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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Why husband #9- Q--Why you have shoes on in house?? A--I was single for a long time and am used to trying to keep my sock clean
  2. Great news for you Frank. I know the the time seems to drag and the nerves go haywire--but it is all worth every minute. Best of luck--CFLer's always do fine.
  3. A baby---how cool. Science knows what causes that now! Big time congrats to both of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I think I am trying to land a trycycle when I am flying a tail dragger. At least this time she is flying with me--over.
  5. All this is funny stuff. Before my wife got here I read some of these things and laughed but I never really believed them. Now I know they may have been understatements. Maybe we need to start a "Why husband" or "Husband what that" or "Why do" page. How about just a "Husband" page. My darlin' never says my name but several times a day the yelp "Husband!!" fills the house. I thought she just couldn't say my name. This just gets better---'life aint boring no mo!'
  6. What a great story that is Dean. My fiancee came in 5 days ago. Although I did not fly with her, I heard her say many of the same things. I am glad you mentioned the "fat people" story. I thought maybe she had a fat fetish. Seems as though she enjoys looking at the chubby folks too much. I had the same experience driving. She nagged for an hour about the 2 handed driving thing before I gave up and yeilded to the superior mind of the chinese driver. Good luck to you and yours. It only gets better!
  7. Roger that Don, I am on a righthand approach and turning final for runway one-niner. I will contact tower for further instuctions-out Thanks---sounds like you fly as well. I know CFL will talk me down, they got me this far. Do I get a cap and gown?? What a great adventure so far!!!!!
  8. I honestly believe that she has changed her mind. I think the "let it go" reply is good advice. There is little doubt you would have been contacted if foul play was in evidence. if she was suspected of being kidnapped--her family would have contacted you. If for no other reason than to see if you knew her whereabouts. If harm came to her---you would have been the first suspect and the police would have contacted you. I think it is useless to suggest you panic suspect anyhting other than she has changed her mind. I can only imagine what you must feel--I know it must be devistating --but---like Carl said--"let it go"!
  9. We had planned a big wedding. Today we went to get the license and before I knew what was happpening she said "Now we do". And we did. Now I feel like a man who learned to fly a plane but was absent when they taught the landing part-very poor advanced planning skills. So, now that we are married I have many questions--like now what do I need to do? How do I apply for AOS?? when??? where?? What do I need for her and my new step-daughter. SSN numbers?? ID's?? Tax deductions?? Insurance transferes?? And the ever important name change as well as first name last name VS. Given name and surrname?? HELP!!!! I am soring in the wild blue yonder--HOW DO I LAND THIS THING?!?!?!?
  10. Great news for you. Mine got window # 7 march 10th---she had no problem also. Wait, the best is yet to come---Life will soon make a HUGE change---but it's all good.
  11. Congrats to you and yours. I know your feet are off the ground!!!
  12. You are a natural born parent. It took me 11 years to get my phD in child psych. And I think I could learn from your insight. Be sure to share your savey---but do it gentley. Damned good parent ing ideas, And -yes a 15 year old can be helped---but the parent must be willling to re-learn many things. it's a lot of work. Imagine that, parenting a lot of work. Anyway Nit, you and others i have read, have some good ideas---don't let the "let's take the easy way out and beat the sh-t out of kids" folks change you. your kids will be great adults. Trigg
  13. I ahve worked with troybled kids all my adilt life. And, It does my heart good to hear some of these positive comments. There is hope---keep it up guys. Trigg
  14. Good for you!!!! You have gotten it right!!!! Great analogy "..beat a kid for fighting.." Many parents could learn from you.!
  15. OOPPPS!! If I had paid attention to what I read I would have know you did tell us when. Chicago---how cool, my home town. When you get back you gotta make a list of the best Italian beef and Daisy Brand hot dog places. I plan on a trip up there soon to show Ling where I grew up and have to have both. You cannot get any Chicago food in Nashville. Good luck man!
  16. Congrats to you and her. We had ours approved last week--IO know how you feel. when your feet hit the ground again let us know when she gets here. Once again Congrats!!!!!
  17. I wish it were unbelievable. I gotta believe he was kidding. Surely no one would pray on the normal insecurities of a child like that. Actually I say that and I don't mean it. In my practice I have seen it, or worse, several times. That is why I retired at age 48. Much like you, I best shutup before I ---well I'll just shutup.
  18. Alright, I think I ahve it all figured out--don't clean anything 'cause she will claen it better, don't fix anything, 'cause she will want it fixed better, don't remodel anything, 'cause she will want it differrent, and don't buy anything, cause she will say it cost too much. It all sounds good to me but how about this. I make everything look good and put rugs and curtains over my half-done remodeling, sheets over the coffee stains on the furniture and a little air freshener almost everyplace. That way by the time she figures out is isn't so nice, I can blame her. Not hard to guess I've been a bachelor too long -is it?
  19. I Fly to San Francisco to meet my sweety and bronmg her to Tennessee in four days and I think this is worse than worrying about the interview. I've only had a year to get everything ready so I figure now is a good time to start. BUT WHERE?? I hired a housecleaner but she quit. In the past year I started four remodelling projects but I quit. I made a shopping list to upgrade from bachelor life to life with her and her daughter--you know more towels and pillows and dishes and-------etc.... but I lost it. I was going shopping for food but McDonald's was busy. I was going to clean and trim the yard but I can't find my tools in the garage. I was going to clean the garage but the boat is in the way. I was going to clean the boat but it is stuck in all the mess in the garage. I was going to---well you get the message---anyone else experience last minute to do's that don't get done?
  20. Yup---you are correct. But--maybe all the more reason to give them responsiblity and value. Nothing works the same for all kids. However, if what is being done hasn't worked in the past it will likley not work in the future. Raising kids it the most difficult and most important thing we ever do in life. Unfortunatley it is also the thing we are least prepared for. Our only experience is what we learned from our parents and as good as they may have been they never raised a child in 2004. I guess if it works do more of it and if it doesn't work--STOP IT. I can't tell you how many times I have talked to parents and teachers of a child who has been beaten and physically abused and the parents/teachers tell me no matter how much they whip the kid he still he just gets worse. Usually followed by the "maybe I should whip his butt more often" statement. Sometimes I think that kids grow to be good adults inspite of our parenting rather than because of it. One thing for sure, it is a full time never ending job--but well worth the effort. And I have never heard of a kid going bad because he was told he was worthwhile and loved. Well, my dog is acting up-i gotta go whip his butt---again!
  21. WOW!!~~! That is a can of worms. First let me say that the original post stated a problem with a child who has a new sibling and is jelous. As some of you know, I am a retired child psychologist. I have also succesfully raised 6 kids WITHOUT physical torture(and least not from me to them). Ok---new sibling-simple one--tell the child you need his help taking care of the baby---to easy??? Yup--but it is that easy. Instead of feeling threatened he will feel responsible and valued--HONEST. As for the whupass thing. Spanking is only effective if the child strongly identifies with the spanker. Reason is obvious-it isn't the spanking but rather the strong disproval that sets him straight. Personaly I think whippin's have the potential to do more harm than good--e.g teaches a child that the forcefull aggresive types win with violence. Having said that, I go back to the "if the child strongly identifies " statement. Discipline is a very positive thing for a child who is searching for right and wrong. The problem is most people define discipline as punishment. The word it self comes from "disciple"- to teach or to get to follow. So, an 'at-a-boy' is as much discipline as a kick in the head. Research in the area says that positives (at-a-boys) should out number negatives 8-1. Anyway, for what it is worth---discipline,yes---punishment,yes--spanking, maybe---whuppin, HELL NO
  22. As you all know our interview is over. But, I have a friend who has an interview soon. I can remember a thread that had something like 97 possible interview questions and I would like to send them to him. Does anyone know where they are posted?? Seems like now that it is over for me my brain has drained. Well maybe it drained before. Anyway, if some one can send me the stuff I would appreciate it. OH!!! My darlin' will be here next Thursday-anyone know any good housecleaners?? Maybe I'll leave it like it is so she doesn't get spoiled--Yeah right!
  23. Great stuff--congrats and rerlax. The hard part is over.
  24. Ling has booked the flight for her and my new daughter for next Thursday to San Francisco. I will meet her after she clears customs\immigration. She has only flown from zhanjiang to guangzhou a couple of times. Does anyone know what she should expect in Frisco? She is very nervous. Where does she go after she gets off the plane?? Will anyone there speak chinese?? Where can she meet me after she gets done with whatever she must do at POE??? Waiting room close?? I will arrive in Frisco 1 hour after her flight gets there. Will she be done with customs then?? As you can see I have many questions and i am sure i haven't asked all of them yet---So---who can help?? Anyone have the SFO POE experience??
  25. OK--thanks guys. From what i saw on the webcam it looked like it was made like that--BUT, Ling being Ling everything that may cause a problem is questioned and questioned and questioned and....... Now i can tell her to relax---until next week when she gets on the plane for the USA. She will find something else to worry about! Thanks all
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