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Pick up visa from Post Office

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I agree. I will be so glad when we are done with this crappy process. God only knows why they want to add an extra step on the process. And they also charge a "modest fee" in order to send it rhough China Post.

I could add some swear words like squid @$%#$^#%&^#^. But I am just happy that my hubby will be here soon, and that God is helping us through it. I adore him , and nothing could keep us apart. Not even bad blood between a political superpower and an economic powerhouse. All the red tape in the world can't hold us back. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

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Don't be mad. Negative vibrations don't accomplish anything. Join us sister J in the Way of The Blue Thingie. Release what sanity you have left and he will be here before you know it.


Feel the energy. Join in!


Ooooooohhhhhhmmmmmm Bbbbbbbbllllluuuuuueeeee Tttttthhhhhiiiinnnnngggggiiiiieeeeee

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Here's an idea:


Once the interview rite of passage has been completed, why don't they stamp your passport at that time and give you the needed paperwork?


Wow, am I genius or what?  They should hire me as a streamlining expert so that I could enhance their governing and leadership with a very important trait that seems to be missing from everyone in their senior staff, COMMON SENSE!


And another thing, Another fee to get something that we already paid for with application fees, travel fees, hotel fees, phone call fees, taxes, and many other fees while waiting the months/years to get our SO to the U.S. is totally out of control!  Now we have an additional travel fee because we must wait at a hotel for 3+ more days. (aka get their heads out of their A**)

Squid you take the paper work reduction ast too seriously. It will always be overridden by the need to reduce unemployment and shore up the economy.


King thank you for the information. During this change we need all the input we can get. In this you are probably the best source we have. Forget anything I ever said about lawyers (you to Mrs. Wang). Somtimes in a bushel of rotten apples you can pull out a good one. :angry:


But seriouslu, all the input, as the new system is applied, we can get is much appreciated. It goes a long way to making this almost bearable.

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Squid who do you know that I don't know? Please don't let my SO know I could have done better than 11 months. You started the month after and moved up in line to the month before. I'm impressed.


Now how do I convince my So that America is different and it isn't that I'm too stingy to grease the wheels to get her here fast. Really dear I do care! :D

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Guest blsqueaky

Well with all that is being said here, let me throw a little question in here, and that is with my case. Ling is here, we are going back for the interview for IR-1. All mail now is being mailed here to the states, so here, she goes to interview, then what, fly home, and hope that it is here, or just confuse them more, and at the interview, give them a change of address while we are staying in GZ.


If fly home to get it, then how enter USA again, use the K-3, then go to a POE so that they can stamp it, but wait, if they are mailing the visa home, then how would she fly back, she would not have a passport.

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Squid who do you know that I don't know? Please don't let my SO know I could have done better than 11 months. You started the month after and moved up in line to the month before. I'm impressed.


Now how do I convince my So that America is different and it isn't that I'm too stingy to grease the wheels to get her here fast. Really dear I do care!  :)

Dan, I have no explanation. The major difference between my SO and others is that mine has an American degree to which she earned while in the US for over 8 years. I would think that the background checks went a little easier. Also, if you notice, the USCIS was really quick for a couple of months right before reelections so I was caught in that wave.


I wish a speedy and fair process to everyone.

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Guest blsqueaky
Squid who do you know that I don't know? Please don't let my SO know I could have done better than 11 months. You started the month after and moved up in line to the month before. I'm impressed.


Now how do I convince my So that America is different and it isn't that I'm too stingy to grease the wheels to get her here fast. Really dear I do care!  :)

DanR, if yo really want to get ticked, look at my timeline for our K-3, and this is with about 6 weeks delay due to me being on the road and not able to get the mail, plus GZ sent the her P-3 here instead of her home . The major difference in Ling, she was employed by the Gov't as a teacher for 20+ years, and retired when we married, so what kind of checks was she going through all of the time. I bet numerous

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Here is a thought.....


What if this "Post Office Delivery system" is simply for the transition period while moving to the new consulate offices July 1st?


Surely, not ALL of the consulate will move, and not all in 1 day! If, for example, the VISA Printing department stays in the present ShaMian Island Consulate for some period after the new consulate opens, then it could be resonable that GUZ would want to, basically, USE the post office workers to give out the visas. Their staff will be split between the old and new consulate offices for some time to come and keeping people at the old consulate for the relatively simple task of handing out the visas might not work out, management-wise.


The addition of 1 extra day will be tolerable IF AND ONLY IF they do not continue the INFURIATING practice of giving you a Blue-Slip (or whatever color they now decide) Request-For-Evidence when you are expecting to pick up a VISA!!!!!


If your SO gets a "BLUE SLIP SURPISE" instead of a VISA at the post office....!$##@!#$$ ... TA MA DE!!!!!!!!


:rolleyes: PLEASE.. PLEASE...Don't let it come to pass....


Roger Wink

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