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False Alarm.....An Update

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Received an e-mail today from Lisa Piascik regarding her e-mail to me last week, informing me that my fiancee's clearance had been received. It reads as follows:


" This is in response to your e-mail of January 18 asking for clarification of the contradictory information provided to you by this office regarding the status of your fiancee's clearance.

We sincerely apologize to you for our mistake. Your fiancee's clearance was resubmitted by the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou, but Washington has not yet given Guangzhou permission to proceed with this case.

Before drafting our previous e-mail to you, we consulted our database of visa cases. At that time the database contained an entry, made by the Guangzhou Consulate, stating that permission had come from Washington to resume processing the case. Unfortunately, that information was not correct. By the time you called this office, the entry had been replaced by a note indicating that a mistake had occurred.

We regret that the information we provided to you was not correct. We will try to serve you better in the future."


In other words, when GZ is not blaming Washington, Washington is blaming GZ. I am going to send a copy of this e-mail to Consul General Norris in GZ, letting him know that, according to Ms. Piascik, it was his staff, and not DOS-CA, that was responsible for the error.

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Apparently the word "accountability" and the concept of "assuming responsibility" do not exist in either of their data bases. <_< Further, GZ assured Owen two weeks ago that it was "impossible for them to make a mistake". <_< <_<


You have my sympathy and my empathy Texan.

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