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Everything posted by jkobman

  1. Carl, that's exactly what I told him - 3 times. It sure would be nice if they answered the EMails that we sent to them!!?!
  2. Good list - does anyone else have anything to add?
  3. Carl's right - hope for best, expect the worst, but the DHL pkgs. are unpredictable. They sometimes move fast, sometimes SLOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!
  4. I telephoned the Consulate. They said that people who are in the mid-April timeframe should probably look at an August or September interview - approximate times. They also said that the computers are boing updated which is probably slowing down things a bit. (it's evidently a security update - that sounds like fun!) He said that EMail is the best means of communicating w/ them - they are given priority over letter and fax. I told him 2 or 3 times that GZ is not responding to many of the EMails that are being sent. He said the unit should be responding to EMails w/in 10 days. I told him I have a EMail that is 20 days w/out a response and repeated that many EMails are not being answered. I had the same conversation w/ another GZ rep a while back. Again, he was polite, but offered the same "little information" response. Same old same old - "hurry up and wait." ___________________ This is a good representation how I am feeling tonight - I think the moon's full - YIKES! http://www.unc.edu/~dragon/wolfman.gif
  5. The DoS # is 202-663-1225 then number 1 then 0 It seems to work best to call about 8:45 am Eastern time - maybe a 5-10 minute wait.
  6. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! You deserve it!!
  7. GREAT quote Mark!!! Take a listen ..... http://www.barbneal.com/foghorn.asp Jeff
  8. Wedding Pix in China Anyone have photos take in China? Does anyone have any idea of the cost? I have seen the displays, seen the photo shoots, etc., but don't have any idea.
  9. hahahahahahahahahahha http://funreports.com/images/newsline/Laughing_Man_23.GIF
  10. ...and maybe the North Pole is the "workers paradise."
  11. GREAT! Looking at my timeline.....who knows? BUT, more importantly, do I win anything? Maybe a visa from GZ??!?
  12. I sure am glad we got to file through Vermont!!
  13. Take a look at this - hope ya laugh....... LOOK ALIKES!
  14. I am going to Nanjing to see Sarah 7/6 - 7/27. I am excited!! We are going to have the family party. Mother's family on Saturday and Father's family on Sunday. We are planning to visit Qing Dao for a few days. Man, I am ever excited! Maybe the P4 will arrive when I am there! YIKES
  15. To call another of our good friends in the US Govt, the IRS help line is 1-800-829-1040 Almost everytime I called, I got someone who knows what they are talking about.(Only one dumdum) If you are not sure if you have reached "DumDum Central at the IRS" , call twice. Also, ask them to give you a reference to their answer (tax code or something) so you can go back and refer to it. ...or, just don't declare it. WHo are they going to call, Beijing? ("hello, this is the IRS in Washington DC" ....(Chinese response) ...."Sir, could you repeat that?"......(same Chinese response 2x....3x.....)...." ad infinitum
  16. Thanks Turtle. I appreciate your work on compiling the list. I am depressed, so I am going to bed. (and p.o.'d about the visa issuance situation). THANKS EVERYONE! You CFL'ers are a good buch! THANKS!
  17. I really don't want to put in writing the anger I feel over my good friends in GZ - I guess a sarcastic remark is in order. As one of my friends at work said, "I asked for your help and you gave me so much more." Maybe it's "...and you didn't give me crap." Come on, lets get the P4's and visas issued! PLEASE!!! I'm paying taxes - can you please work with me."
  18. Turtle What is the source of your list? Thank! Jeff
  19. Bryan - if we're just around the corner, let's send Inspector Gadget - he WILL get our wives/fiancees over here! He can see around corners, fly, get visas - WOW!! http://www.cincinnati.com/freetime/movies/mcgurk/img/gadget_rev_175x211.jpg
  20. Brian - your dates are also close close to my dates - IF YOU HEAR ANYTHINS, please send a high voltage jolt to my keyboard so I will check CFL!
  21. Let's hope soon....I keep hearing a bunch might be released at the end of June.
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