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  1. Hello everyone, I am fairly new to the process to petition for Immigration. I have been cramming my brain with a million different websites presenting information on the K1 fiance process, all of which has been leaving me worried, and fearful. Just to start I will explain my story so far. I am 22, 3 years ago I met a Chinese girl online, (we did not meet on a dating site). We met completely by accident, and it was LITERALLY a 1 in a million chance. We exchanged contact information and we started talking all the time, this was when myspace was still pretty popular. She invited me to Shanghai, to visit her and visit the Shanghai technology expo. I even asked her playfully to be my valentine, because it was close to Valentines Day. I was pretty excited and was researching more info to make this a reality. Shortly after I deleted my MySpace without thinking to take down her contact info I was pretty upset, and figured I lost her forever. I always thought of her, and was always a bit sad when thinking of it. Nearly 2.5 years later I open my Facebook, and She has sent me a friend request! We started talking again insanely. We talked much so about the years we have lost, and I asked her if she was serious about inviting me to the tech expo that built into her inviting me again. This time she invited me for Chinese New Year, I was pumped booked my tickets, got my tourist visa and was on my way. Since when she contacted me again on Facebook, we talked nearly 12 hours a day 7 days a week through different means of electronic communication, she was quickly finding a soft spot in my heart, and I was in hers also. Next thing I know is I am in Shanghai, spending time with a woman that I have found to be the most impressive, intelligent, beautiful, and incredible woman I have ever known. I fell for her like a rock, and as she did for me. I was having a wonderful time until I realized that I would have to leave her, this broke my heart. I spent another couple days roaming Shanghai with her, and all be it young, having very high morals, values, and respect for marriage, I realized that she is the woman that I want to die with. Ever since I have realized this frightening truth, I have been terrified. I have really fallen for this girl, and I realized that I cannot think of a future without her. So after a night of endless passing in my hotel room like a love sick puppy, I asked her to be mine, in other words.... Lets get married. She agreed, but we talked more, and more, and realized that yes this is what we want, but we should be smart about it and do it properly. So we decided that she will continue to finish her Degree (Nursing) which she will finish in December 2012, and we will use this year to properly prepare ourselves for the journey ahead. I returned to the United States with a very painful heart on Jan 31st. We are talking all the time now more than before most likely. I work overnight as a hotel auditor. She is awake while I am awake . Anyway the very night I returned from China I ordered plane tickets for trips to visit her in May, August, December, and I am waiting for availability to open up for February next year... the next Chinese New Year. We both know where we want to take this, I have met her entire family, they all like me, and her mother being protective (I don't blame her) originally had trouble trusting me. But after time of me posting youtube videos of my singing songs to her daughter, and the gifts I have sent she has come to completely support us. I am currently aggressively learning the Chinese language, history, and culture, out of respect for her Country. Our plan is, after visiting her in May, I will return and start a K1 visa petition. I will be employing a Immigration attorney, as well as maybe a k1 organizational 3rd party service. We both are sure as to where we want to take this, we talk legitimately, and seriously about it all the time. We are committed, and although starting the petition in May, I plan on properly proposing to her in August, with a ring, and getting on a knee, I plan on taking her on a nice date, then taking a knee in Shanghai's "Pearl Tower" But I do have worries. 1. Financial side In 2011 I made roughly 140% of the poverty line, for a household of two. In 2010 I made $1000 less then needed for 125% for two. In 2009 I made about $500 all together ( it was a very rough year, the pawn shop owned my life) Many places claim 3 year of income documentation, many claim 1 Now as far as money, I have 2 brothers, and 1 sister that all make MORE then enough and are willing to help sponsor all live within 5 miles of me. (we are a close family) As far assets, I am on the title of my condo, have 2 cars (I a mechanic), near $25,000 in US savings bonds, 7,000 in the bank, and I have about $200,000 of life insurance on my face just in case I get ground into the pavement by a bus. 2. Age We are young, I am 22 she is 20, we will be 23, 21 when actually getting married. She will have a degree, and I am working full time at a decent job, and pursuing a degree in international business, and marketing. 3. Proof of a bona fide relationship. 1. I Can print out all my travel itineraries four in total, before the interview will probably come around 2. Hotel bills 3. Restaurant bills 4. I can show that I have added her as the sole beneficiary to my insurance, 5. I can show receipts from mailing items to her, 6. Tons of pictures, and video. 7. I paid for her passport, and will pay for all the petition 8. I can print out nearly 6,000 pages of Time and date stamped electronic communication from Facebook, and text messages via ipod. 10. By time of interview I can show proof of planned weddings ceremonies in both America, and China 11. I have been completely remodeling my Condo to better suit the needs of a married couple, (repainting, new furniture, and making it more than a bachelors pad) 12. Her mother and I both will be in attention at the Guangzhou embassy while she is in her visa consulate interview. I was wondering if you guys think we have a solid case? I am going crazy, I can't sleep, I am lucky if I can get 2-3 hours a day, I can't eat (I have already lost, 15 lb. since returning..... great weight lose plan haha) What do you guys think? Think I could rest my mind a bit? By the way, this is a video I made her. I decided to make a youtube channel to document, and archive the journey we will have together. Hopefully upon completion it can inspire, and help others rest their weary minds. ( I know of improper grammar in video. It was very late, after a very long day. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeSuDZbBqoc&context=C3943734ADOEgsToPDskLR9PUIuM0L4TnY8Ro5wim1 Check it out tell me what you think!!!
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