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Patrick & Li

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Posts posted by Patrick & Li

  1. My wifes family invited us for dinner on my last day there, and her uncle broke out this huge bottle with some kind of liquid inside with a bunch of big snakes inside the bottle as well. He broke out about 10 glasses and started pouring (only the men were drinking it) He offered me a glass and i politely turned it down. I could tell he was disappointed, but i told my wife i had to draw the line somewhere, and she understood.

    Anybody got a clue as to what was in that bottle besides snakes?




  2. I just spent 17 wonderful days in China with my wife. Now of course i am again feeling so anxious to have her with me. I sent Guangzhou an E-mail on 9-17-2003 and haven't gotten a reply yet. I sent them another on 10-9-2003. My documents have been in "Clearance Delay" for 23 days now. I know this isnt really a long time by most of the standards used by people here, But my patience is starting to get frazzled.

    Our embassy in China S U X !!! At least before you could track it from place to place. Now i am at the mercy of an incompetant bunch of morons!

    OK, I am through venting! :lol:


    Patrick & Li

  3. I hear there is a great place there that serves up wonderful banana pancakes.

    Yea, There are lots of Western style restaraunts there, but most of them are just western restaraunts in name only. Oh, They try really hard to imitate but 95% fail miserably. I found the "Green Lotus Cafe" to be very nice.



  4. I didnt ask for a Pre-nup, though it did cross my mind a time or 2 early on.

    I think some people here are over-reacting to SJJoe's comments. He is a legal expert and so he sees it from the legal side of the issue.

    Why does a Pre-nup bother you so much? If the marriage is a true loving marriage, it will never even mean anything. Luckily, I live in South Carolina, where the law says that whatever we accumulate together is rightfully 1/2 of hers and 1/2 of mine. Whatever i accumulated before i met her is mine only! My wife will enjoy the priviledge of living in a nice house, enjoy all of my assets that i accumulated long before i met her as long as we are married.


    Just my 2 cents worth, Patrick

  5. Monte,

    I too was utterly confused at the start, In fact i dont consider myself a veteran by any stretch. Everyday in this process i feel a bit of confusion, but everyday i also just jump in feet first and hope like hell i can manage. I learn a little from the other peoples posts, and i am constantly searching the internet for more information. A lot of the questions you pose i have no experience in, and some of the things you ask about have changed since i started. So excuse me if I or no-one else here gives you the answer you are looking for, but the reason probably is....We don't know!

    I only answer questions that i am certain that i know.


    Patrick & Li

  6. Just got back from Yanshuo city( not sure thats spelled correctly) We went there instead of the traditional Guilan. My wife got a tip that it was as beautiful but also much cheaper. She was right! Wow! It was kind of like a hamlet or nice resort type town but with many Western theme places. Li and I went down a river in a bamboo boat that was just the most romantic and peaceful ride. I also visited a Budhist Temple, Which was unique to say the least. We enjoyed our 3 days there, it gave a her a bit of a taste of Western society. I have a few pictures i'd like to share once i get home and download them to my computer.


    TimD, Are you interested in adding a few of these pictures to your web site?


    5 more days and i have to leave my sweetheart, Hopefully our P3 will get here soon.


    Patrick & Li

  7. I love China. I love the people and the culture, but as in all things that change, sure enough there are things i also hate.


    I hate squatting to use the toilet.


    I hate people who cut in line, Ohhhh, I don't know how many times i have come so close to slapping someone for cutting in front of me...LOL!


    I am in South China, and i hate the heat and humidity. It is oppressive and my wife has no airconditioner!


    I hate the fact that everything can be cured with Chinese medicine. I have taken a bucket load of chinese medicine and only been here 1 week. Yuk!


    I hate the fact that i have no cream for my coffee!


    I hate the hard beds!


    I hate being looked at as if i was a zoo creature.


    I hate bus rides!


    I hate chinese TV!





    I love my wife!


    I love the innocence of the people!


    I love their interest in the American culture!


    I love Taxi rides,


    I love the cost of anything! :blink:


    I love the availability of all fruits and vegetables!


    I love the buffet at Iceland Thai restaurant, $6 for all you can eat with many western foods.


    Oh yea, I love my wife!


    :P :) :)


    Patrick & Li

  8. Well, I am an American and quite proud of it. But this sickens me. But you must all realize that this isnt a reflection on the American society as a whole. This person is irresponsible and must be real immature to do this to this poor lady. I am sorry for you, and I think Enight is correct in saying that you are better off going back to your country. INS will not allow you to stay legally, and if you choose to stay illegally then your hardship will be even more i suspect.

    Once again, I am sorry for you, and i wish i could help you.



  9. Hey Dave, Facts is Facts! Our Gov't officials wanted thsi documentation because it involved Human studies. You cannot similate studies with Lab rats like you can Humans. So we agreed to turn over some of this documentation in exchange for this information. Wouldn't you agree this was wrong? I mean we put our own greed for this type of info in front of what was morally correct. Just my opinion bro, But the Facts is Facts stands!


    Patrick :lol:

  10. I have known of this date for quite a long time. Unfortunately the USA played a small part in this atrocity. When the world courts were trying to convict these war criminals, the US had all of the documents needed for convictions to certain high officials, but instead of turning them over to these officials we instead traded them to the Japanese for the documentation they had while using the Chinese as guinea pigs. The information that the Japanese had was similar to what Germany did with the Jews by experimenting on them. So now all of the documentation needed to convict was or is in the Japanese hands.

    We as a country also owe the Chinese people a huge apology, and i will be the 1st to say i am Sorry! I also believe though that the past is just that, it is gone. I didn't participate in any of this, but i have no problem apologizing for my Gov'ts wrong doings!


    Sincerely, Patrick

  11. Call DHL. there is a 1-800 number on there website. You have to figure out how to get hold of an operator from all the prompts but once you get one ask about the particular mailing for your date. Find out all you can; weight, number of packages, etc. and ask for a waybill number that you can use to track.


    Do you happen to have that website handy?


    I'd appreciate it.


    Thanks, Patrick

  12. Oh man, I am so excited! Just got off the phone with NVC and they told me that my Visa had been approved by them and had been sent to the Consular office in Guangzhou.

    I understand from what i have read here that this also can be a long process from NVC to Guangzhou. How do i find the "tracking number" that i have read about here. They told me it would take from 10 to 15 days, Yea! Like i believe that!

    But gosh i am sooooo excited. Any help would be appreciated.


    Thank you, Patrick

    :D :lol: :P :) :) :D :lol:

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