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GUZ Consulate Is Moving

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Maybe it will make a positive long-term difference. Call me selfish, but the next six months are what concern me most. I am crossing my fingers and toes. You would think that it would cause at most a two-week delay ... but no component of the immigration process seems to have a history of persevering in the face of problems. Well, they persevere, in the sense that a glacier perseveres. Am I spelling that right? Persevere ... perservere ... persavere ... proceed!

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Maybe it will make a positive long-term difference.  Call me selfish, but the next six months are what concern me most.  I am crossing my fingers and toes.  You would think that it would cause at most a two-week delay ... but no component of the immigration process seems to have a history of persevering in the face of problems.  Well, they persevere, in the sense that a glacier perseveres.  Am I spelling that right?  Persevere ... perservere ... persavere ... proceed!

James: I really don't want to rain on anybody's parade - I know how hard it was for me when I was waiting - but realistically, think about it - there was a 2 or 3 month delay at least when they did the relatively simple task of installing the biometric (fingerprint) scanners.


With this move they will have to either:

1. Set up an entire new computer system at the new location. This means either integrate the new into the old system without disrupting the old system (have both systems running concurrently) - not at all an easy thing to do especially when your computers are all networked and tied into very secure government agencies in both China and the US


2. Shutting down the old system, moving it to the new location and put it all back together again. Either way, you're looking at moving a small mountain of equipment and data connections, all being done by "paid by the hour Govt. employees".


Add in the fact that they have to move files, personnel and establish new logistics and procedures.


If there is a complete halt of all visa processing for a very conservative estimate of less than 2 months, I would be really suprized!! :rolleyes:

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Come on guys don't scare a poor old man. Government + moving office = scary situation which at best may only result in a few shuffled papers at worse .... Oh My God! :) I hope they don't make us start over. I may not get any sleep now until the interview.


Thanks loads and you guys thought I was already nuts. Ok if I can't sleep I'll seek the only refuge left to me.


Ooooohhhhhmmmmmmm Bbbbbbblllllluuuuuueeeee Ttttthhhhhhiiiiiinnnnnggggggiiiiiieeeeeee


Ooooooohhhhhmmmmmmm Bbbbbbbllllllluuuuuueeeeee Tttttttthhhhhhiiiiiinnnnnnnggggggiiiiieeeeee


Ooooooohhhhhmmmmmmm Bbbbbblllllluuuuuueeeeee tttttthhhhhhiiiiiinnnnnggggggiiiiiieeeeeee

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2. Shutting down the old system, moving it to the new location and put it all back together again. Either way, you're looking at moving a small mountain of equipment and data connections, all being done by "paid by the hour Govt. employees".



Ummm Cos.... government employees are paid not by the hour, but by salary. That is worse. No incentive.







but wait.. I think actually both are equally bad... :)


just wish US Citizens and their loved ones werent treated with so much disdain.

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