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Everything posted by keelec

  1. Do you want me to have Irina send her a bottle of the finest Russian Vodka? 1 pint, and she won't worry about the interview one bit :D
  2. It is also the law in Russia (I think). There are real specific police stations along the road, and everyone knows where they are. And, whenever a car passes a police station / stop, they blink their lights at all of the oncoming traffic to inform them to be cautious. The Russian Drivers then make a big deal about buckling up before they pass the police station.... And, then make just as a big of a deal about unbuckling after they have passed. ---- Clifford -----
  3. Oh, Unfortunately, you still have a long road ahead of you. It could go smoothly, or it could be filled with additional delays. As you mentioned, HK is supposed to be better than GZ. As a minimum, you still have 4-5 more months waiting for the interview (don't forget somewhere between 2 weeks and 2 months at the NVC (National Visa Center). I think NVC has been improving lately. You can start making plans for a "wedding" in China or HK now. However, you might want to wait to make plans for a wedding in the USA until after the interview is scheduled (or, perhaps after she gets off the jet). For me, it has been nearly 10 months after the approval at Nebraska Service Center (NSC) and we still don't have an interview scheduled. Patrick' s fiancee is a month post-interview, and they are still struggling to get a visa. Anyway, I hope you have smooth sailing from now on. ----- Clifford ------
  4. Hey, Congratulations for getting past the first step. Wow, 9 or 10 months at CSC???? How frustrating. I wish you best of luck with the rest of the process. How did you manage to get Lai a visa to come and visit? I assume she returned to China after the visit. I know that this feeling is what makes so many things hard for all of us, but sometimes I wonder if it would have been better for her to just stay in the USA waiting for the AOS and green card. Unfortunately the INS looks at every overstayed visa as something bad to be avoided. Thus, had you chosen to keep your fiancee in the USA, a hundred other chinese women would have been denied visas. However, if they looked at the root cause of overstaying visas (in cases like this), it would show their own incompetence in making visas readily available through regular channels. In my case, I would have loved for Irina to have been granted a 3 month tourist visa to come and visit, then return home to await the perminent visa. However, now knowing the frustration caused by an endless wait, I would NEVER send her back. Anyway, I guess I am digressing. Best Wishes, Clifford
  5. Perry, Welcome, and good luck with everything. I assume you will find some organizations will recognize Fanny's previous education, and others may not. I am not sure about teachers. I do know that it is very difficult for Doctors to immigrate to the USA and continue working as an MD. Fanny could likely apply for a Master's of Education program and her undergraduate education would be recognized. After completing some education in the USA, many doors would likely open. She might also consider pursuing a job teaching Chinese at a college level if it interests her (might also require or benefit from a Masters or Ph.D., especially if she wishes to get promoted at a University). ----- Clifford ------
  6. Whew, Thank God, I am immune to developing cervical cancer Unfortunately such a study is fraught with conflicting hypotheses and too many variables to control for. For example, As with any STD, HPV has a "carrier", as well as a person who catches the disease. Higher activity in the carrier would be reflected by a higher infection rate. August???? Much of Europe heads out to vacation that month. Activities change. Blood flow changes, and perhaps for a few, sexual partners change too So, what could account for the peak of incidence in the summer? - 1 - New or "unique" Partners. - 2 - Warts (human papaloma virus) are deeply tied into the host's blood supply, and are likely affected by changes in blood flow. If there is a general increase in blood flow due to more outdoor activities, it is quite possible that the virus would also increase activity (in the male (or female) carriers). Even more surface blood flow due to higher temperatures would likely affect the activity of the virus. - 3 - Perhaps longer days would also affect blood flow, or otherwise increase the number of virus particles being exposed to - 4 - For women, the temperature of the "host regions" would likely stay about the same year around. That may not be true for male carriers of the disease. - 5 - Many diseases have diurnal or seasonal changes that affect the chance of propagation. "Colds" are much more commonly transmitted in the winter, fall, or spring, than in the summer. Mosquitoes carrying Malaria tend to hit much heavier at certain times of day than other times of day. ---- CK -----
  7. Hello Frank, Here are a few websites that I tracked down a while ago. I put the link up into the FAQ too. http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....t=ST&f=1&t=4117 There is a link to an older copy of the GIV-8. I don't remember looking for the GIV-24. The RichSun site had lots of stuff, but some of their scans were low quality. Good Luck, ---- Clifford -----
  8. Ok, Here are a bunch of P3 and P4 forms that I found a while ago. http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....t=ST&f=1&t=4117
  9. Don't forget the frequent commuter toll booth things in the USA. They electronically read one's car as one cruises by. I think there may be a similar thing for trucks and weigh stations now. Don't many cars now have built in GPS Locators... How long until banks realize how easily signatures can be forged (and how infrequently they are even checked). Fingerprint and other bio cards just make sense. Yes, this tracking technology is coming to us, and VERY QUICKLY. ----- Clifford ------
  10. Does anybody have suggestions of GOOD International Flower delivery services? I was browsing on the internet: $234 for 21 Roses :P :P The Agency I use has various boquets from $20 to $50..... Plus, I think delivery was $6 or so extra. I don't remeber how much it was when I was in Russia, but I thought it was about 1 rose / dollar. It all seems a bit high to me, although I have never bought many flowers. Any suggestions of good companies to go with? Thanks, Clifford
  11. Good Idea.... I think we need to institute a new "Poll Tax" When you go to the voting booth, insert your visa card before beginning to vote. 25 cents for every "D" $1,000 for every "R" vote :D
  12. Mike, Sorry to hear the news. Post your story sometime. Maybe someone will have some new revelations that will change your life. And, of course, we all like some juicy gossip..... My name seems to have gotten stuck with several gossip columns... 2 polls, 2 RR postings... Somebody even came up with the theory that I was a "closet gay" International marriages are tough, and perhaps require a bit more attention than domestic marriages. I am sure that our fiancees and spouses give up a lot to come to the USA and it is up to us to help them feel comfortable when they get here. As far as a divorce, I presume it can be done either in the USA, or in China, no matter where the original marriage was. It would be easiest with the couple in the same room, but presumably it could be done via phone, mail, and fax... Should this ultimately be necessary, hopefully someone else will have some real experience to share. ----- Clifford -----
  13. Keep us posted with what happens. As far as gifts.... I still think hand-made gifts hold something special for both the one giving, and the one receiving. However, that may not be the reality in all cases. There is a good discussion about gifts and Chinese culture under the "Ask Charlotte" topic: http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....=ST&f=13&t=4421 Best of Luck, Clifford
  14. Ok, In communism, there is no property ownership. In capitalism there is. Who owns the houses in a "transition" period between capitalism --> communism --> back to capitalism????? Does occupying a house during communism mean that it would remain that person's property in capitalism? Before critisizing a country's approach to property ownership and condemnation for public projects, it would be helpful to actually learn more about their approach to "ownership". Maybe this is something that Charlotte could enlighten us on. ----- Clifford ------
  15. This is one thing that I will never understand (of course, I am not dating a Chinese woman). I have always lived in a society where love can never be bought nor sold. Where gifts were intended as a reflection of LOVE. Where something hand-made was more cherished than the most expensive gift from a store. I don't think I will ever consider cash to be a gift...... (or cash disguised as gold coins). All that said, if a gift exchange is important.... Maybe look for a nice necklace or earrings. Maybe a good set of Craftsman tools for the father Just don't bring the screwdrivers and hammers in your carry-on ---- Clifford ------
  16. Very interesting commentary...... Ok, where do "Long Distance Relationships" fall into play, especially early in the relationship? I have looked for studies about divorce rates for Russian/Chinese - American mariages and have not been able to find much of interest. ------ Clifford -----
  17. I am glad to hear that she wrote to you. Send some money to get her telephone turned back on. Then sit down and have some long chats. Maybe plan something in China to "sweep her off her feet" and remind her why you got married a couple of months ago. Best of luck, Clifford
  18. Sounds like "Small Town America" ----------- Obviously one of the charges of government is to provide "order" within the country. Although, I wonder when the government will become more responsive to the needs and desires of the individuals. ----- Clifford ------
  19. Sorry, I am all for $3 / gallon gas. Actually, I would like to see a gas tax that would increase by 2 cents / month forever. Appy all revenue to the national debt. We need to encourage economy, and everyone will benefit. ----- Clifford ------
  20. Ummmm....... Just have FUN B)..... And, enjoy the time together :D:D That is what you are going there for isn't it? Best Wishes, Clifford
  21. 9/11 is not the reason for the visa delays, and anybody in our government who thinks it is the reason is a fool. There is nothing rational that can explain ONE AND A HALF YEAR delays to issue a simple (non-immigrant) visa plus another 2-3 years to issue the permanent visa. There is no explanation why some people can get their visas in 6 months, others in 18 months with the primary difference being the state where the American fiancé lives. Look at the 9/11 terrorists...... Every one was here on student visas or tourist visas (and, the students were actually enrolled in US Flight schools). Not a single one was here on a fiancée / spouse visa. Yet, in general, if a tourist visa is to be granted, it takes less than a month of delays, most of which is just scheduling the interview. Tourists from the Great White North.... Only need to wave a driver's license, no passport, no visa. Tourists from Europe are granted a visa at the point of entry, with the entire security check performed in the time it takes to walk from one end of the line to the other end. No, the real reason for the fiancée / spouse visa delays is just to aggravate our US Citizens. ----- Clifford -----
  22. The 1+ year seperation waiting for the visa can be a trying time for all. Many of you have heard about the problems that I have had with Irina recently.... No fights, just a misunderstanding, mostly due to her feeling "homesick" while in Russia even before the visa interview. We have resumed talking, and are now trying to "beef up" the communication between us. All that I can do at the moment is hope that the time and effort (and, yes, some money too) that I am putting into the relationship now will pay off in the future. It is possible that if David (a2396) continues to show unwavering, uncompromising love for his wife, it will make a big impression on her, as well as her family. Best Wishes, ----- Clifford -----
  23. Actually, I thought Carl had the computer in the BEDROOM One should be able to configure a video out from the computer to the TV if one wants. I am not sure of the best config. If your TV takes VGA input, then you might be able to put in a dual port video card in (or sometimes you can use two seperate video cards). Hmmm, think of the possibilities..... Carl, you could even go "High Class", and put in a projector to connect to the computer and project against a wall somewhere :D ----- Clifford -----
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