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Everything posted by yemmie

  1. yemmie


    Congratulations! Enjoy your new life together.
  2. Good luck! Love will make all things come true. Ultimately, you will be together.
  3. Way to go. That's whate we like to see. PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My wife and I wish you all of the best.
  4. Congratulations! Very happy for you!
  5. Yes, I remember all of them. To think of them now warms me, makes me smile, and makes me want to cry a little too.
  6. No, I don't think so. They are raising the visa processing fees in Guangzhou (and other foreign soil U.S. embassies and consulates). Currently the processing fee is $131.00. It will increase to $350.00. So far, the $455.00 I-129F fee has not been changed. If you go to the Guangzhou site, you will see what I am talking about.
  7. Hi All, I need to find a good Chinese speaking accountant who is knowledgeable of Chinese and American tax laws. My wife has some stocks that she is buying and selling in China. We need to know how to go about getting the proper statements, tax forms, etc. to make sure we do everything correctly when it is time to file. We are living in Portsmouth, Va. Someone local would be good, but even a phone relationship would be OK. That is basically what I have had with my current accountant, even though his office is in Virginia Beach. Thanks.
  8. My wife and I filed K1 in December 2008. She and her son received their Visas in September 2008. I don't think the holidays bothered it too much. Correction, we filed in December 2007, got visa in September 2008.
  9. My wife and I filed K1 in December 2008. She and her son received their Visas in September 2008. I don't think the holidays bothered it too much.
  10. Hi Everyone, I have a question. My wife's family has sent us two packages the slow way by China Post (I think). The first was sent on 08/23/09, the second on 09/10/09 to Portsmouth, Virginia. So far, neither has arrived. I have been told by the family that there is no way to track them. Is it unusual for it to take this long? Any information or advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  11. I most certainly will! Thanks for the support! Pray for us! I may be too late to help you any. What we did was in two steps: for the original petition (I-129F) we each submitted a one page EOR/intent to marry letter. then for the interview in Guangzhou, I expanded my original EOR/intent letter, putting in more details from the beginning and updating it to the present. I believe I had that one notarized and she took it to her interview.
  12. Hi Everyone, You can all stop worrying. The American economy is fine, solid, prosperous. Don't believe all the media gloom and doom. Don't believe the unemployment figures, the housing data, etc. I bought a range hood from PACAIR after my wife arrived here. I have been trying since January to find someone who can install it. Many people have come here. Some have vowed that they would call with an estimate in a day or two. All have failed to do so. The all avoid me like the plague, not answering their phones, not returning my calls. My wife thinks America is ridiculous because, in her mind, it couild easily be done in China. (I wonder if she is right.) Admittedly, it will not be an easy installation. I live in a ground floor only condo on a concrete slab, with a neighbor living upstairs. The kitchen is all interior (no exterior walls), but we are reconciled to the fact that we will have to install the ductwork below the ceiling, running it through the divide between the dining area and the living/family room area (a length of about 26 feet) and still no one will do the job. I would do it myself, but I am not a licensed contractor, so I can't get the required license and I need approval from the condo board. Also, my back was ruined by my work so I can't do that kind of stuff anymore anyway. In fact, that is why I bought a condo in the first place. So, now we will be buying a gas grill and doing most of our cooking outside year round until and unless we sell our home and move to some place that was not designed by idiots.
  13. Hi all, I am not sure exactly the best place to post this. We are getting ready to go to DC to get my last name added to my wife's name on her Chinese passport in the way disussed here (also known as). There are two Chinese Embassy buildings in the DC area. I have been to the one where you get visas to visit China, but I don't know which one we should go to to get the "also known as" added to her Chinese passport. I have tried to find the information on the web site. I just got the embassy number and will call them Monday, if necessary but, has anyone here gone to DC to do this? Is an appointment necessary? Can it be done with same day service? Thanks
  14. Hi all, We are getting ready to go to DC to get my last name added to my wife's name on her Chinese passport in the way disussed here (also known as). There are two Chinese Embassy buildings in the DC area. I have been to the one where you get visas to visit China, but I don't know which one we should go to to get the "also known as" added to her Chinese passport. Has anyone here gone to DC to do this? Is an appointment necessary? Can it be done with same day service? Thanks
  15. Jesse here fought the battle and won. It's your choice whether to follow his lead, or to turn in a new I-693. It seems like just proving it WAS done isn't enough, unless you get someone to TELL them it's enough. Or you can hope the missing forms will show up - but I believe that for now, they want a complete I-693. Well, I did what I said I would do. I wrote a letter explaining everything and I copied and notarized the red examination/immunization book, and sent it to them. It took a while, but yesterday we got his 2 year green card. I don't know if they found the original lost documents or not, but it really doesn't matter. Anyway, this approach worked for us.
  16. Well Robeartoe, I wanted to type something funny this afternoon and this was the onliest thing I could think of. This mornin' Cuzin' Chawls school housed me on who to call and look up on the internet..dadgum if'n I hadn't forgotten everything. So, after 13 months I made the gal'dang call..sniff..sniff...I guess I have acted like a real nervous Nelly about this whole thing...butt...it wuz funny, and, it wasn't like I had bugged DHL to death wondering what packet our application wuz in. Actually, the whole point is moot, what with lil' Brer Rabbit and I jumpin' over the mop together in Shenyang on March 5th. Joanne and the rest of you guys, I thank you very much for your wishes. Me n' dat rabbit are gonna get together soon as there are many irons in the fire right now and they're all almost hot enough at this point to make a mark. Not much longer now. Good luck to everyone with their visas and or overcomes. tsap seui Tsaps see you in China soon , keep a cold one in the fridge for me (well a case) O---Kay, one case...coming up!!! tsap seui Tsap, I don't think I have ever written to you, but I need to now. You are an inspiration to everyone here. You and your beautiful woman (I know she must be because of the way you talk about her) have been through so much. If ever anyone deserved happiness, you do. I wish you a long and wonderful life together.
  17. I think there is more between those lines, err.. after that line Not quite. My wife has a SS number and we were not allowed to put her on my accounts at B of A because, although we showed them the card in person, it did not show up in the computers when they tried to do a credit check on her. I was told to wait about 60 days and try again. It has been about three months now. We will try again soon. I have just been too busy to bother with it.
  18. Yes, I am now paying the fee too. I called them and they explained it to me this way. They said they had been exempt from such fees under Americam Law until this year when Congress passed a new law covering any web based phone service that does business in the U.S. Sounds believeable.
  19. Yes, I think it must be cutural. My wife does this all the time, and you are right, sometimes it is very stressful, but I'm getting used to it.
  20. You cannot turn in the little red book; the I-693 has to reflect any immunizations in that book; If the CS did not reflect in the I-693 the immunizations, bring the book to the CS and fill out more completely... If I've misread/misunderstood, ignore all this. I was not considering turning in the little red book, but the book is proof that the exams and screenings were done in September 2008 in Guangzhou just before their interview. The information was in their file on the I-693 or they would not have been issued K1/K2 visas. I did the immunizations correctly here in America and had the Civil Surgeon fill out the I-693 properly, and sent the sealed information in with my paperwork to USCIS. So, now I am thinking I will try copying the red book, have it notarized and send it in along with all the information I have shared with you here and see if that will be enough to straighten this out. I am hoping they will find the documents in his or her files. If not, I guess we can redo the exams, but it really sucks because it is obvious that everything was done correctly the first time.
  21. Hi Guys, I have good and bad news. My wife got her 2 year green card today, no interview, but her son got a request for more information. Before they left China, both of them had their medical exams, but they did not get their vaccinations. I took them to a Civil Surgeon here and got their vaccinations done. The Civil Surgeon filled out all the necessary sections of the I-693, sealed them, and then I sent in all their forms in three books each, AOS, EAD, and AP. All of my wife's stuff went through with no problem, but her son's did not. They are saying we did not complete all of the sections of I-693 properly, and not all of the necessary screenings were done. Not true, they had all except the immunizations done in China, and I have a little red book for each of them that had all the exam results in them. I am thinking they either lost his medical stuff from Guangzhou, or they did not realize it was there, since they saw an incomplete I-693. So, now, what is the best way to overcome this? Do we go to a Civil Surgeon and have him do everything all over again? Do we go to the Civil Surgeon and see if he can transfer all the information from the little red book to the I-693 form? I don't think I want to argue with USCIS about it. I just want to do what I must to quickly take care of the problem. What do you think?
  22. Hey Guys, My wife and I got married in December 2008 after her arrival here in America. I filed a joint tax return for us, no problem because I was able to get her SS card in plenty of time. She made no money in 2008 so there were no complications from that. When we married, we changed her last name to her middle name and gave her my last name. We will be changing her passport to her new name shortly, and we have already filed all of her AOS, EAD, and AP documents in her new married name. She is very interested in playing the stock market in China. I have no problem with that. She has an existing bank account in China and she will be setting up an online trading account as well. Her bank account is in her name as it was before we married. Question:What should we do to avoid any identity problems when we go to file taxes next year? Does she need to change her Chinese accounts to her new married name? Thanks as always
  23. Hi Everyone, We are in the process of adjusting my wife and son's status. We got married in December, and filed I-485, I-765, and I-131 for both of them on February 14, 2009. I received notice for their Biometric appointments about two weeks ago. They will be here in Virginia not far from where we live. Today, I received another notice of action for my wife and son (I-797C) in relation to their I-485s. It says: Notice type : Transfer Notice This is to advise you that in order to speed up processing we have transferred the above case to the following USCIS office for processing: California Service Center, 2nd Flr, 24000 Avila Road, Laguna Niguel, CA 92607-0111. That office will notify you of the decision made on the application or petition. Please read the following information before attempting to contact the National Customer Service Center for an update: Please refer to the USCIS processing dates webpage, via the USCIS home webpage http://www.uscis.gov/graphics/index.htm, to locate the processing dates for the specific service center that your case was transferred to. If the service center is within processing time for your particular application or petition, USCIS cannot provide an update on your case. If the service center is outside of processing time for your particular application or petition, please call Customer Service at 1-800-375-5283 to request an update. Please contact the Premium Processing phone number at 1-866-315-5718 for inquiries. The 15-day Premium Processing clock does not start until the correct office receives the application or petition. Please see the additional information on the back. You will be notified separately about any other cases you filed. National Benefits Center USCIS, DHS P.O. Box #648004 Lee's Summit, MO 64064 Customer Service Telephone: (800) 375-5283 Does all of this sound normal? What does it mean? Are they foregoing the interview and cutting right to the decision? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  24. Hi Everyone, I was not sure where to put this two part topic. Here goes: We live in Hampton Roads, Virginia. I would like to find a good Chinese-American (bilingual) CPA. My wife has many investment ideas. I want to make sure we do everything correctly. I also would like to find a Chinese-American (bilingual) doctor for us so that my wife and son can easily communicate with him. I have done some searching on computer and have come up dry. If anyone has any ideas about this, please come to our rescue. Thanks.
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