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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. Thanks for the link Dave! Sadly, I took the check option, and the last two digits of my SSN are high. Oh well, it'll get here when it gets here. How long are we going to be paying for it?
  2. I agree, Eric. Sounds like the honeymoon is over. And, that's not a bad thing. It's just part of the relationship evolution. I rather enjoy reading those idealogical comments from those who don't have their partner here yet vs. posts as yours, Eric, who understand the day to day reality of what it requires to settle in and find your comfort level with each other. Just as Doug and we may find traits that are unsettling or even shocking, so do they find with us. It's a simple matter of learning and accepting, growing and maturing in your relationship together. Most people don't give enough time to grow a relationship, or anything. My ex wanted to get married right away. I don't mean after a year, I mean after two weeks. I doesn't matter where your spouse is from, no two people are going to think the same in every situation. You might think that your SO, whether she is someone you grew up with or just met on the internet a few months ago, thinks in the same direction as you - chances are you are wrong. Doug hasn't posted the details in this event for us to make any sort of informed comments on what has happened. General comments for general questions.
  3. I never mentioned the UN, this is about using personal influence to get a powerful country to do something.
  4. My most heartfelt condolences go out to the family. While I came to CfL too late to read his posts fresh, I did appreciate them later. He will be missed here.
  5. As I have seen mentioned elsewhere around here, the length of the relationship is not a concern, or at least a major concern, for GUZ. There is a thread where some people here were comparing the shortness of the relationship before filing and I seem to recall that one was under twenty days.
  6. I'm sure that others here can help you better than I can, but you may want to search for information about the "kitchen sink," and what it should contain. Also, you should hand write and have it notarized, a letter stating the evolution of the relationship. Best of luck!
  7. His cynicism is well earned. In the last fifty years, I believe that the US has bungled more than it has improved conditions. But this is about getting China to act, or do something, rather than getting the US to do something, as we are busy with two theaters of war, and numerous other insurgencies. Can China affect some sort of change just by applying some sort of pressure on the Sudanese government? No invading armies, just pressure. Could it work? Could people be saved by something like that? I don't know, but isn't it worth it to try?
  8. Whether you are a Doofus, Dork, Dewb, or Geek, it should be the utmost priority to teach your wife that people that fall into these personality types are completely incapable of domestic chores, menial tasks, and repetative labors without screwing them up so badly that she would be much happier if she just left you out of it and did it herself. I think this might be a tougher lesson than it sounds like, but in any case, good luck with the teachings! Let us know how it turns out.... Sounds like Bill Cosbys advice, from "Fatherhood."
  9. At least they aren't saying that you look like Ernest Borgnine!
  10. I wish that some people would remember that politics are to be kept out of the Olympics.
  11. Also, that would be over two years, with the current estimates for the visa process time frame.
  12. I presume you are referring to this FSI: http://www.fsi-language-courses.com/Chinese.aspx
  13. It looks like with ecallchina, you can only get a call record on the "Rechargeable Pinless Speed Dial Phone Card" card. Onesuite, as mentioned by Clayton and Jeikun, well, I found that site somewhat confusing, and not as well laid out as the more commercial site for ecallchina. Just not sure what Onesuite is making available. Then there is also that USB deal that was mentioned here, the Magic Jack.
  14. Is that what the kids are calling it these days. If by 'these days' you mean kids listening to T-Rex, then yes!
  15. No way! Change your avatar if you want, and what does my avatar have to do with Chinese shipyards, or Chinese maritime history? Since you might want more pics of Ms Li, here is the link for Googles image search: Bang a Gong!
  16. Well, as my friend said, Monterey Park is the capitol of the Western Chinese Empire! I'm sure that we all know that they explored the west coast of North America, so things could have been very different for sure.
  17. Good thing then, since I thought I missed something.
  18. With the tax rebate coming this year you might want to hold off on filing your taxes until you get her SSN, it could be worth an extra $600 to you. ????
  19. I asked a friend about that. I postulated that the Chinese had stopped exploring the outer world to explore the inner world. He said I should take my head out of the clouds! He said that with trade traveling by means of boats, the road taxes were not being collected. Shut down the shipping industry, and the road taxes came back. But whatever the reason, it really is too bad that China stopped.
  20. The RandyW system must be down for service, or upgrading. I'm sure when it comes back online, those threads will be brought up.
  21. Dang, I almost missed this, as I've forgotten what AOS stands for and don't come here very often ...but... Way to go Dave, that's great news. I'm very happy for you both, man. tsap seui Tsap seui, what does "don't come here very often" qualify for you?
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