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Posts posted by mari

  1. Hi Amber, I'm the other american woman with a chinese fiance. My boyfriend and I have a great challenge in our relationship: I'm cuban-american, born in Cuba and raised in the U.S. (actually Puerto Rico), we speak English to each other, but it's not our main language, but we do OK ;) So he has to deal with the mix of american and latin culture in me. We've been together for almost 3 years now, we met in internet and I'm so grateful to life for finding him in my path. I haven't met his parents yet, but I'm not so thrilled about it, as I myself don't speak any chinese, not even know how to eat with chopsticks yet. For one thing I know that chinese take care of their elders which is something that I respect much, my fiance has an older brother who will stay in China with the parents, although I've stated clearly that they can come to visit us at any time in the future as they wish. As far as our relationship goes, there are definitely some differences. I don't understand why they don't like expressions of affection in public, why they are so hard headed at times... but I wouldn't change him for nothing in the world. I've been 4 times to China (fifth next December), we do share house duties, like he will cook and I will wash the dishes, and we love to cook together. He's the love of my life, and we understand each other very well. I've found that there are more reasons that keep us together than reasons to keep us apart. I think that the "mom issue" is something that can happen anywhere no matter to what culture you belong, it happened to me in my first marriage and it made me very unhappy. Distance was the remedy to it, my ex joined the military and the problem was resolved. I wish you much happiness in the future and a speedy process.

  2. Neal, I'm sure you will spend Christmas with your Yaya. I'm beginning to understand better the frustration you must have experienced through all this past months, our name check is still pending after 98 days, and even though I'm happy for all of you who are receiving interview dates, my heart is completely broken and my usual optimism is out of sight. :angel: I contacted my congressman and keep hoping and praying for some good news soon.

  3. Thanks so much Frank for your empathy and support, It's been very, very tough lately, our name check has not been completed yet and it's been now more than 3 months since it started. It's so sad to know that they won't consider us for an interview until they get that clearance done, and after that it will be take anopther 5 or 6 months....... :D Your words of encouragement make it much easier for all of us. Bryan, good luck in your upcoming interview, please let us all know how it went, I'm sure everything will be fine.

  4. jjbucko, I truly understand your frustration, but believe me, you don't want to do this to GZ, it's unuseful to fight the system. I'm starting to get very worried about our second name check (3 months and counting) and looking at the answer you got from GZ my best guess is that they haven't completed your second name check either. None of the people I know from Candle whose P3's were registered around the same time as ours had their security clearance completed yet. This implies that a "few months" will turn into at least 6 more months. ;)

  5. It's just unconceivable for me that an abandoned child, the most innocent of all, should wait for a bureaucratic system to process a visa in order to reunite with her new parents. It's really heartbreaking..... There are no words to describe the anger and frustration some of us must go through with the many steps in this long process. Love and hope are the only tools that keep us going.....

  6. Rick, go straight to the point with this people: "I'm the petitioner on a K1 visa and want to know when our name check started and if it's been completed yet". If you get one of those "nice visa specialists" that wouldn't give you any info, keep calling and try a different one. One of them told me yesterday that the consulate will notify me when the name check is completed.... yeah sure.......... :)

  7. I think that the key issue to estimate the time for P4 is when the name check is completed. Many people don't check this with DOS. As I see it, once the second background check is completed, then there's approximately a 5 month wait for interview (see Neal's timeline). My big concern now is that it seems that people whose P3's got registered in July have their second name check still pending, ours started on July 9th and after 3 months it's still pending.... I saw posts from some Candle members who sent P3's as recently as September saying that their name checks had been completed as per DOS, so they"ll probably get interview dates before us. It's just not fair, but we can't fight the system, it's definitely one of the hardest tests of endurance I've ever faced.

  8. I personally don't think they will look up at bankruptcy records, and even if they do, it's a right to any individual, not a crime. As far as you can provide them with evidence that you can support your future spouse with your current income, or you have a qualifying sponsor, it should be fine. One of the bankruptcy chapters gives the filer the right to reorganize the payments in such a way that they will still be paid, but in a more convenient way. Anyway, it should not be a problem, in any case the petitioner will not get indebted for some time.

  9. She should get more classes in USA, as she needs to study the U.S. GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). It's up to her to get the CPA exam, but she needs to make sure that her Business classes from China will be credited in the state where she will take the test. If her plans are to live in the US, I would recommend her to wait until she's here to resume her classes. Good luck.

  10. Stan, same thing happened to us, I e-mailed the consulate and it was sent again to my fiance, then it got lost again. Finally I asked GZ to change his mailing address and resend the P3, which luckily they did, but in the process we lost around 3 precious weeks. While waiting for it, we discussed over and over the issue of using the downloadable forms, but my fiance did not agreed to it. I really don't know what to tell you, but I'm pretty sure the ones provided by Don are the same ones the consulate sends to the beneficiaries.

  11. Yes Marty, it's been hell for the past few days, but finally today we got the lights on again. The generator is part of my plans for the near future, I think I"ll have to share some power with my neighbors when the time comes, as I live in an apartment complex and will become an unpopular neighbor if I keep it all for myself (he,he) Hope Jennie don't reach Florida, you guys need a break for the rest of the season. :D

  12. My bf wanted to send me some mooncakes for my upcoming birthday, but China Post told his dad that no food is allowed thru the mail, especially if it comes from China :D :( :( I now remember that he wanted me to bring some cooked Beijing duck to my parents at the time the chicken disease broke last January, and I said: "no way, I"ll be deported to China if I do something like this!!!!

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