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A congressman/ senator office called me today...

After the chitchat about the case and all ( they get the same B.S " we're working on it " we do more or less ) , mentioned that the FBI is/was the real prob.

Inadequate/ Prehistoric computer system ( at least for our purpose ) .. Mentioned that mid-year, they had up to 80% failure in info transmissions from other agencies ( read: .. oops.. sorry guys, send that again, will ya? ). Working on it though .. but budget cut.. blahblahblah...


Take that info in stride. I'm only reporting kids.

Don't ask me for the source. I won't say, out of courtesy. But that is what I was told. After said source ( As I understand it ) spoke to their "contacts" at state..

Don't use this info, as it cannot be verified by another source, but I sure can believe it


Any one got a few spare top of the line laptops we can send in? :D

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Thanks for the info Eric. Makes sense to me.


Now, if you could just send me one of those lap tops before you leave for Latvia.... :P  :D

are you kidding me?? No way Jose !

My company just bought me my new toy :-) DVD and all .. and all gizmos possible, short of the expresso maker

We were watching movies in Beijing 3 weeks ago.. 1$ great Chinese DVD on the hotel TV screen :P

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What! No expresso maker? :P


Seriously, I have been shopping for a lap top over here and it is not an easy task, believe me! Not only are the prices higher but sometimes the quality is also questionable. I will keep looking though, I am sorely in need of a new machine as this desk top, provided by the university, was produced in the Juarrassic age I think. :D :P

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What! No expresso maker? :P


Seriously, I have been shopping for a lap top over here and it is not an easy task, believe me! Not only are the prices higher but sometimes the quality is also questionable. I will keep looking though, I am sorely in need of a new machine as this desk top, provided by the university, was produced in the Juarrassic age I think. :D  :P

Laptops are the ONE thing in China I found out not being cheaper than the U.S

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Temporary in Guangzhou ( interpreter in April ).



Would this be for the International Trade Fair? If so, I have quite a few students, Senior English Majors, who go there and work as translators each October and April. If you really need someone, I could easily supply you with a quality candidate.

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Temporary in Guangzhou ( interpreter in April ).



Would this be for the International Trade Fair? If so, I have quite a few students, Senior English Majors, who go there and work as translators each October and April. If you really need someone, I could easily supply you with a quality candidate.

Yep.. Commodities fair.. Need one for seven days.. 4 days on, 5 days off, 3 days on..

Fire away

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The FBI computers are prehistoric? You mean like drawing in the dirt using a stick? Or have they evolved all the way up to the hammer and chisel?


Oh, they really do have computers but they are just real old. You mean like the awesome IBM 360's that I saw in the early 1970s with the reels of tape spinning briskly around, right? No, wait, they do have PC's, huh? Oh, now I get it, they must be using Commodore 64's. :o

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The FBI computers are prehistoric?  You mean like drawing in the dirt using a stick?  Or have they evolved all the way up to the hammer and chisel?


Oh, they really do have computers but they are just real old.  You mean like the awesome IBM 360's that I saw in the early 1970s with the reels of tape spinning briskly around, right?  No, wait, they do have PC's, huh?  Oh, now I get it, they must be using Commodore 64's. :o

no .. no... you have it wrong.... The latest upgrade was to a Pentium 0.5 chip.. One name check takes only 546.5 days nowaday..(per database that is..)

There is hope !

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Temporary in Guangzhou ( interpreter in April ).



Would this be for the International Trade Fair? If so, I have quite a few students, Senior English Majors, who go there and work as translators each October and April. If you really need someone, I could easily supply you with a quality candidate.

Yep.. Commodities fair.. Need one for seven days.. 4 days on, 5 days off, 3 days on..

Fire away



If I want to refer someone to you (a good English speaker) and possibly someone with previous experience at the Commodities Fair, what should I do? Keep in mind I am not so good at cutting, pasting, and anything to cyber technical. (I can, however, tie my shoes!).


We are only six hours from GZ and 45 minutes by air. If you really need someone, let me know. :o :D

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Temporary in Guangzhou ( interpreter in April ).



Would this be for the International Trade Fair? If so, I have quite a few students, Senior English Majors, who go there and work as translators each October and April. If you really need someone, I could easily supply you with a quality candidate.

Yep.. Commodities fair.. Need one for seven days.. 4 days on, 5 days off, 3 days on..

Fire away



If I want to refer someone to you (a good English speaker) and possibly someone with previous experience at the Commodities Fair, what should I do? Keep in mind I am not so good at cutting, pasting, and anything to cyber technical. (I can, however, tie my shoes!).


We are only six hours from GZ and 45 minutes by air. If you really need someone, let me know. :o :D

see your PM

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