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Posts posted by mari

  1. Hi Scott, I'm one of the gals around here, you've joined a great group of people. I can imagine the excitement about going to meet her in China for the first time. Have you ever been there before? What city will you visit? I also hired a lawyer, my best advice to you is to do it yourself, but it's very important to read carefully all the available instructions at the official site and after doing your homework feel free to ask any question in this forum, I'm sure you"ll get all the answers. Good luck.

  2. I've got a letter from my employer stating when I was employed, my current salary, position, and earnings for the previous year, this should be enough, and I also got a letter from my bank (AKA as my employer) directed to the Honorable Consul of the U.S. in China, stating when account was opened and average balance mantained for the past year. I will also include with the I-134 my tax returns for the past 3 years, just to be on the safe side. Remember if filling out new version of I-134 don't leave in blank item #11, as it does not specify now that it should be filled out only for temporary visitors.

  3. Jim, "turtle", I sincerely hope that you get the interviews scheduled before the expiration date of the form, it will be unbelievable if not!!!! For what I've experienced in this last couple of months, it's very important to look in detail through all the paperwork, and make sure to answer correctly every question there is in the forms GZ sends you. When my fiance received his P3, the consulate included his daughter as an intending immigrant, we only filled out the p3 forms for him, and specified clearly that nobody " will follow him to the US" in two of the items in the DS230, we sent the P3 and it took 2 weeks for them to register it into their system, then they sent the forms back to him along with another set for his daughter.... how frustrating :lol: he sent back the forms to GZ with a note clarifying the matter and the package was again received at the Swan on the 3rd as per the EMS site, however, as of the 11th GZ tells me nothing has been received yet. I can't hardly explain you how it feels.... it's really an emotional torture. I don't know how much longer all this process will take, my

    strength is the love that we both feel for each other and the support that we offer each other every day, but sometimes is just too much to bear..... Anyway, we can't fight the system, just do the best we can and keep busy while waiting.... Thanks to all, and my prayers are with all of you.

  4. I'm ready to take the new I-134 form (Exp. 4-3-07) to the notary today, and I don't see where it says that item #11 is only required for people who will stay in the US on a temporary basis. I have read the attached instructions form and don't see this statement either, so I plan to answer this question as "100% financial support for all living expenses while in the United States". What do you all think?

  5. Thanks so much, I guess I did not read well the instructions to item #11, but I"ll certainly follow Jim's advice to write something on it anyway. As you all now, we had lost at least 3 precious weeks with this thing of our P3 getting lost twice in the mail, and then getting the DS230 back asking for another one for his daughter, when we clearly stated in his form she was not coming. I do hope that you guys receive the good news from your loved ones very soon, and I keep my hopes up for a Christmas wedding also.

  6. Hi all, where are the P4's for the September interviews??? Does anybody know if there's a pattern for sending P4's, once a month, twice a month maybe?? I just don't get it, Mark mentioned there were around 100 people at the consulate for K visa interviews, if they do this every day for a month, they should be able to interview around 2,000 people a month. Well, I know ours will take some time, but I do want to be well prepared for it. My questions:

    1-) Form I134: item 11- it asks if I intend to make specific contributions to the support of the beneficiary and to specify the nature and duration of contributions. I thought I should write: 100% financial support for all living expenses while in the United States (and tons and tons of love he, he). Do you all think of a more specific answer to this one?

    2-) BTW, this form is not in pdf format, so I can just print it out, is it appropriate to fill it out in my own handwriting and take it to the lawyer? The secretary's lawyer can type it, but it's cheaper if I do it myself.

    Thanks for your help.

  7. Neal, what do you mean by page 2??? From my experience I do know now that you should ask DOS specifically what you need from them, I asked today if the security check had started and they said yes, then I asked for the date and I got it, so I guess I should ask in my next calls if it's been completed and when. It seems like they're always reluctant to go into the details of the case. I wonder how they do this name check, if it's the same process they do at NVC, and in average how long it takes to be completed,

    just seems strange how long it took in your case.

  8. Congratulations Bea, we're proud of you!!!!! Thanks so much for sharing your experience, I know this waiting time has been terrible, but at the end it's all worth it. As I read the sequence of events on your interview date, I was imagining my dear one going thru the same, how we wish that all this process would be easier on all of us.... Anyway, good luck to you and Mark and hope only the best for you two, soon you"ll have a bundle of joy in your arms and all this nightmare will be just a thing of the past. <_<

  9. From what I've seen in the past months (since May) GZ is scheduling the interview around 4 to 4 1/2 months after the P3 had been entered into their system. I'm still hopeful that this next batch of P4's cover the second half of April and first half of May, if not, then I wonder how much longer is gonna take for the rest of us in the waiting.

  10. Hi all, my fiance received today in the mail his DS230 back along with a note requesting the Form DS230 for his daughter also, but she will not be coming as an immigrant to USA, and we had stated so in questions 21a and 21b on his form DS230. I will suggest him to send it back to GZ at once with a note explaining the situation to them. As you all know our P3 got lost in the mail and GZ had to mail it in three occasions , so we had already lost some precious time in this (around 3 weeks). Now I'm afraid our case can be put on hold because of this. Have this happened to any of you before? Any suggestions? :blink:

  11. Tony, had you called DOS to check on the status of your case? We confirmed our P3 was registered on July 29th, called DOS to confirm it, but they mentioned something about the consulate sending a new DS230 for my boyfriend's daughter, I recall there is a field somewhere (I129F) where you name the children who will come with the beneficiary to USA, we leaved it in blank, as she will not come to USA, so I'm confused now if our case can be put in hold for this (I believe not) but anyway we wrote to GZ clarifying this point. My best advice to you is to call DOS tomorrow morning and ask about the status of your case, then write to GZ and make sure your case is moving along. Remember nobody else will really care for you, don't be shy on sending as much e-mails as needed, the people at GZ usually answer them and help you out. Good luck.

  12. Hi all, our P3 was finally registered in GZ computer, it seems as our process had been losing speed since our P3 was first sent. GZ had to send the P3 three times before it finally got into our hands (we changed the mailing address after the second P3 was mailed). I called DOS today and confirmed that GZ has our P3, however, the woman said that it seems as if GZ had sent another DS230 for my fiance's child, but as I recall now there's a question in the I129F asking if the child will be travelling also, we did not included her as she will stay in China. I just guess we should ignore the document, but my concern is that our case may be delayed or put on hold until they receive this document. I'm planning to e-mail them today to inform them that the child will not be coming to USA. Any ideas on this subject?

  13. Congratulations to both of you, this had been the posts that we all had been waiting for!!!! Update on my case: we finally received P3 after the consulate sent the package 3 times, they were very responsive to my e-mails and they even called my bf to his cell phone as per my request, to schedule a time for him to go and pick up the packet at GZ. :greenblob: :greenblob: :greenblob: :redblob: :redblob:

  14. Greg, my heart goes out to you, it's terrible that this happened after such a long wait. I'm in the midst of a storm also, P3 sent on June 21, never got to its destination, however, GZ had been reading my e-mails, but unfortunately they sent the P3 to the old address again, so I'm praying this time it gets to my bf hands. Anyway, I e-mailed and faxed them again yesterday requesting to do the address update, so far they have answered my inquiries. We tried calling the extension numbers given by Mark, both my bf and me called, and the people were nice, but explained they can't do anything concerning the K visas, and the best option is to

    e-mail GZ. One thing I have noticed lately is that they're sending the P4's on short notice, so I guess the best advice for the ones who are still waiting for P4's is to place a weekly call to DOS (8:30 AM usually has a 5 minute wait) and keep your fingers crossed. I hope you get your case straightened out and get your new interview very soon.

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