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Posts posted by mari

  1. Thank you all for your good wishes and support, it really means a lot to me. David, I had been tracing the processing dates of all the service centers, Texas says they're now processing I-129F's received on Februrary 20. If it follows the same path as Vermont, you will most probably see that the site will be updated around the 20th of May, and then they will be working on most recent cases. I think they're working pretty fast now, so I do hope that your case will be approved very soon.

  2. Yes, it does pay-off, just when I decided to relax and take it easy. I called Qisheng while he was having breakfast and he was thrilled, he was beginning to get a little pesimistic about the whole thing. I know we still have a long road to walk, but we're closer to the finish line, right? I hope that all of you awaiting your P-4's can give us some good news in the following days.

  3. I'm really not considering moving to China in the near future, unless we can't get the visa, which should not happen, though we had talked about the possibility of retiring and living half year in China and half in the US at the time. I have worked as an accounting professor for more than 8 years, plus my banking experience in the commercial lending area, and just wondered what are my options. I think it would be interesting to share my knowledge with chinese students, it must be a great experience, but I haven't been able to learn the language, in my place there are no mandarin classes available. :P If what Wayne says is true, he can have a great life in China, I think an average family can live well with $500-$600 a month, imagine $5000!!!!!

  4. I've seen many people who had taught english in China, does anybody know if there's opportunities as well for accounting professors with knowledge in US accounting principles and/or international accounting? What about banking opportunities? What level of chinese language proficiency do they expect?

  5. Carl, thank you for your words and welcome back my friend. I had been following your case and had been very happy and relieved about the outcome, you certainly deserved this. My bf and me had been together for more than 2 years now, we had been nurturing our relationship in many ways until we decided it was the time to tie the knot and be together for the rest of our life. We're in our forties (even though we look younger :) )so we feel the time we are apart is such a precious time we're wasting. I had been dealing with my mind for the past few days, as I know the only source of peace is myself, I think I"ll survive it. Now it's true for you finally, the 10 days will pass before you know.

  6. I will do my best to relax and keep myself busy, there's nothing else I can do to speed this up, certainly worrying will not. As I understand it from Don and others, what I saw in the site means that Vermont has already started to work cases received on March 24, meaning that not necessarily they have finished processing the ones they got before that date. I'm sorry if I have upset some people here, I know that some of you had to wait much longer because of the center where your case had gone, but I can't avoid comparing myself with others whose I-129F's had been processed at VSC.

  7. Patrick, I'm lucky enough that my system never lets anything keep me awake at night, but the bad news are that during the day I'm too aware of my pending issues. At this point in my life I'm very busy at work and got other things to do at home also, and I know the most healthy solution is to stop worrying and just enjoy each day as it comes, but I guess this is just my nature, and I'll have to work hard on this, I"ll do my best. I should count my blessings, as I can always come here to look up for support.

  8. I checked the USCIS site today and they have updated their processing dates. Last update was done on May 6 and Vermont claims it's now working I-129F's received on March 24, mine was received by them on March 17 and still I got no answer. Could it be that they take some time to send the notices and do the postings on the site?

  9. I think this thing is another arm wrestling between our governments, the chinese responding quickly to what they consider unreasonable, and in the end their citizens are caught in the middle. I do hope they keep in good terms, resolve their differences so that we all can get our appointments scheduled on time.

  10. Hi Syl, I'm the other gal around here, met my fiance more than two years ago, and now waiting for our NOA2. This is the second marriage for both of us, but we intend to make it last until the end of our days (well, that's the way it's supposed to be). You're very lucky that you have your interview coming up so soon, as any new thing that comes up should not affect you. I wish you the best of lucks and please let us know how it went.

  11. Thanks so much for your advice Sam, I know I should prepare for the worst case scenario, but it's hard as I've always been an optimistic, I try to keep myself busy, but the mind sometimes play tricks on yourself. Until now we have decided for me not to visit China in summer, as we need to save some money for our future plans, and then he's pretty busy now in his work, so that makes it harder as it's been 3 months now since the last time we saw each other, and who knows when can we see each other again, with this visa thing taking so long. Anyway, there's not much I can do to speed things up, thanks God I get the support I need from you guys.

  12. Don, my concern is that when the "as of" date was April 8th, the I-129F's they were processing were the ones received on February 21th, 2weeks passed and they posted information "as of April 22" and they were still processing I-129F received on February 21, so after 2 weeks they were still processing the same date. It seemed to me that all the dates of the different applications they were processing remained the same after two weeks, so I wonder if they just updated "the date of the update" (sorry for the redundancy) but not the information of the processing date. Am I confusing you???

  13. I finally called the 800 number as my bf suggested, the time they said it will take for them to give a decision has passed and I am wondering how much longer it will take. So after I heard the message with the same information the site offers, I decided to wait 25 minutes for a live person, I choose a spanish speaking one, only to hear nothing new. I asked her if she had any idea why after 2 weeks have passed after the last update on processing times (April 22) they are still working on the same date. She got no answers, just asked me to wait. I know some of you guys have waited for a longer time for NOA2, but when you are given an approximate time, you just can't control yourself. I'm beginning to go insane, every morning as I wake up I tell myself: "today is day#...." I wish there was a formula to survive this waiting time. Some days are better than others, but it's just too tough. :lol:

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