know that is what happened?



FYI...according to my Senator...BOTH the NVC name check and the additional requests from GUZ go through the FBI and other agencies all coordinated by DOS.


The most common problem seems to be name similarities - other people with the same name and/or birth date as your SO.



My wife has a very common surname and a common first name. She has no middle name which is common with Chinese. Thus, there must be a lot of people with the same name as hers. So her name check took a long time.



I spoke with the DOS today and got the same answer "name check is not completed". I insisted to ask for more info. this time and they told me something new. They said that there are 7 people who have the same name as my SO waiting for their visas and it requires more time with the names check.



Typically, GZ (or any embassy/consulate) requests a name check based on application data received. NVC notifies GZ when an I-129f petition is approved. (This notice is sent to GZ by email, followed by the hard copy petition and approvals file). The name check request usually is sent at this point - right around the time GZ mails out the P3.


The name check request goes to DOS in D.C. DOS then sends the name check request to various US security agencies - FBI, CIA and other such entities. These security agencies perform a standard process. The process doesn't vary, but variables can occur with each individual case.


Normally, the US security agencies do not request data from the respective foreign government, but this can vary depending upon US relations with that government. Special mutual security agreements with a foreign government can enable direct data sharing. It's my guess that the US security agencies don't request data from the Chinese government. Normally, the entire name check process occurs internally - within the various US agencies.


During this P3-P4 name check, several different checks actually occur, performed by different US security agencies. When the name check is complete, GZ is notified and can then continue processing the fiancée’s application - leading to the P4.


Once DOS requests the name check, it's out of DOS's hands, and they can do nothing to influence the process. GZ will send queries to see if the name check is still in-progress.


Name checks actually occur at several points in the entire visa process - at the beginning (I assume at the I-129f petition stage) at the middle (at the P3-P4 stage) and "at the end". I didn't ask what "at the end" means. I can only assume that this means at POE.



(Edited 27 June 2005)


Q.1.22 Does everyone have to go through the second name check? What's it anyway? Is it for you or for your fiancee?



I believe the second name check begins once GZ enters the P3 into their system and requests whoever is in charge of the name check in DC to begin. I was not able to ask that specific question because they cut off my questioning. Perhaps another CFL member who is attending a later session can follow-up for everyone? It sounded to me that the second name check is done concurrently with GZ screening processes.



When I was waiting for GZ to send out the P3, DOS indicated to me that GZ received the electronic copy of my 129 about a month before receiving the hard copy. They ordered the name check before they sent out the P3




From the info I got, they said that the second name check is standard for everyone now. By everyone, I mean the Chinese fiancée. Her or his name is run through a number of different agencies databases to ascertain if there is a name match with a known criminal, terrorist, previous visa fraud, etc. If the name does match, which it can with similar sounding names, then the process takes longer because they must do further checks to verify your fiancée is not the name on their databases. Which government agencies do this checking is a "secret" according to DOS.



I think it's possible that the PHRASE "2nd name check" may be a CFL or other Internet visa board creation. That is, they may be performing a second background check in Guangzhou, but may call it something else. Since the person answering e-mail in Guangzhou is obviously not a native English speaker, he or she may not be able to figure out how to answer our questions unless we use the correct terminology.





(Edited 27 June 2005)


Q.1.23 I got back a response from GUZ about my name check…




Your clearance is just finished and your case is not scheduled yet. We will notify you once set.



We have completed all the name check for your fiancée’s case.



Your fiancée’s name check has been completed in U.S. on Aug 2004.



We have been awaiting a response from the U.S. authorities regarding Mr. XX's clearance. Please be assured that his case is on track and we will schedule him for an interview once we receive the response.



-- END OF Excerpt ------------------------------------------------




Past threads discussion name check:


A Visit to GZ Consulate, American Citizens Info Session



GZ does not know what is 2nd namecheck?, Anyone cofused???


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