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Everything posted by jkobman

  1. WHOOOPPPEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! http://www.notjustballoons.co.uk/acatalog/partyhat.jpg
  2. Great story - thanks for sharing it! http://www.fishfearus.com/Big%20fish%20w-girls.jpg
  3. Also, try this http://www.asiatravel.com/china/guangzhou/...u/victoryhotel/
  4. THANKS! I will download for Sarah! http://www.twoshow.com/on-tour/tour06/student-driver.jpg
  5. If I say YES to going to HK, will you pay for my ticket?? (hahaha) (I know, stupid comment, but I just had to say it!)
  6. Has anyone dealt with FlyChina? ARe they a good firm to deal with?
  7. Chris3 Our P3 -> dates are pretty close. Do you mind informing me if you hear anything from GZ? se-lang's P3 date is a little bit before us. THANKS!!
  8. Jumping into this late - but, there is racism w/ the visa situation. On the other K-1 sites, you see expiditious approvals for Western Europe and Canada. It even seems better for Mexico than what we're getting - they're better off than the Russian/China slow-mo visa issuance machine. Yes folks, it's the "R" word - racism for Asian, Eastern Europeon, Russian, and African fiancees/brides. Americans do not understand these regions. I teach middle/high school students - how much do we learn about the Chinese Dynasties, the history of the czars, Eastern Europe and African society and empires? We learn about the US and Europe. AND, mail order brides? Sure, it has been abused in the past (and in the present ), but how many "one day courtship/let's get married" marraiges are there in the US? Does knowing someone for an eternity guarantee wedded bliss? When you're in Las Vegas, see how many people are getting married. Look at the line at the Clark Co. (LV) Courthouse! ANDAND I spent almost every day for 2 yrs. with my ex-wife before we were married - after we were married, it seemed as if we didn't know each other. I am excited to be angaged to Sarah. Yes, I know it will be a lot of work. "No free lunch" for either of us. We'll both work hard and we will suceed! (Now I sound like Gen. Patton addressing the troops). I guess I get tired of hearing this stuff from people here in the US - OK OK, ENOUGH of my rant!!!
  9. Consulates at the White Swan Hotel US Consulate Gerneral Philippines Consulate General Royal Thai Consulate General When Sarah sent her P3 gack to GZ, her "Confirmation of Delivery" receipt from China Post it said White Swan Hotel instead of US Consualte or something that makes sense. I called and she sounded like she was going to have a cow. I had to explain that they sign the receipt as WHite Swan Hotel. The White Swan is supposed to be a nice place - pricey for China, but OK for US prices http://www.white-swan-hotel.com/eng/Public/index.asp
  10. Let's hope this lightens the work load at GZ and our paperwork get's processed/appts. scheduled!!
  11. ditto on the DoS info maybe call about 8:45 am EST
  12. From a less work/save time standpoint, wouldn't it be easiest to all of the RR to whoever volunteers space as opposed to deleting, ZIPing it, etc.? OR buy the space?
  13. Are you on the East Coast? I have flown through Newark, Philly, BWI, Dulles and Richmond, VA - all are Int'l airports.
  14. ...and best wishes for the interview! Go get 'em!!
  15. Run to GZ NOW!!! http://www.aperfectworld.org/clipart/cartoons/runner.gif
  16. Maybe thisis not RR, but I want to know... HOW MUCH CRAZIER WILL THEY GET IF THIS IS POSTED IN RR?
  17. Maybe it makes sense to do both - buy extra space and delete some of "old stuff", keeping the info/postings that contain important/useful info. The PayPal acct. is also a good idea, our $ in will help replenish "the fund." YUP!
  18. Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good !!!!!!! http://www.i-claudius.com/cartoons/graphics/joy.gif
  19. It's a good feeling when all of the paperwork is moving as it should. I hole you get your visa issued soon amd get her ever here! Congrats!!
  20. Carl, That's what I was told - "manpower only allows that a certain number of interviews being scheduled" and I think you are right - a couple of days can mean a real difference in time - BTW Carl and Bing, how's it going now that you're getting settled in??!?
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