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About olemanoman1950

  • Birthday 10/24/1950
  1. If your close to an Info Pass office. Make an Appointment and go in and explain your problem. They do have the authority to stamp an extension in her passport and add things to your case in the computer.
  2. My SO and I went thru the ringer with the I-751 removal. We had the interview Feb 28th in Newark, NJ. I took bits and pieces Oiginals and copies of all evidence I had as well as some photo's and a few extra things just in case. This wasnt a few minute interview it lasted almost an hour. Asked about pass marraiges, children, Tax records, bank assets, joint responsibilities, asked about travel, do you speak english, chinese Exc exc. Do you drive( I told the interviewer she drives from the passenger side like a back seat driver . Passport was stamped with a 1 yr ext for an IR-1 and 10 Yr G/C to follow 2 weeks to 6 month's. They said we did'nt have a bonofied marriage. But that's OK I knew we did just had to show them the evidence. I hope the lady didnt change her mind after we left. So as the candle tells you save your evidence even Dr receipts and prescription receipts, joint every thing put SO name on Gas and Electric bills, Phone bills, Tax bills, Medical insurance, Wills, Bank Statements, Checks, Credit Cards, Car Insurance.. be prepared
  3. Congratulations on your approval. Ours is in limbo. They say we don't have Bonafied Marriage. Waiting for an Interview to be scheduled.
  4. Totally amazed with the speed of things with my SO and Step sons I-751 progress. Sent application for removal of conditons 1/8/07. Received the Fee Payment receipt 1/18/07. Received the I-797 Notice of Action with the 1 year Ext 1/27/07. Received the Bar Coded I-797 1/27/07 Notice of Action for Appointment Biometrics .. Appointment 2/7/07. I did send all documents requested plus a picture of my SO, Step Son and Mother together at Thanksgiving.
  5. It won't hurt if you did go..I did and I remember adding information toa sign in sheet.it could hurt to E-mail Guangzhou a question or two once in a while.. I even went as far as to send them an E-mail thanking them for approving my SO's Visa... and Yes I got an answer saying ThankYou that they hope we enjoy our life together in the US...
  6. Just sent in the I-751 removal of conditions and supporting documents last week for my SO and Step Son. Just a warning to check the form dates. I almost sent an outdated form. Found out when a friend mentioned the Biometric fee's. So I checked and found out they updated the forms a month after I printed the old one out.. Thanks
  7. I made sure my divorce decree had the courts Signature and Seal. Better to be safe..
  8. My Nanning Wife: Will search for the cheapest items in the store ( J.C Penney a favorite I have the Card she says) Credit that is. Nike on sale only. Is very clean Drop a Crumb on the Floor and she's like the Hoover Vacumm... My Step son is Number #1 in her life she says must take care of him now so he can support her in her old age.. She will not eat the last of any food on the table without asking if I want it. ( asked her not to do that just eat it) Pleaded with me for 6 months to go to work to make money for Son's College and to Support her mother & father in China. Will insist that she Cook and Clean for Son and myself even after working all day. ( sometimes I get to cook American Food Son likes my cooking ) Wants to explore parts of America Made New York 3 times. Philadelphia Chinatown, Atlantic City 5 times . Washington DC is next I guess.... They like my RV in the N/W end of NJ.. Every lady she talks to is considered a Girlfriend. Wants to Visit China once a year $$$$$ in the Summer when flights are an arm and a leg. Can Honestly say that I would not trade her for anything. Though we have our Communication problems like most do we work it out... For those of you still waiting for your turn to make a list like this: It will happen, when you think it will take forever time will past rather quickly just communicate with each other as much as possible and always end the conversation with I Love You my Wife.. as you can probally tell my Wife has been gone a month now on her yearly visit getting a little sentimental. My wife if your reading this I Miss You...
  9. My opinion is that if everyone at the county level all the way up to the Secretary of State that signed and sealed your proof of being single then so be it. You were single!! No if and's or Buts. Stay Married to your SO and let things take their course..
  10. I'm lost on this one? Didnt you need a proof of being single signed and notarized by everyone but God. Surely there was some record of the 2nd marriage..
  11. My SO and I met in Sept. of 2003 and was Married Dec of 2003. Marriage time line was not a factor for SO and Son, of course I was there for the interview and did attend an American Citizen Hour and sent a few E-mails to the consulate asking questions mainly just to let them know I cared about my SO and Step Son. So I'm sure you'll get it worked out. Good Luck
  12. We had to take the green card and related marriage certificates to the Social Security Office for the SSN card. Seems they don't send it even though you probally indicated it on your DS-230 that you wanted one sent.
  13. Happy New Year to ALL and may the Visa's come in a Flurry for those still waiting.
  14. On all documents it said you need Original Signature. I photocopied my Wifes Signature and glued it to a new application and copied it I-130 and sent it in. I did have a new signed form just in case I got an RFE but it never came so i guess i got away with one. Because she's here now. So just have another ready just in case they do RFE you.
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