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my wife will be having her interview in hong kong we were wondering how long does it usually take for the consulate to send her the paperwork showing her interview date after the consulate gets our paperwork from the visa center here?

and how long does it take on average for the consulate to receive the paper work from the visa center once everything is prossesed?

thanks! todd and my cute wife

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Welcome Todd! Join us in the Official Visa Waiting Room. You have come to the right place. Most of us are going through Guangzhou but there may be someone witth Hong Kong info. Just a guess but I would think it would be faster than the 11-14 month wait that Guangzhou has been doing recently. What visa are you doing? How about more info for us to gossip about. Many of us have already spilled our guts to the regret of some of the rest of us.


Browse the forums and use the links and resources, lots of useful stuff there. I've found the people here to be helpful and supportive as well as once in awhile a pain in the neck. But hey we're a community.


By the way that's an interesting name your SO has. What does it mean in English? :lol:


Well get comfy, settle in and there is plenty of good reading here in the waiting room.. I mean CFL.


THe Black Goat of CFL (so guys should I adopt a new monicker?)

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