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Everything posted by yemmie

  1. OK, let me see if I can make this even more confusing to everyone. Just kidding. We are K1. I have been reading with great interest the information concerning on-line payment of the visa application fee. Is it possible for me to do this? If so, someone please tell me how to do it for K-1. I figure my girl is going to have a lot of running around to do, and I am planning to pay for all the various fees anyway, so if I can pay for any of these things on-line, it will be much more convenient for both of us. Thanks.
  2. Tom, I say if she is motivated, let her learn now. In America, the road to independence is literally paved in asphalt. If I had more time before my girl will arrive here, I might have encouraged her to do it too. I wish I had thought of it last year.
  3. As far as I can tell my girl does not shave her legs or arm pits, but she is nearly hairless in both places so I can never see any significant hair anyway. I really wouldn't care even if she had hairy legs, but I guess, if she did have hairy legs, she would fit in better in America if she shaved them. But, as I said, she doesn't have enough hair to bother with it. She does have beautiful hair in all the right places
  4. Question: We are getting ready for the big event in Guangzhou. I have gathered copies of tax returns, bank statements, etc. I'm not worried about my girl having access to these things, but should I black out part of account numbers, my SSN, etc so that other eyes can't see them? I'm thinking the Consulate staff can get that information if they really want it anyway so blacking it out would probably serve no useful purpose, but I'd really like to hear some other opinions on this issue. Thanks to all.
  5. Congrats. I'm impressed with how your wife presented herself.
  6. I'm on the fence about this. I am 51, have never had any children, so I kind of think I am really too old to have any children now. On the other hand, it would be her child, our child, so sometimes I think I want to do it. My girl is almost 45, and has a 19 year old son who will be coming with her to America. I have talked to her about, but I can't get a clear feel for what SHE really wants to do. Sometimes she sounds like she wants to have another, sometimes not. Often it sounds like she is trying to figure out what I really want so she can say that is what she wants too. And she has big plans for her an her son when they come here, plans that will be expensive and will keep her very busy. So, on balance, I'm leaning toward not having any more. I just wish I could really know what SHE really wants. Long about now, I'll bet she is thinking the same thing about me. What does HE really want to do?
  7. Once again thanks to all for your input on my question. Now I feel more confident about having enough time to get everything done without ending up doing something twice because I jumped the gun.
  8. Hey Guys, If the answer to this question is already posted somewhere please forgive me. I looked for it and could not find it. When we are preparing our documents for our K1 interview in GUZ, how far in advance can they be prepared and still be considered valid? I am interested in any and all: Bank letters, Notarized passports, I-134, certificates of marriageability, etc. I'm sure you all get what I mean. It would help to know how early is not too early so we don't run around at the last minute trying to get too many things together. David, I know I am asking a lot, but would it be possible to add this information to your kitchen sink list? Thanks to all.
  9. Congrats! I too, just got our NOA-2. Who knows, maybe our interview time will be at about the same time.
  10. I'm no lawyer, and I don't even play one on TV, but it looks like the section 3 part IV does give the government official the discretion to allow or disallow representation. If that is in fact the case, then the form G-28 needs to be revised to reflect this. The form found at: http://www.uscis.gov/files/form/g-28.pdf does not adequately define who will and will not be regarded as a qualified representative, and it makes no mention of any discretionary powers on the part of the government officials, at least that's the way I read it.
  11. Thank you both. Now I feel even happier
  12. I am very happy that I received my NOA-2 yesterday, but I am also a little confused by it. The form states: The above petition has been approved, and forwarded to the listed consulate. Please contact the consulate with any questions about visa issuance, or if you would now like them to forward the petition to a different consulate. The petitioner can also file Form I-824, Application for Action on an Approved Application or Petition, with this office to request that we notify another consulate of the petition approval for visa processing purposes. THIS FORM IS NOT A VISA AND MAY NOT BE USED IN PLACE OF A VISA. (I am a little confused. I thought after approval, the petition would be automatically forwarded to the National Visa Center for processing. Then, I thought they would send it to Guangzhou because that is the only consulate in China that processes fiancee visa apllications. I do not see any consulate listed on the notice of action form. And finally, I do not understand what they are saying about Form I-824. Do we have to file that to continue the processor is that used for other circumstances that do not apply here?)
  13. Hey Lost in Blue, I told my girl about the your classmate's wife from China and her studying business. She asked me to ask you what city they lived in here in America.
  14. Hello again, My girl asked me about your post again. She was wondering what city the woman who works for the international company lives in. I told her I would write to you again and try to find out. I have been having a difficult time explaining to her that, although the cities in Hampton Roads, Virginia are small, the ports are growing, and one could do very well in international business here.
  15. That's great news, I am really happy for you. Wish you all a long, happy, and prosperous life together.
  16. I'm not really replying to myself. Rather, I am here to give a progress report and to ask a question. I forget who it was that suggested the top bound folders for the I 129-F petition, but I liked them so much that I decided to use them for much of the kitchen sink because I don't want my girl to drop stuff and have all the papers go flying. So far, I have only really been working on the relationship stuff, but here's how I think I want to do everything: Folders: 1. Travel Info., Gift Info., Other Important Receipts 2. Phone Records, Letters, Cards, still pictures of E-cards 3. E-mails 4. MSN Conversation Logs (if possible, I will only use one 5. MSN Conversation Logs folder instead of two, but there are sooo many pages) 6. Pictures of us together in China 7. Pictures of us talking to each other on computer All pictures are actually in side bound presentation folders and have sheet protectors. All pictures were copied into a word document, 1-2 pics per page, and were captioned in bold letters. 8. A copy of my original I 129-F submission On the cover of each of these things is a label that lists each of the overall categories first in English, then under that a picture of it, and finally under that Chinese. What the hell, a picture is worth a thousand words. Travel Information (Picture of a little airplane ) ÂÃÐÐÊý¾Ý Gift Information (Picture of a gift wrapped present) ÀñÎïÊý¾Ý Other Receipts (Picture of a receipt) ÆäËûµÄÊÕ¾Ý Inside each folder is an overall table of contents listing everything in English and in Chinese, and each section has a table of contents and is tabbed for easy location. A duplicate set of all of these things. Maybe a CD containing all of the pictures, additional chat conversations, all of the still pictures of the e-cards For the rest of it - the proof of interview appointment, P3 paperwork, P4 paperwork, U.S petitioner paperwork, and blank forms - I plan to organize them into pocket type folders placed into some sort of accordian folder so the papers can easily be found and removed. I figure this way if she drops something, at least she'll know that anything that is loose is brand new stuff for the interview. And finally, everything will be placed inside an old camcorder case that has a shoulder strap and is just about perfect for this. Yes, she will get a sore shoulder, but she should be able to handle everything. I actually am making three copies of everything, one of which she will not take with her to the interview, but we will have for future needs. Now finally my question. Someone answered it before, but I can't remember and I can't find the post. How tall and wide is the opening in the bottom of the glass. So far, none of my top bound folders are more than 1 inch thick so I feel certain that they will fit easily, but there are so many pages of chat logs they will definitely be thicker. I am hoping I can use just one folder about 2 inches thick and that that will be enough. OK, hope I didn't bore you all too much, and I also hope you don't think my approach to this is insane.
  17. OK, I get it now. Thanks for clarifying it for me. It's a plan B for me because, my job here in the U.S. pays better. BUT, my job here is quite stressful and is not the most secure in the world. So, if something were to go wrong in the K1 process, moving to China would become a much more attractive option. But then I come full circle again - I'd like to be able to use my teaching talents here in the future too without having to jump through a bunch of hoops first.
  18. Thanks to you and Shenzhen for the info., but I am a little confused -what do you mean "Something doesn't ring true to that?"
  19. Hi Everyone, I am considering the idea of changing career paths, but if I do it, I'd like to try an unusual approach. I am a native English speaker, college grad with a BA, former holder of a HS level Social studies teaching certificate. What I think I'd like to do is check out the possibility of some sort of an exchange program in which I could go to China and 1. teach ESL and get paid for my efforts, 2. earn my internationally recognized ESL certificate in the process, and 3. be qualified to teach ESL in American schools at the end of it. I know I sound like I'm asking a lot but there it is. This is kind of a plan B in case I have trouble getting my girl out of China in a timely manner through K1. I figure if things don't go well, I could withdraw my petition, go over there for a while, get married, teach, and eventually we could file to come back to America through the already married path. Just trying to keep my options open, don't really expect any big problems, but you never know.
  20. Yes, thanks to you and everyone. I have read and saved for further reading much of the CFL faq stuff. But I do appreciate the reminder. I will continue to study all the materials I can find as I prepare my materials. As I see it, I have about 8-10 months to put it all together, plenty of time to do it right.
  21. Hi All, I am in the process of slowly, carefully preparing my kitchen sink. I have read the previous posts on this subject and have found them quite useful. I am still working out how many folders, what goes where, etc. In all honesty, my package will probably be more like ten folders. My question is this. Will there be any necessity to be prepared to give copies (for Guangzhou to keep of things like) phone records, e-mails, MSN chat logs? In other words, should I carry extra copies of relationship evidence stuff so that I can give them a copy and still keep the originals? If I understand correctly, I should be prepared to give copies of documents to them, or even originals of documents if they request them, but I'm still not completely clear on all of this. I really want to make sure I do everything right. It's making my head hurt. Oh wait, maybe it hurts because I keep banging the wall. No, it's the kitchen sink that's doing it.
  22. Make sure the emloyment letter is current. Assesing by your timeline, it may be a few months before the interview. I would have another printed and signed before the interview to reflect the date. Thanks Roger et al. Yes, I realize it is very early for this letter. I don't plan to get it signed until the interview date has been set and is close upon us. I'm just trying to gradually put together our kitchen sink so I won't have to scramble to get it done at the last minute.
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