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Fiance looking for a job

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My so only speaks Chinese. I'm teaching her English now, and she is looking at the possiblity of searching for employment soon. I don't want her to get bored sitting at home all day.


She attended a college in China for secretarial skills, but I don't think that it will be of much use here. Does anyone have any suggestions of jobs that may be suitable... or jobs that worked for your so? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Guest Gene

Fast food resturants, McDonalds, Burger King...etc the pay is minimal, but the work doesn't require high level english. It will be good practice for her english and you will be suprized on how fast here spanish language skills will pick up :greenblob: Very soon she will be tri-lingual :D


Also Housekeeping jobs at Hotels and Motels :(

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The problem for a non-English speaker, I believe, is that immigrants tend to congregate with other same language immigrants. End result- they don't have a chance to learn another language at work. The exception- Spanish is common through out the restaurant industry.


I met teachers who worked at the local Chinese Language school. That is- the school taught Chinese to Yanks, mostly 2nd generation Chinese kids, adults wanting to travel and adopted kids from China.

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I should not take her long to learn English. Does she have a pocket translator? This was a great help to Yirong to learn. She worked for hours every day at learning. Now she is very good.

So, why not wait for her English to improve and then look for a job. Personally I would not want my wife working at McDonalds or the like.

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The problem for a non-English speaker, I believe,  is that immigrants tend to congregate with other same language immigrants.  End result-  they don't have a chance to learn another language at work.  The exception-  Spanish is common through out the restaurant industry.


I met teachers who worked at the local Chinese Language school.  That is- the school taught Chinese to Yanks, mostly 2nd generation Chinese kids, adults wanting to travel and adopted kids from China.

Here depending on the restaurant they speak Spanish, Chinese or Thai in the back (or any other language in the world :rolleyes: ).


She will also have to improve English to work a fast food. The key is practice, practice, practice. I use to teach ESL and the biggest problem Asians had was pronouncing the sounds so others understood what they said. She should watch your mouth as you speak and using a mirror try to mimic. DVDs are great because you can keep watching a scene over and over and watch their mouths move until you can do it also. A hand held recorder to listen to what she said, the mirror and the DVD player are the best way to improve fast.


You can also read a page from a book into a recorder so she can follow the print and practice with the tape repeatedly.

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Do you all think nursing school is a good idea? My wife can speak English and I am teaching her more every day. I am trying to get her up to speed to enter an American university, and we are thinking nursing school. Some hospitals will pay your tuition if you agree to work for them for a couple of years after graduation. At this point I can't think of a downside, except that it will take a lot of work to get to the needed English proficiency, and the nursing program will be pretty demanding. But she wants to do it, so I am encouraging her.

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I'd vote for pharmacy tech over nurse. Nurse's assistant, LVN or RN work hard get paid well and probably miserablely long hours at night to begin. but, if it's what she wants....


In Calif there is a waiting list for the nursing program. Call your local schools and ask them about their program.

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Do you all think nursing school is a good idea? My wife can speak English and I am teaching her more every day. I am trying to get her up to speed to enter an American university, and we are thinking nursing school. Some hospitals will pay your tuition if you agree to work for them for a couple of years after graduation. At this point I can't think of a downside, except that it will take a lot of work to get to the needed English proficiency, and the nursing program will be pretty demanding. But she wants to do it, so I am encouraging her.

i wanted my SO to try this too, but that was until she told me that she could NEVER be a nurse... the whole seeing/working with blood things. :blink:


you mentioned "speeding" things up, not sure what you meant, but i would recommend looking into 2yr RN programs. my sister did this and was extrememly pleased. in her situation, she had been in school for a while changed majors a couple times, and just wanted to get through. she ended up going to a 2yr RN program at a community college, and it turned out that the program was extremely competitive and well respected, and it's graduates were highly sought after. my sister told me that there is basically no differences in pay or job selection between 4yr RNs and 2yr RNs. of course, this could possibly vary by region or by medical institution. although, she was "just" a 2yr RN from a "community" college she was promptly hired with a great job at the Mayo clinic.


well, what ever way you guys go, i'm sure she can do it. just brush up that english, and it will be no sweat... well, maybe a little, nursing it actually quite physically demanding. take care.

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I'd vote for pharmacy tech over nurse.  Nurse's assistant, LVN or RN work hard get paid well and probably miserablely long hours at night to begin.  but, if it's what she wants....


In Calif there  is a waiting list for the nursing program.  Call your local schools and ask them about their program.

from my sister's experience, nurses do work long daily hours, but not weekly. i guess nurses are usually a .6 or .8, i.e. 60% or 80% of full-time, based on 40 hrs per week. but that is not to say nurse don't work hard. they do! lifting weak people in and out of bed all day can get tiring!

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