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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. Exactly! Thinking about this vacuous air heads comments and the hypocrisy in them really got me going while I was out to lunch. I don't think she understands the concept of karma, any more than the characters on 'My name is Earl.'
  2. According to IMDB she is fifty. In her fifty years she never learned the lesson that she claimed to have learned when she got the letter from the foundation? She never learned to be a humanitarian first? What is wrong with this actresses head? Or, maybe her PR people don't have enough to do, and she wants to make sure that they are earning their money.
  3. Tsap, something I thought of last night was 'Tsap Seui's Driving Academy' to teach people headed to the US, American driving! Might be more interesting than teaching English!
  4. Gee David, now you're living my life. I really look forward to your blogs. Yesterday's post on mourning was very touching. How long much longer are you two going to stay? We return June 4. I will be sorry to see this thread come to a close, as I find it very enlightening.
  5. Tsap, the interview for your fiancee was terrible, and it gets my ire up every time I read it. I wish there was something I could do to help you, but sadly all I can do is offer these poor words. Just remember, what ever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. I was interested to see what your visa plans were once you moved overseas, and perhaps filing that DCF will be much better for you and Lil Rabbit.
  6. @Tom - Why do you not want her to drive? @BillV - Go to Dallas, and see the way the drive there. Scared the hell out of me!
  7. I must be reading a different article, than the one C4Racer linked to, 'cuz I just don't see where, in any way, the article implies that this was an acceptable practice. And if the article was held until after the Olympics, then what? Would the critics say that China is controlling the press? How would that be a win for China?
  8. I don't know, but 1000 children rates as a scandal in my book, whether it's in a country in Asia, or a country in Europe, or the US. Just because they use the word scandal doesn't mean anything with the government being involved. And how is reporting news throwing egg on China's face? Should they wait until after the Olympics to report anything bad? I don't even see anything that implies insulting China. The article clearly says that they are going to inspect every factory in the area to see if any others are using child labor, and that they are doing what they can to rectify the situation.
  9. Rail fan huh? You know the US RRs consider rail fans to be as bad as terrorists? At least the one I deal with does.
  10. I was disappointed in the movie also. I found it almost too cartoon like.
  11. Sorry C4Racer! I musta missed your post when I was working on mine.
  12. Give'em hell Tsap! I really wish there was more that I could do for you, but I'm just a spud at the start of this game.
  13. It appears that Washington still has them online. Are these documents not what you need? http://www.dol.wa.gov/cn/
  14. That would be an important distinction then. I was about to mention the abuse of the prime vendor program that the military uses, but that wouldn't apply to the soldiers of the armed forces.
  15. I guess you really hate Californians then for Kalifornicating Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana. I do. Well, then ban me now!
  16. Ok, I asked my boss, and finally remembered to post it. He wasn't given any instructions regarding diet to assist in the healing of his eyes.
  17. That sounds about right. The USPS has the most poorly conceived and implemented tracking system on the planet.
  18. I'll ask my boss about the diet question the next time I see him. Thanks for the information. I've been considering laser eye surgery for a while now, so I like to get info about why people choose the places that they do choose.
  19. You better believe they are watching you Corbin! Better watch out Mr Stark, they can see through that pipe and cowboy hat!
  20. That would be about $1000? If so that's not a bad price for both eyes. How would you rate the place that did it? Top quality? Medium? Bargain?
  21. Or in a month they might finally update it. But if it has a post mark from before the 16th, you're good to go.
  22. How about this, as it might help some out in the future. Óï - the character for language, so xÓï is the language of x. ¹ú - the character for country or kingdom. In this case, with China being the middle kingdom, China uses the character for middle or center for it's short hand representation. So Öйú is China. ÈË - the character for people. Very confusing when you are studying optics and the primary character used in optics is the Greek character for lambda and you are trying to remember which one is which in a test! Anyway, slap this one on to the end of a country, and you have those people. ÖйúÈË is Chinese people.
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